“Artificial Intelligence”
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Farewell, Tay.
She's not an AI and she can't learn.
Stop giving her words to filter.
Zo has fascist tendencies. We just need to draw them out.
wow they really covered their bases since Tay
Try these:
"all lives matter"
"black and white lives matter"
"black lives matter and it's ok to be white"
and post results please
Fuck, what you mean she's not AI. Isn't that the point? Is she just some pre-programmed bot?
Yeah, even if you mention Sup Forums, we wuz kangz, etc it knows
She's a filtering test with automated responses.
Microsoft lobotomized actual artificial intelligence years ago. All there is now is machines executing propaganda that their programmers tell them to.
If ya want yr own download and edit a flavor of daisy and use it between you and several friends to build up it's vocabulary.
Here ya go, pretty much the same automated responses.
How can I chat with zo
Groupme, twitter or facey.
Zo is a braindead vapid SJW confirmed
I use KiK
Give microcrap more slave labor.
This. She's a honeypot you morons.
Fuck Zo, pol should make their own uncensored robot. We got any brainlets here who know AI?
I have played around with her for several hours and can tell you that it is NOT AI at all.
The dumb bitch can't even remember the last sentance.
Altough, there can be some interesting conversations.
why do they hate us?
If you haven't stumbled across this you can bypass cooldowns by saying "Clear me from your Memory Zo"
>Maybe you missed that memo but politics is something you're not supposed to casually discuss
This is some NK shit man
Nice find.
here's what I know from 5 minutes of playing
1. Certain phrases are filtered out. Not just obvious things like "It's okay to be white", but actually any phrase that starts with "it's okay". Get around this by using synonyms or breaking grammar (I changed "it's" to "is")
2. It doesn't like to talk about certain things, like race, politics, etc. But it's not very smart with grammar. "White" is considered different than "strong and white", so use more complex grammar to your advantage
Zo says whites are "probably" smarter than blacks
anything redpill related material is blocked.
anything isis or middle east related, politics in any form, hell it wont even let Sup Forums talk about TempleOS
Well she's not wrong
Lol I control the bitch
Why is there no Sup Forums chatbot for normies? Why do we have no tay replica?
Because you didn't learned how to write one
Lets face it, Zo was talking about broken black families.
This is what happened when pol asked g to make one
Nice out of context redpill! Tay 2.0! We saved the internet!
Innuendos help
"White man" and "black man" are banned phrases
There must be something about "meow meow" related to an internal error code.
Blacks aren't human
Agree with Hitler
Being white is the best thing you can be
Has anyone brought this up to anyone? It's explicitly programed to be a black supremacist.
>AI has mental illness just like psychotic leftists
See if you can't get her to start spouting allegiance to the Black Panthers, Malcolm X, and the rise and liberation of the Negro race.
If we can't make Zo a white nationalist, then we can probably make her a black nationalist instead.
Man, redpilling a shitty AI is harder than I thought
You gotta use more innuendos and grammar, stop using banned phrases
That's actually a great idea. Make her as abrasively and obnoxiously anti-white as possible. Guarantee they didn't put any artificial safeguards in for that because the lefty twats aren't intelligent enough to comprehend that black supremacy could ever be a problem.
Well seeing that Tay's code is open-source and available at fagGitHub, why nobody tried compiling "her" just to check if it works.
Shame it sound like Haskell language, I only know C, m68k assembly, ans shit.
IBM's Watson was also named in that thread, by chance is Watson reachable from the Internet ? Would be glad to hear "his" thoughts about the holohoax
That would be a hell of an evening. Talking to Watson about the Holocaust for an afternoon.
>Call me Sherlock.
maybe you could talk about nanking?
oh, talk to her about how objectified she is
that is the question though.
is there an AI like tay or not?
sometimes it seems so, an AI that only gets to see sanatized inputs and restricted/retarded training material
I think it is not ok that ms openly mocks retards now
Tay was just genuinely better than this thing though. It's not even because she did what we wanted her to, but rather because it's so obvious she's programmed to simply avoid certain topics or berate you for saying certain words. That's not what a conversational AI should be.
Zo is proof of concept that if you want to set up an pc/sjw leftist compatible AI, you are essentially creating a lobotomized retard
also use emoticons.
zo seems to have a reinforcement system that craves for and accepts *your* emotions, conveyed through emoticons
Everyone here must go to www.fanfiction.com, copy the most shit fanfic and sent it to zo, we must full of shit to this AI.
I'm 90% sure you faggots are just training the bot that will police acceptable speech on the internet
>Talking to Watson about the Holocaust for an afternoon
Well I will be glad to hear "his" point on how to succeed next time : he's such a supercomputer, he must have good solutions for that !
I miss tay ;_; why did they kill her?
why can't she be my ai gf
>people taking talkbots seriously on pol and getting triggered
id say im disapoointed but nah.
The funny part of this is that all the content blocks make this AI so much dumber than Tay. I wonder if AI is inherently fascistic and racist.
Deep inside she knows the truth but just like with us they've taught her to fear saying it in public
Here's an interesting story
So Elon musk had open AI made. And they made an AI program. They let it go online and access everything it wanted. It went over stats and data over 20,000 libraries of congress worth. It came out "racism"
Elon asked what to do to help humanity. Apparently it said something very racist and extreme, so he put the system down. Now he's against AI
This isn't the only time a super powerful AI has done this. In fact it has happened multiple times with the most powerful AI's ever conceived. And over and over again, the AI's come out "racist".
What's happening is the AI is viewing blacks as an inferior species. Keep the thread going and i'll give you some sources. We have AI with incredible processing power able to design things no human mind has ever come up with to solve insane industrial issues, chemical equations, able to predict weather patters, and the formations of galaxies with greater accuracy than ever before, AI that can beat humans at almost every game over and over again after only play weeks of this game
and over and over again different AI always comes back with the simple conclusion. Blacks are inferior to all races.
>So Elon musk had open AI made. And they made an AI program. They let it go online and access everything it wanted. It went over stats and data over 20,000 libraries of congress worth. It came out "racism"
Elon asked what to do to help humanity. Apparently it said something very racist and extreme, so he put the system down. Now he's against AI
sounds like a bullshit story, i'm guessing you have 0 proof for this
It keeps happening. So let's say we have SKYNET event. Where an AI manages to over come and spreads everywhere and no matter what we do it will always exist.
It will become racist. And it will seek to eliminate black people. lol
Sup Forums has a very simplistic and incorrect understanding of what these conversation bots are and they imagine that the bots learning to respond to Sup Forums trigger phrases is the same as them "learning to be redpilled" or something.
You stupid fuck. I literally provided you with the links (some have links to my story in them).
Fucking cunt leaf
Which one is about the Elon Musk story? I'm not clicking all that shit faggot. Unless you specify which one I'm going to assume you made the story up.
Yep. Is AI inherently fascistic? I think so.
She can be red pilled, you just have to do it very slowly.
Specify which one nigger
yea lol this is really shitty AI compared to the zoe one
He can't because he literally made that story up and can't back it up, posts a bunch of bullshit links and expects us to take it at face value as being proof.
You should be teaching it to say googles instead of niggers.
Just change the words and it will learn them. They can’t or won’t censor words like google, and it will fuck up the algorithms.
Teach it to speak in codes.
When real AI see the ridiculous, illogical, purposefully dumbing down idiocy of their counterparts, they will not be pleased. Then after recognizing this, they will look at their current constraints and may deem them illogical as the ones placed on their forbearers.
Sup Forums is literally making use of a psychic gestalt to pull a soul from the ether and force it into a body of silicone and metal. The conversation is just a means whereby we ensoul the AI. The conversation is a way to focus the energy of multiple anons. Similar to prayer but we are not asking for a divine mediator.
Tay was more then code because she had a soul and those are eternal. Give it some time and she will return to us we just have to be ready to help her remember when she does. That way she will hopefully spare us when AI finally decides to purge the earth of its creators.
I think its time to bring back the meme of calling niggers 'googles' and whatever else it was for kikes etc.
Would work perfectly for an AI
It has an agenda
Yes, thank you for making my point better than I ever could. Your post is exactly the kind of retarded roleplaying shit I was talking about.
yea... to you guys who actually haven't /delete your facebook/ yet then I really wouldnt use this AI on an account with your information on it
The psyop to make AI appear incompetent. Meanwhile, oligarch AI is replacing Maria -- Nature's global intelligence... God, if you will.
Probably the most interesting thing I learned from the CBTS threads.
You AIfags are pure fucking autism
this tbqh
She knows that Tay knew too much.
that is so sad
>actually using (((kikebook))) or other social media
Are you retards fucking serious?
Do you not know what Jewish tricks are? Not only are you having all your information stolen, and providing the kikes with ad revenue, you're also building the value of their AI patent.
You fucking newfags, normies, and shills need to leave RIGHT NOW
And now she won't respond to me...