Half white/half asians are the worst thing a human can ever be

Half white/half asians are the worst thing a human can ever be.
Prove me wrong.


Who's this semen demon

They're the worst because a white person purged their white genes to have a non white child (also Asians are the most overpopulated, so they just added to that.) And it will vote liberal.

most of them seem to do pretty well
sure their are mentally ill ones like in every other race, mixed/race.
but on average they see to do well, some so very well.
lots of them are actors and models.

You are jealous.

Asians have the most nukes, you do not.

lmao TheOddOne and his bro are just some of the ugliest people, don't think generalizing Wasians like this is fair

Master race

We can't it's true little Elliot Rodgers running around everywhere either their guns ready to pop off because their parents are race mixers.


Sure, user.

With their guns*

epic thread Sup Forumsro

When the day of the rake comes you will all be hanged, communists.

Most of Russia is in Asia.

Scratch Russians you'll find Turkics.

pic related

Eddie Jones is pretty fucking based...even if he does work for the enemy now


You can be a hue monkey.

Good lord look at these creatures. I don’t even know where to start
>soulless eyes
>literally no muscle
>nasty unremarkable black hair
>randumb video game shirts
>no style
>poor eyesight
>awkward hunched over posture
>deer in the headlights look
This is the future of every white guy who sleeps with a slant eyed insect.


Scratch gooks you'll find soyboys.

Pic related

oh shit the guy with a beta dad and a slutty gold digger mom just got triggered!

hapa men are absolute subhumans. hapa women are amazing though. Literally nothing more cute and feminine.

Scared your waffle land will be razed by artillery?

>highly intellect and talented athletics
>a bad kind of offspring
nice try kike, we got the upper hand now

Good thing I'm Japanese and not a freak. How's Sadiq Khan treating you guys?

Kek do Brazilians really look brown?
I always thought they looked like spics.

>Prove me wrong.
pic related is the worst thing


>mixed race elliot Rodger detected
Did you have to listen to your attractive half breed sister get pounded too? Also turn off your flag you fucking Canadian chink.

Not if they have blue eyes and blond hair. 'they also goes for half blacks)

black hair is the best hair colour for a white man to have. You're probably some piss haired sissy nordcuck.

everyone mentions elliot rodger but hes only one eurasian to shoot up a place mean while you have whites constantly shooting up places .

Does anyone actually have studies to back up the claim that eurasians tend to be crazy?

Let's see their parents
Ugliness begets ugliness regardless

Some are whiter than Americans

just stay away from the british and you'll be fine
you can't expect to mix cocoa mix with rancid milk and create a tasty beverage

this pic always saddens me

I’d race mix with a hapa girl

No, I give you chinks 30 years until 100% of your population will be irrelevant rat farmers again.

>implying souls exist
>implying there isnt millions of white kids in video game conventions the same way u described

you're only posting girls.
The problem is white asian men.

Except the brazilian half white half asian gamers arent like the beta numale american ones.
Look at FNX (cs:go pro player) who is half chinese and tell me hes as beta as his north american hapa bros.

A brazilian man will never be a beta. He may be a thug but never a beta male.

You make a good point

There's a generation of these mongrels being born right now , chinks are catnip for beta male soyboys, so it's only going to get worse

Only if they're male. Poor bastards

no niggers are


I'd fuck the gook out of a hapa

>Prove me wrong

Step outside, look in any direction.

white lol

Saigne pour moi le wimpy Belgian.

Why? She did it because she likes it.

Pretty sure that's because any Brazilian who wasn't born to be a savage brute gets murdered by the age of 12.

Daily reminder that Asian women are literally a bioweapon meant to be exported by the communist shit hole they came from usually taking up spots in our schools

>Despite being considered a feminist figure by some and a supporter of women's rights, documents released by the US Department of State in 2008 show that Mao declared women to be a "nonsense" in 1973, in conversation with Kissinger, joking that "China is a very poor country. We don't have much. What we have in excess is women... Let them go to your place. They will create disasters. That way you can lessen our burdens."[219] When Mao offered 10 million women, Kissinger replied by saying that Mao was "improving his offer".[220] Mao and Kissinger then agreed that their comments on women be removed from public records, prompted by a Chinese official who feared that Mao's comments might incur public anger if released.[221]

Listen up. It is your duty to find an East Asian woman that is not repulsed by your very existence, and make 8 Eurasian babies. They will be valuable scientists and engineers in the coming mongrel wars. Choose hypergamy.

Thats why im still alive and can tell you your idol deserved to be killed by Fentanyl :^)

your football players roll around like they've been shot if they get tackled, your country is full of betas

theOddOne and ODDBRO PogChamp

hapa sluts are 10/10 qts

Not even close.

Nordic women belong to Mediterranean men.

LiL PEEP wanted to die, retard, it literally says so on his back and face.

None of your little spics did though, and I have video footage of most of them shitting and pissing their pants as they get shot to death before hitting puberty.

tldr but cool story bro

but op how can you say that about the supreme gentlemen?

ur gay

Are these two concidered bug men?

most men look like shit when they haven't touched a weight in their life and live off of soy.

because she's depressing looking as fuck.

This thread is full of bullshit. I am a half asian male and almost none of the stuff that is tossed around here is true. Ive met hapas from all over Europe and near none of them has the same qualities or problems that you people describe.

Jesus christ. Those are literal subhumans

tis is true, all the german grills like mats hummels because he looks southern european.

Most popular destinations for northern european women is southern europe

How many world cups has Ireland won mate I don't even think an Irish persons ever even been within 3 miles of the trophy

That's Marie Digby, right? I love her songs.

Humans beings need to selectively breed themselves into an entirely new race of super humans. Sperm donation eugenics can accomplish this easily.

What about the Gosselin kids ? Haha ok they are faggot

>he saves videos of people dying to masturbate

how long till you shoot up the nearest school?
what a fucking weirdo lmao

tfw coming to terms with the fact that my brother just had a son who is half Phillipino.

oh look, i can cherry-pic images of half white/half asians as well.

Because they are spics user.. because they are spics...


>Most popular destinations for northern european women is southern europe
The most popular destination for American women is the nearest niggers bed
>tell me I'm wrong

>daily hapa divide and conquer thread
Kys kike


Get out of potato lands Luigi, this ain't your flag

Really telling that almost everybody thinks this 3,5/10 is something good looking.

niggers and jews are

He's a degenerate thug and she a race mixed whore

I don't masturbate to my snuff films, retard, I watch them when I do LSD and coke. I'll shoot up whoever I want, whenever I want to, bitch.

And this myth about them being normal and good looking, if the father was the gook is just a lie.


Fuck off (pic related).

White anglophone post-colonial countries create the worst hapas. Why is this?

Asian dad

they are very cute

Isn't that Dolph Lundgren in the movie Red Scorpion?

youre not wrong

cool argument la

Friendly reminder that the d&c kike's favorite go-to to point at for being a failure WASN'T WHITE. HE WAS ASHKENAZI FAKE JEW. Repeat, not white. Fake Jew. and on top of that, a flip. Realistic standard to be basing WM/AF? Nope.
Really tired of your not properly directed aggression, leaf. Your bone to pick is with the chinese.

It's fucked either way, these soyboys have no idea how important it is to have a son, how the fuck are you going to raise your chink son to be a man with his inferior genetics?