Name a more aesthetic flag


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I'm guessing you haven't seent the flag of Libya then.

prussia, Flag of South Africa (1928–1994)



>it's not 3x5


Literally created under supervision of a “German” Jew. Modern Russian flag was created by Rus-hating civic nationalist Peter I. The Russian people literally have no flag

i tried alright

Irish and USA flag

Galactic Britain of course!


Is there any russian leader you respect?




He wouldn't know. He's no russian.

Alexander III? Kept Russia out of war and enforced segregation on non-Russians

this pic

Show your gay flag


>blacks over yellows and whites


........ Detroit nigger detected

The Welsh flag, hands down.



The Welsh Church flag is great too.



The American flag.



I can not. But mine is close enough.


Regional Flag


What about an american flag if it was an irish ethnostate


he's some German proxynigger, he's not Russian

is that the Austrian Empire flag?


I unironically think ours is pretty cool.


Romanov was a pathetic manlet who wanted to perpetuate autocratic rule in a world where everyone was turning to economic and political liberalism. Yet the irony us, he was too inefficient and timorous to put his ideas to effect, to top it all off - he was a manlet. As a result of his ridiculously incompetent tule, he created massive public indignation, in which not even the Zemstvo Liberals(socially liberal, economically capitalist) could defend him.

This indignation eventually led to a power vacuum where the Bolsheviks seemed a more attractive choice. He also opposed capitalism and industrialization until it became politically palatable for him. By that time it was too late.

This is to say nothing of the gross inefficiency and negligence he fostered during WW1.




Not bad

I much prefer the current Austrian flag with the double-headed eagle.

No one denies that.

>eye blowing monstrosity with Byzantine (not Northern European) eagle that has representation of non-European colonies right next to Russian lands on it, with a dash of desert religion heroes
>attractive choice
They just happened to have terorrist cells where those supposed to be.

>a fucking leaf
What the fuck doed this have to do with just one ruler? You absolute autist.
Nobody asked you for your dumbass opinion

>Leaf btfo

Are you implying Bolsheviks weren't an attractive choice in the eyes of us at that time?

Ti che?



All republicuck tricolours must leave



I mean, come on. Sword and thunderbolts. It's Prussia gone super-saiyan, with exactly zero fucks given.

I saw the file name, I'm 5 beers in. Maybe too aggressive.

Only answer.

If you remove the white you have a prank that went too far.

A fucking tree

They weren’t. The Civil War was a thing for a reason, not to mention constant peasant rebellions. It was a violent act of power grab in Petrograd that initially went unnoticed by mostly rural ethnic Russian people.

That's actually a nice flag

It is exactly European as declared by Peter I.
Moreover - Russia was about to redeem the Konstantinopolis, right before we received friendl fire from antanta "allies". All of them, but France.



Day of the axe when?

ns Liberland



The peasants didn't really put up much of a protest, and it was pretty much tacit support in hopes of free gibs.

Not without justification, because the last Tsarist regime was brutal, and the liberals didn't make a strong enough argument(not that the peasants would've had the brains to understand free market capitalism).

At least that's how process the situation.


>declared by Peter I
You mean the guy who hated Rus traditions, placed mediocre Western Europeans drinking buddies everywhere instead of capable Russians on top of importing niggers stand for anything Russian or European? Sort yourself out. Jewish, Greek and Petersque shit is not Russian

Norfolk Best Friends with Lebanon confirmed?

Read a book, noviop.

I'm not gonna argue about it

>didn’t really
Well, they did and many of those didn’t even know about any regoyvolution before commieshits came to take away their bread and lands

His father, grandfather, uncle, and brother were all based. He literally was the worst possible one to inherit the throne.

>its not the belkan flag

Russians are of Greek mix you self hating moron.

Nice. Now check this.

Nice. Now check this.

Claiming my flagfu.

>Bright blue is for sky
>Yellow is for wheat field
yours is upside down buddy

Nice. Now check this.

And this.

The guy, that made Russia into european state.
You know - built academy, developed industry, won over Sweden - the industrial leader of Europe of his times to have trade and travel routes to other parts of Europe.

Did he made mistakes? Sure. Big ones. But his mistakes are much lesser ones, than his investments.

He also did not moved his goalposts, unlike you do, fagget.


And maybe this.

lmfao of course it's coming from one of you..

>Russians are of Greek mix
Luckily, no. Ethnic Russians are exclusively of Northeastern and Centraleastern European bloodlines.
Not only cockholes are turkbalkamenianjew mongrels, but they have a hideous looking flag too. What a joke of a country
>he made European state out of European inhabited nation located in Europe
Your brains on SiP and turkic-jewish admixture


Martinique a best


btfo toothpaste

t. cityfaggot
