Give me evidence that climate change isn't caused by humans

Give me evidence that climate change isn't caused by humans.

>Evidence that something isn't
I'll placate your stupidity, but evidence for "isn't" is a lot harder than "is", regardless of the topic.

Here's a nice chart for you. It's showing the known temperatures according to archaeological data over various timescales, going back millions of years.

We are in that flat blue stretch. None of our temperature data has ever gone outside that flat blue stretch, but we project that it will rise exponentially.

Why are we predicting rapid climate change when we are well within established norms when it comes to temperature?

>Give me evidence that climate change isn't caused by humans.

That's not how things work.

>That's not how things work.

But of course it does, you just need to provide a better explanation for the warming than man-made greenhouse gases.

I already did: there is no warming. The variations we are observing are well within the nominal range.

You do realize that your first statement is empirically false and the second one is a red herring, right?

I showed you data that supports my side. Present data that supports your argument. Until you do, the empirical argument is on my side.

Your data actually shows that there is warming, your only argument is that it doesn't matter because apparently it doesn't count unless the Earth reaches an ice-free state or something.

I'm saying it doesn't count if your global average temperature doesn't change outside of +/- 2 degrees celcius, because that is standard variation, and not indicative of a trend.

Burden of proof is on you, after all your the one in claim

The burden of proof is on you, faggot.

God told me. And if you doubt me, then prove me that he didn't.


You make no sense. I have claimed nothing.
How retarded are you Euros.

The burden of proof is on the one trying to change the position of the other.

> 2 degrees celcius, because that is standard variation

Oh is it, did you calculate that or did you pull it out your ass?

You are claiming that climate change is real. You have to prove it. You cant just tell us to dispute something you haven't proven.


I gave you a chart that cites six different studies on temperature over time.

I didn't claim climate change is real, I don't believe man made climate change is real. I was asking for more evidence.

Haha, just as I thought, you don't even know what a standard deviation is, much less how to calculate it.

The warming of Earth is not just some wiggle on a graph, it's a physical process involving the addition of zettajoules of energy every year into the Earth's energy budget.

Nothing is deviating outside of the cited norm, brainlet.

>Maybe if I use a manipulated chart with a smaller range and different units they'll finally think I'm not making shit up!

What norm?

>manipulated chart

How is it manipulated?

Jeus arent humans

You selected a single run, low-to-high, in an oscillatory system. It directly overlaps with this chart:
and both of these are tiny blips on my chart. (The medieval warming period is that latest blue spike, not present day.)

>makes a retard statement without providing evidence for their claim

Based Poster
>calls op on his bullshit and provides evidence to the contrary

>shits himself and tries to insult Based Poster "n-no user you've fallacied baka senpai"

Based Poster
>nigger do you even science?

>s-stupid Poster my graph says other things

Based Poster
>You do realize that my graph covers time longer then yours as well as yours pointing out how yours is shit right?

>proceeds to shit himself more

MFW: This is a nice thread

The problem is the data has been skewed for political reasons and people who speak out with a contrary position have been threatened with loss of jobs, grants, or no access to jobs.

Al Gore has yet to debate anyone of value on the opposing side and even when he has events, it's all rigged for a particular outcome.

The other aspect is proving that the warming of the earth is man-made when in historical trends, the earth has been warmer and cooler at different times of history.

Also, people do not take into account that our air is being sprayed with chemtrails and they had admitted that they do not know the impact of what they're doing.

If people who are so passionate on this topic does not take into account that everyone wants clean air, water, and food. Thus, there is a drone mentality among people who have yet to do the research needed to know what is going on and are oftentimes allow themselves to be manipulated by the emotional appeal of a certain bias.

If people are so concerned about the environment, then stop buying groceries at the store because of the costs of the logistics of transporting food around the world. Recycle everything you can and try to live a more simple life.

Lastly, those who are promoting man-made global warming and carbon credit have a vested interest in industries associated with the carbon tax. This alone should cause alarm among the people as to what their overall objective is.

>The medieval warming period is that latest blue spike, not present day

Ha, you accuse others of manipulation and then you make shit up. Here's the last bit of your chart up close

Solar cycles caused by mass distribution of the gas Giants periodically leads to intense crests and troughs of a millennial cycle or longer, leading to ice ages and warm periods, until 2016 we were on a major crest, going into 2030 we will be in a major minimum, ice age in reference

What bullshit, there is no solar contribution to the recent warming.