There is a massive deception campaign in the US and in its global propaganda...

There is a massive deception campaign in the US and in its global propaganda, which seeks to portray the United States as a poor set-upon nation that would like world peace, but just has to keep a military stationed around the globe to “police” all the world’s “trouble spots.”

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

That truth is that the US is the biggest warmonger the world has ever known.


fuck off jew. Israel won't exist soon

It would be great if the U.S military were actually pro White and took back Turkey and gave it back to Greek government.

What else are you gonna tell me? That the earth is infact not flat?

Bro u just mad u got cucked after losing two world wars that u can't pursue ur own self interests anymore lmao at least be successful in it
>tfw le 56% face rules the world
wh*Tes eternally BTFO

thanks, captain obvious

Th-Thank you for your service hector and jose.

Whoa this is so deep I never considered any of this before my mind is blown. ive been in the matrix this whole time it's like I'm just waking up and beginning to see reality. Thanks for sharing this insightful information all of the people over the age of 16 have never conceived before. Fuck Chris Angel, they should call you Mindfreak.

There is a massive deception campaign in Europe and in its global propaganda, which seeks to portray the Middle East as a poor set-upon land that would like world peace, but just has to keep killing innocent civilians around the globe to “stop Islamophobia” in “the west.”

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.