You broke him

You broke him

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He's just going to come back with more of those life beating him up comics

Anyone know what this guy looks like IRL?

I'm thinking his a tall, gangly, skinny soyboy with a Phil Fish-esque face, but I just want to be sure.

his personal soul crushing defeat will bring 100+ anons just a tiny little sliver of happiness today so, eh, the net happiness in the world will increase

is it a tranny?

Cuck bike.

I lol'd

new ben garrison in the making?

Cike Buck

We may have made this guy upset, but it made us more happy, so the net happiness in the world increased. So, whatever....


Also why do numales always talk in a catty passive aggressive way? Almost like a....woman.

>I'm sorry for bad opinions and priorities that I hold
Like come on this sounds like what some middle aged mom or some girl accused of being a slut would say if she got called out.

What a soft, weak faggot. Just like all of the readers of his comics.

Doesn't even have the decency to claim burnout, he fucking goes "I'm in a bad place and I need time to shove things up my ass and watch Rick and Morty and drink Starbucks. I hope you all understand! Toodles! :) "

By the way, what "bad opinions" does he supposedly hold? Does anybody know?

can someone give me a tldr on who the fuck this is and why I should laugh at him

It's the soy in them

Guy is a cuck Sup Forums cheer him out by making edits of his comic and now he is sad.

Fucking Kek. This is the best part. We may have ruined these "people's" "lives" and in the end we lack the attention span and ability to care who they are. Forever to be forgotten

They are effeminate in their small souls

Someone post his Gay comics

He was being really faggy.

Who cares, the guy is a numale faggot cuck that takes down any comic because someone claimed to be triggered or felt uncomfortable and he wants to be a good cuck.

Maybe is he wasn't a cuck. Hope he doesn't come back.

it's okay when someone steals your bike because they need it more than you


I would assume the "bad opinion" in question is essentially him writing off the loss of the bike by claiming it improved the overall happiness of the world.


Afaik he's another cucky web comic artist that Sup Forums made edits of. He had a comic that said you shouldn't get angry when nigs steals your bike because they need it more than you do.

He made a liberal web comic. In it he explains that while being cucked his happiness might go down but his wife and her bull are both happy so its actually a good thing because that means the worlds net happiness has increased.

Hes a literal cuck loser who everyone laughed off of the internet.

Not as effeminate as I thought desu.

Thanks user.

Soyboy here , we do it to appear non dangerous and reasonable, like we don't actually care you know? all good my friend, Sorry if you think bad about me you know consider your opinions too

He's just too intelligent for you guys


>implying all comics artists aren't unhinged, deranged degenerates

If people like this didn't exist, satirists would invent them.


Literal cuck mentality

>my people got shoahed recently
>I was pretty bummed out about it
>but I think whoever gassed them was probably more happy to do it than I am sad to lose them
>the total happiness in the world increased
>so, whatever

>when /pol hits you with ye good ol Zyklon Ben attack, but you are a soyboy faggot so you go down in flames

I'll tell you what really makes me happy is burning down houses. The happiness I derive from burning down houses is greater than the happiness that individuals get from living in those houses. Most are insured, anyway.

So, whatever. :)

muh utilitarianism

>literally who?


so what's the edit?

>actually using chinkshit maxthon
wew lad

Also this.


And this.

he's right tho



I saw a guy stealing the bike yesterday at 2am. I was gonna call the cops but I thought he was probably pretty happy than I am worried. Im sure the owner would understand.

top fucking zozzle m8, post more

Oh! This homo. Kek. I actually like his art style, shame about his faggotry. Hopefully he's quitting because he will rebrand himself as our new redpanels

>someone trolled me today
>i felt pretty shitty about it
>But when i think about all the happiness the troll feels compared to how miserable i am, it increases the total happiness in the world
>so i just ragequit.


And the cop was probably happy too that he wouldn't got dispatched to another dinducrime.


This one.

they're the forgotten cookie cutters of life

pig fieri



Would read again.

I always liked his little comics because I thought they were just sarcasm, or hyperbole for the sake of humor.

Knowing that he actually is emotionally invested in these makes them seem like garbage to me now, also cant read now because his cuckery has been revealed

and so his wife really cheating on him, was what broke him?
also do you have the one with the abortion?





And this.



10/10 kek'd

IS this the true face of Sup Forums?




Replace internet with Sup Forums and it will be 100% accurate.

Good job, Sweden.

this comic is every single one of his comics

this is

He's pretty hit-or-miss desu, and recycles some jokes too much.

Really not too bad though. There's far less talented and worse artists out there (the Assigned Male abomination, for instance)



This is what I saw when I first read the comic anyways!

I like this

"I'm sorry for bad opinions"
bugmen, everyone


kek, the first edit I did, never knew who the guy was, nor did I cared

Literally who

Rules of nature.



Literally who


>Comic gets some edits making fun of him
>Get emotional inestable

Why the soy make this?


His style is completely indistinguishable from owlturd and he appears to be just as spineless.

Oh, it's the same guy.