Stop masturbating

Stop masturbating.

make me

Start masturbating.

make me

the problem is not really the jacking, it's the use and reliance on degenerate porn when doing it.
Change this to Stop using porn, OP.

pic not related

Just busted a but.

>autistic retard
>lives in France on gibsmedats and handouts from his rich family
>all the while pretending to be some super cool survivalist
>bitches about capitalism, yet constantly shills his stupid game on


>almost second week of no fap, current personal record

My performance at work is very different after 7day nofap stints. Its now becoming a lifestyle, no need to even count anymore.

You can fap, just don't watch porn.


No. Stop making such unreasonable requests.

Is it child abuse for Varg to make his kids live in filth like he does? They don't even have running water and he's probably against soap because of "them."

true story; my record is 3 days straight while high on meth

>not understanding white history.
Blue eyes and blond hair only evolved within the last 8,000 years, young padawan.

Day 13 of Nofap here

I had 3 lastnight my foreskin looks like the end of a balloon


The most Jewish thing you can do is reject Christ :^)

>Move to the woods and play with wooden swords

Nothing I posted talked about white history, though.

Nice keep it up. A daily zinc supplement can help also.

I'm getting pretty tired of seeing people wear exercise clothing but looking like they can't even do a single pushup. Fuck working at walmart.

start jerking it to jason

You posted about Varg, so therefore you did.

Today I was near a pretty girl, and she farted.
I will masturbate.

So you don't think it child abuse for his kids not to have soap and running water?