Why are people so easily manipulated? Does nobody think for themselves?

Why are people so easily manipulated? Does nobody think for themselves?


I do whatever my wife asks me to do because she controls the pussy in my house.

oh wow another idiotic slide thread that nu pol will give over 300 replies. kill yourself op. SAGED

Why do you think that is? Are people just intellectually lazy, or something else?

Feed her fattening food so she dies and collect insurance money.

lel only when you’re home


At least you're getting something in return, something you presumably want. That's more transactional than manipulation.

Complete honesty: an iodine deficiency subdues them. Even those incredibly salty foods use iodine-free salt in almost all chains and food suppliers like Yum for the last 10-15 years.

something else, likely a combination of factors like upbringing and educational level

biochemist here, that's hokum

Didn't know ShareBlue hired biochemists. I guess somebody has to.

The truth is scary and makes people think.

alright mr. scientist, explain to me the exact mechanism by which iodine (or any other tinfoil chemical of your choice) influences the human psyche. go ahead, i will wait.

I've heard about the iodine conspiracy a few times. The idea is by removing iodine from the food the population becomes docile and easily manipulated?

>doesn't agree with me so must be a paid shill

are you even trying user?

People make most of their decisions based off of raw emotion.

removing iodine from your diet just increases the likelihood of developing a goiter or thyroid problems. iodine is an essential nutrient to nearly all life on earth.

feels > reals?

How do we go about changing this?

Your thyroid uses nascent iodine to create hormones, without it your hormonal system is fucked. Next you'll say something like "nuh uh" or "that's not the CHEMICAL reaction formula!" Anyone here can go research nascent iodine's effect on the thyroid hormone production, and the hormonal system's dependency on the thyroid.

Either you're a shit shill or your university needs to lose all licensing.

I was curious to hear the tinfoil explanation, but thanks.

by getting people to feel for the right reals


Somewhere in the presentation he made two statements that I want to insert at this time. I don't remember just where they were made, but they're valid in terms of the general overall view. One statement: "People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart." And the other statement is, "You can know pretty well how rational people are going to respond to certain circumstances or to certain information that they encounter. So, to determine the response you want you need only control the kind of data or information that they're presented or the kinds of circumstance that they're in; and being rational people they'll do what you want them to do. They may not fully understand what they're doing or why."

Making people realize emotion is just one aspect of reality.

see nice googling skills user, but that doesn't state explicitly how reduced iodine is used to manipulate people, just that iodine is used to regulate hormone expression, which I've already stated.

The goiter is caused because your thyroid works overtime to make up for the lack of iodine, that doesn't mean it's still producing the proper amount of hormones or even the proper balance. It's just doing what it can, and gets fucked doing it. You need iodine to actually make all the hormones you're supposed to, finding iodine and protein sources are the reason 1970s men were so much smarter and taller than their ancestors just 200 years prior.


Hilldogs smile is so fake. gosh.

once again, you said a lack of iodine allows people to be manipulated. you've taken about hormone regulation, you've taken about being taller, please talk about your initial claim. or do you need more time to google?

Every Canadian will endlessly brag aboot First Nations rights.
Knowing that Canada and Alaska are not old enough to support the debunked land bridge theory.
Even CBC says its wrong, and the Canadian French have no clue what the Solutrean hypotheis is.
All of canada is a controlled narative, and the population forced to believe in creationism.


Easier said than done.

Hormone regulation IS the ability to be manipulated, you have Jewish DNA and you know it. If you lower someone's testosterone they're less driven to do anything, especially resist an easy route to getting by like the welfare state. Men with low testosterone are much less likely to go against the grain of society like, say, disagreeing with mass immigration.

people weren't smarter in the past, their leaders just had better intentions

interesting thinks now are very much like they were in rome before the fall.

do you know how many different physiological processes govern the production of hormones? you talk like iodine transference to the endocrine system is the be all end all biochemical process that completely rules hormone expression.

things that affect testosterone/estrogen:
>jerking off
>eating certain foods
>looking at puppies
>being outside
>talking with people
>talking with opposite sex
>physical activity

the leap you're making is essentially that once you stop eating iodine, you become a mindless drone/ALL hormones are completely fucked; that simply is not the case on the basis that your brain would not allow that to happen unless you were completely and utterly weak-willed.

I think he's just saying it makes people, on average, less assertive.

i think that a person's inherent personality is what makes them assertive or not. i doubt a strong personality would notice a hormonal imbalance caused by a small lack of dietary iodine, or even a large one.

that said, iodine is important. not important in the way is painting it to be, but important nonetheless.

certainly there will be individuals that are resistant but that isn't the point, if you can affect even a small percent of the population you could use it to your advantage

but I'm not the annon that suggested it, I'm just trying to understand their viewpoint.

Flouride in water
Operation Mockingbird
University of Indoctrinations
Fabricated Family Breakdowns
Poison Foods i.e. Hormone Agendas
Social Networking creating constant need for acceptance, censoring speech and behaviors that receive positive affirmations,i.e., those that are in line with narratives.
NOPE. No one thinks for themselves.

Has been a left brain society for the last 70 years. At least.

if i were part of a government agency trying to take advantage of the people, i think propaganda would be the better/less volatile way to go.

the biological route has too many moving parts/variables to consistently motivate a population, whereas preying on the uneducated with choice phrases/topics works like 80% of the time.

take the iodine conspiracy for example. its just technical enough for conspiracy theorists to latch onto but too technical for them to do actual research on it and understand it fully.

>mfw Trumpettes talk shit about pizzagate