
The last living head of state that shook Hitlers hand is on his death bed.

Will he live to see 2018?


nici nu stiu ce se petrece in familia aia regala..

Mihai sold the country to the bolsheviks alongside his kike loving dad that killed Codreanu in '37. Can't wait for his live televised torture

Mannerheim is in cryogenic suspension still, so technically alive. But you didn't hear that from me.

>his kike loving dad that killed Codreanu in '37
Antonescu killed Codreanu. Codreanu was a flaming faggot anyway, probably he and Carol were gay lovers.

Link la server de discord: 8Huvsnh
Sup Forums romanesc pe scurt, de un an.

Wasn't he a huge retarded who trusted the allies and got burned hard?

you mean the soviet horde? Or the americans that said they will not let the communistt ake over Romania? Or the brits that literally sold Romania to Stalin?

Is he sick or what? Did I miss something?

Dumb cuck

>Or the americans that said they will not let the communistt ake over Romania? Or the brits that literally sold Romania to Stalin?
Exactly. The eternal anglo is not just a meme.

>The eternal anglo
the most disgusting human to ever walk this world. The left americans are right when they say that white people are shit if they refer to anglos


care e faza cu legionarii? de ce sunt asa iubiti de soy boyii de dreapta din Romania? Au murit impuscati in santuri in timp ce comunistii au pus mana pe putere si au distrus tara

Does this mean there's still hope?

Redpill me on PSD.

au murit ucisi de Carol. prima data in '37, cand a fost ucis Codreanu, dupa cativa ani mai tarziu, miscarea se destramase si Carol ia eliminat de tot.

Nici nu au apucat sa se formeze in razboi.
Frumoasa momeala btw. Esti un galatean care cacatposteaza?

The Anglo is immunised against all dangers.

nu e nici o momeala. Legiunea a fost o penibilate formata din retarzi care mai bine ar fi murit la Stalingrad. Puneau jidani in carlige in loc sa omoare comunisti si sa apere patria

except population replacement ahmed?

fuck trump

Go fuck yourself you gypsy mongrel

>the most disgusting human to ever walk this world.
No, that's romanians

says the country that willingly allowed africans in.

>a germanic taking anglos side against latins
hon hon gitanes

Go fuck yourselves italian wannabees.
t. italian on vacation



Watch out for those islamic trucks , Mademoiselle.

> italian on vacation
how is the mafia business going nowadays?

Fuck off froggo