What do you think the worst race is besides jews

What do you think the worst race is besides jews



Arabic and slavs.

Its a religion not a race.
Nobody hates people, just creepy religions.

the women race

Zulus. The most violent and lazy of niggers

Wrong faggot. Secular jews are even worse. They have shekel-seeking genes and nepotism which makes them terrible people.

""""""""White"""""""" american

Jews again
Then arabs and blacks

Muslims are the most barbaric.
Jews are the most evil.
Blacks are the most animalistic.
Aboriginals- fuck, I don't even know what to say about them. They're like a mix between all of them. I'd say they're the worst in that regard.


Niggers and that's counting jews

Jews aren't a race.

But it's an ethnicity faggot, and one of the worst

t. Jewish disgrace

amerimutts. fucking jew enablers


Whites. Cucks, prone to radicalization, minority population, women are garbage.

well can we blame the blacks for being dumb animals? what about the poos? those fuckers were fully colonized and still shit in the street. of course the roach, always scurrying around being dirty. but in the end I'd have to go with the arabs on account of being welcomed into western civilization with open arms only to respond by creating muslim pedophile rape gangs, acid attacks, endless terrorist attacks and overall leaching of the system as much as possible.

i said besides jews fag

The Jewish "race" is Sephardim. Those Ashkenazi Jews are impostors and have nothing to do with the original sandnigger tribe of Israelites. I have nothing against Sephardic Jews, they're not the same sort of troublemakers as the Khazar converts which is what the globalists and banker elites are.

Bantu. Even Ethiopian niggers are better than Bantu niggers


I don't give a fuck, fuck them too.

>nobody hates people
I beg to differ.

Leafs. They aren't really a race but fucking leafs are the worst thing to happen after Schlomo managed to dodge Herod the Great mass gassing 2000 years ago.
