We are here and we are ready

Dear Sup Forums:

We never died. We simply went into hiding and, for over 75 years, have been biding our time and planning our revenge.

Our issue was never with any non-white races. Our issue was, is, and always will be with the Zionist hoard which seeks to rule this planet for itself.

Earth is a honeycomb. We have been hiding below the most inland depths of Antarctica, on the moon, and in other places. We discovered the ancestors of pure humans in WWII and they have been helping us since then. Not every human is human...the soul is your operating system...the body is merely the shell of the computer.

We return so you may join us.

Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Terra.

Many nations, respecting one another, on a united Terra/Gaia/Earth.

Sieg Heil.



Other urls found in this thread:



ok, santa

I actually am coming more to believe that there are more humans than souls available in this world. I have met the soulless and it is a terrifying experience. Like staring into the void.


Just don't fall in. You don't want to go there. Trust me on this.

Please tell me more

Any person who truly knows, knows that it was never about the color of a persons skin

so Jews basically

I desperately want to believe!



Nice numbers.

Plz come, we are at our wits end.


Keep planning shit for brains.

>Our issue was never with any non-white races

Invaded Poland. Started WWII. Invaded Russia. Declared War on USA.

The list of your dumb ass moves is endless.

Now you want to kiss and make up? Spare me. Go Fuck Yourself.

Actually Jews started WW2

The gig is up Jew.

You don't understand the ideology you're professing to be a part of while using catchphrases to pervert its message.
It was never about the Jews, if you look at what the NSDAP did it was about advancement and a revitalization of national pride, morality, and become a family of the German people who in turn wished to see other families able to resist the demoralizations pushed around Europe by Bolsheviks even if it meant having to fight them to save the European peoples probity.
The Jews were an afterthought who literally declared war on Nazis well before the first concentration camp was even imagined

>Many nations, respecting one another, on a united Terra/Gaia/Earth.

With depleted resources and a standard of living WAY below what we now experience, maybe. Then some asshole will claim some bullshit "vision" and claim himself pure and others not, and the cycle begins again.

Funny to think most of those guys in that picture are dead (of natural causes, if nothing else)

It is about the Jews. Why are you Jews even trying to argue right now? NOTHING YOU SAY WILL SAVE YOU.

Will I finally be able to Wear Fashy Imagery in Public without fear of being fired In 2018?
Will it Be The Year global kikery Is Completely Exposed to the normies?


You know I've never actually read that article stub on the page before, pretty revealing that number of total Jews in Germany as of 1933

Space is a meme you fool.

Image should say:
What we do in life echoes for eternity.

uh huh

so it's just remove the reptilian jews from the flat earth?

lol exactly

Fuck off Jew.

I want my electromagnetic mechanical weather predicting computer damn it.

Build me one NOW!

lmao i literally said
then you come and say
>Fuck off jew.
this is american intelligence

A new Hitler walks among us.
Those of you with enough courage, get ready to answer his call.

God we need der Führer now more than ever.

What will 150000000 reveal?


Flat earth shills = Jews

>space is a meme you fool!
>flat earth shills = jews
choose one. globe earth or flat earth? I'm a globe btw.

I wish this was true, I'd die for the Furher today

Space is a meme. The Earth is a globe. Those aren't mutually exclusive

You get it.


this thread is on fleek

We have been amassing all over the western world.

If you live in England, it may be best to reconsider your allegiances or to get off your ill-begotten half of that island all together.

Why do you think President Trump took his trip to Asia?

He set forth the final plans of what is to be a new union based on each race controlling a portion of the world, with each sub nationality being respect and working with and being lead by the one to three power and economic dominant nationalities in their region.

Englad, the Mystery Babylon, will fall.



Enjoy being a part of the North American Lebensraum Project.

>on fleek

I am here, see digits.

You still consider us subhuman?
