The post Sup Forums doesnt want you to see

>the post Sup Forums doesnt want you to see

Other urls found in this thread:







>still cant answer any of the questions






>Aushwitzs four crematory ovens

thats not what those words mean user. A crematory is just the complex where it happens, so 1 crematorium could house many ovens. Aushwitz had 4 crematoriums, but 40 ovens between all of them total. Also, this is bullshit math with no citations at all

>ohio train crash

no it isnt. There is no evidence at all showing that this is from

I've answered your questions, but why havent you answered any of mine?

>no sharpe decline in jewish population during the war

this is because the 1948 census was based entirely on prewar estimates, something deniers always conveniently forget to mention





Hey user, why is it that you havent be able to answer ONE(1) question from my original post? Im answering everything you post and exposing it as a lie


This is my fav

Can you please answer some of the questions from my OP?


still waiting on you to answer some of those questions user



Why are you ignoring me user? Is it because youre a coward?


> see they also lied about the 4, 7 and 5 gorrilion before WWII
... this meme makes holocaust deniers appear to have even more of a point


>falling for the holocaust was a hoax meme


We all remember when the government made it illegal to question the existence of George Washington, harshly imprisoned any who did, and tolerated death threats and home invasions of deniers by extremist activists?

listen we don't fucking care if it was real or not (pro tip it wasn't) but next time you better believe that all those made up jewish fairy tales and worse are coming true.
>never has a man been so happy, as till the moment he gets to gas a jew

Why is it that Im able to respond and call out your lies, yet youre such a coward that you cant even answer ONE(1) of my questions?


>Denier admits he doesnt care about facts or reality

at least your honest about your fantasy

They did it to themselves. I almost feel sorry for them.
One thing is for sure, in the current year im glad im not a Jew.

oh look, ANOTHER one of your lies gets BTFO while you contiue to not answer any of my questions. Its almost as if holocaust deniers are full of shit

hahahahahahahahahaha ah shit fucking hilariously

Listen faggot kike. I never denied shit. So grow the fuck up. All I know is the next shoaw will be deserved.

>listen we don't fucking care if it was real or not (pro tip it wasn't)

you know its real and that it happened though user. Theres a reason you cant actually engage with me and every single meme point the user post is immediatly called out by me

That's because he is a shitposting shill, probably trying to get his quota for the day.
Remember to sage the shills.

>the denier cries out as his meme gets exposed

I love this thread. Not only are you incapable of answering ONE question, and not only is every denier point posted getting BTFO, but you faggots outright admitted you know it happened and just dont care about reality or facts

>it wasnt real in my mind!

it was not real, all deaths were from typhus and the allied bombing of supply lines. there's a literal interview with a high ranking american general from WW2 done in the 80's or 90's where he literally reveals all this and states that it didn't matter which side won or lost because the loser was always going to be charged with war crimes and hung

>Remember to sage the shills.



but seriously feel safe or proud. jews have once again way overstepped their bounds and all their precious token minorities have even woken up to the fact. the next holocaust is going to make the 'nazi holocaust' look like fucking childs play

You are either a bot or a retard.

No there isnt because thats not what happened. You just admitted you dont care about facts user, thank you so much lol

>no citations or sources for anything

Reminder that I have answered everything thrown at me so far while you virtue signaling faggots havent been able to answer ONE question, have admitted you dont care about facts, and are saying SHUT IT DOWN!

The truth doesnt fear investigation

who would take pictures of the holocaust happening? How could they get away with it? Secondly dragging bodies is very very ineffective way of moving them, it would make more sense to put them in a big wheeled cart. Lastly a blast oven would make a great deal more sense. Most of the deaths were due to starvation of disease, with some shot and put into ditches (which makes alot more sense).

oh look, another none argument! Its really interesting because you guys argue EXACTLY the way hitler says jews do

Look, I'm not a denier. I just hate that every white gentile has to live with the guilt of something that another particular group of gentiles did for the rest of entirety. That guilt is used to further the insane "open boarders let everyone in" agenda in countries across the globe. It irks me.

I also think using fear, imprisonment, and social shame to undermine skeptics only generates more skepticism. It's a legally enforced "unquestionable historical fact" in the parts of the world where it happened, which is bullshit.

remember this thread is only here today because Russia themselves has posted a report blaming Poland for the second world war because Nazi demands were reasonable.
>jew jew we're coming for, one two nothing you can do. three four we'll gas six gorillian more. seven eight you've stirred up too much hate. nine ten it'll never happen again. because next time is the last time

the pictures you replied to were allied photos once it was liberated. They are showing the process of deposing of bodies.

>pseduo answer of how more effecient you could have done it

why dont you stop this and actually try reading the OP post. Or are you too comfortable and scared to actually challenge your false belief?

>not understanding that Jews manipulate people by asking rhetorical questions without supplying proof

No one said there were no camps, there just weren't death camps. There were work camps and the Nuremberg "confessions" were brought about through torture and manipulation. gtfo kike.

>more sophistry

Its pathetic that youre such a coward that you cant just argue your point, but have to hide behind this really transparent "Im not a denier, I just deny the holocaust and shill every other neo-nazi meme!" shit. I have NO respect for worms like you, at least the other anons have the balls to stand by their conspiracy theory

Hey OP, I don't care if it happened or not, both sides of the argument have exaggerated opinions and have malingered evidence to support there sides. Calling me a coward wont get you anywhere on an image board. People were overwhelming deny and joke about the holocaust and your originate enough to post about it here.

Welcome to the hivemind.

P.S send me a email.

user, I answered every meme point put forward while you guys continue to refuse to look at the OP post. This is because you know denier shit is all a meme

>Nuremberg "confessions" were brought about through torture and manipulation.

post evidence of this

you are a faggot jew, we are going to gas you again but for real this time. remember though the best part in all this, you yourselves have brought this upon you. even if you're not a jew and some lib commie, you are not going to get a revolution that leaves you in charge, you are going to be brutally murdered and shot like the weasel you are.
>remember dr sage and hide

>22 post in this thread arguing denier memes

>"I totally dont care!"

lol sure thing

>both sides of the argument have exaggerated opinions and have malingered evidence to support there sides.

no, its just deniers. This is why I was able to call out all the denier post and why the deniers wont even attempt to answer any of the questions in OP

The best. Fap torture machines. Kek
What kind of idiot can believe such a thing.
But the holocoaster and the acid pool are quite nice too.
One-third of the Holocaust victims were determined by one Jews report. Have you ever read the Nuremberg Trials and the reports that determined the Nazis war crimes. These reports were ridiculous and were not questioned. Anybody who reads these reports knows that the Holocaust is a lie

lol more proof that deniers are just retarded "muh feels' faggots.

I've always disliked that Sup Forums denies the Führer his greatest legacy. It is true that he failed, but imagine how many kikes there'd be if the 6 million were allowed to breed.

>my grandparents got turned into soap in the hall of costs
>6 gorrillion people died but there are no 7 digit prisoner codes anywhere
>no one has produced a probable amount of corpse numbers and proof of those corpses ever
>the method of disposal for corpses is supposedly burning
>using old ass tech they could manage better sustained burn times and ratios than modern tech at substantially lower temperatures
>the nazis that had their communication encryption hacked and permanently listened to were perfect at hiding their intent on destroying '6 million' people so well that no one ever found out until long long after the war was over.

So I have two questions for you. one how much are you getting paid to counter shill now that everyone has free thought
two why is there no other event in history that it is illegal to even question? If its true no one would be afraid of people proving its truth only be terrified of proving the opposite.

So wait, why is there laws against denying the Holocaust in some European countries if it did happen?

>posting memes and strawmen since you have no actual argument and know the holocaust happened anyway

Not one of you faggots was able to answer one of my questions and actively posted "SHUT IT DOWN!" comments lol. I thought the truth didnt fear investigation?

btw, that soccer team is British POWs, not jews.

I don't deny the holocaust. I think it happened. I was saying the guilt by association (all of you goyim genocided us!) is bullshit. The illegal thoughts in other countries are also bullshit.

Look Jew, I have no german ancestors. I have no guilt. I have relatives that were in concentration camps for being serbs. So you can fuck right off with your weasel logic.

>literally can't answer the questions
its ok we understand you can't shut it down but you'll try anyway.

because its tied into their hate speech laws since denying the holocaust is more often than not done by people who hate jews. Also, this isnt in anyway close to evidence that it didnt happen, and you cant really bitch about not being able to deny the holocaust when it isnt illegal in america and you do it all day every day.

>another question I answer while deniers havent answered one of mine

I dont believe you when you say you arent a denier because if you werent a denier, then you wouldnt be arguing against me and arguing in favor of deniers

Also, your persecution complex is retarded and not even true. Nazis are blamed for the holocaust. Stop choosing to be retarded

>we white people need to pay reparation to the jews
>huh? am I white? no not me I'm jewish
Can't even bother sage posting in this shit but I do hope you enjoy your 2 shekels for the good goyim. Be sure to leave a 5 star on your jidf app. I still really should download that shit for counter shilling.... eventually.

it happened in spain in 1492
it will happen again
the jews have been trying to get back at germany for the war but they have done it throughout european history.
they are doing it now
and once again it is going to happen again.
my advice, sell up, while you can, and make aliyah. go to israel and stop trying to subvert european nations. even those nations that fought the nazis are under subversive attack.
when your pets the jihadis are wiped out across europe, the enablers will join them.
leave while you can.
ive been to the camps
ive been to killing fields
i dont want a repeat, but this is something you bring on yourselves, and its like you cant help it
go now, while you still can

> hur arguing against someone who accuses you of being a denier makes you a denier goyim

eat shit kike

>an entire legion of stormfags runs away with their tales between their legs from ONE person while they didnt answer ONE of my questions

>sophistry and goal post moving

lol you cant answer one question and cry about SHUTING IT DOWN! to moment someone calls out your bullshit

Do you realize even your evidence calls itself a recreation?

>eat shit kike

yeah, totally not a denier or a neo-nazi at all! Im totally convinced your an impartial non denier who just so happens to argue against me while having lashing out emotionally at phantom jews!

Do you realize literally every denier point posted here was called out for being a lie by me while not ONE of you deniers was able to even address any of my questions, with some even calling for the thread to be shut down?

Alright you fucking kike, here's how it is. That other user has a point. I'm no denier either, I just came in to see what the questions were out of curiosity, and I am originally from a country where jews are hated precisely because of their retarded shit like this that you're doing. Nobody gives a shit about your holocaust frankly. It's been more than 70 years at this point, and it is absolute bullshit that you can't ever so much as name the jew without everyone aping out at the fact. My recent hatred for kikes like you stems from that fact alone and no bullshit "muh holocaust."

>Can't boycott Israeli businesses legally without getting fined out the ass, being the ONLY country to get this special treatment, and also impeding the free market.
>Media at the moment is all MYSTERIOUSLY owned by Jews and all they spew is divisive bullshit that has only worsened every aspect of race relations, gender relations, what have you at the global level.
>MYSTERIOUSLY overrepresented in any fucking place where jews are. Be it Ukraine or the fucking Amazon
>Can't say shit like "I don't think it's fair to be funding Israel so much" without everyone flipping their shit.

Fuck you and fuck your kind. You faggots are a direct fucking threat to freedom and liberty everywhere, and only ruin everything you touch. I almost wish Hitler HAD wiped you all out if it meant saving things in the future. Fuck you.

Yeah, totally not a shill or a jew at all! Im totally convinced your an impartial gentile who just so happens to argue against me while having lashing out emotionally at phantom neo-nazis!

>>Can't boycott Israeli businesses legally without getting fined out the ass, being the ONLY country to get this special treatment, and also impeding the free market.

this has literally nothing to do with the holocaust user. Its almost as if holocasut denial is a bullshit conspiracy held by those who just hate jews and has no basis in reality or reason.

1- Can't comment on where troops were placed
2- Their families were in the hands of people who have shown their delight in using rape and torture to punish third parties. I would've died to save my family that horror.
3- It's still a crime to deny the holocaust so they would go right to jail.
4-Multiple floors?
5-You need warm bodies to get the reparations, they lose nothing claiming 20billion killed or 1million regardless. So increasing the deathtoll would increase the pity-points gained.
6- anything would be pure speculation for or against the claims
7- HCN was used as a delousing agent, if they had stored their hair they probably found a commercial/industrial use for it and treated it with HCN to remove the lice.
8- Freightcars being loaded with prisoners?
9-Germany had civilians and soldiers in need of food all over the reich. It was probably stored there during transit delays which eventually turned into a permanent storage facility as the frontline was pushed back.
10- (ur photo is 404)
11- plenty of people lost family members to disease, allied bombing, starvation, or as collateral damage during the german defense. Every person who didn't come back doesn't mean they were gassed.
12- they were effectively prisoners at this point, the USA probably had laws stopping people from entering Japanese internment camps. There was a long list of things with the death penalty in Nazi germany.
13- A room that's going to be used for delousing needs to be air tight, the peepholes could've been for introducing the chemicals or for attaching a ventilation hose to clear out the gas.
14- if you posit they were killed, exhume the bodies. If they were gassed they'd have very large amounts in their soft-tissue remnants.

If they were burned where did himler get the time/crematoria to burn 10x the number he said they could.
15- The SS were killing civilians, there were direct orders for them to stop from Nazi high command because it was "wasteful of wartime resource".

Are you angry because youre wasting your youth on a conspiracy theory you know is bullshit? Do you feel impotent that you dedicate your life to this one cause and yet are getting utterly raped by me since every stormfag point got called out and you cant even address one of my points?

JIDF Hasbara classes failed you just like your pedo father at being a loving dad

you need to post citations for your answers

>this has literally nothing to do with the holocaust user.
Wow, it's almost as if I said I wasn't a denier at all you retarded fucking kike. It's almost as if that other user also did the same shit, and you totally went MUH SHOAH at him too. Kindly fuck off.

name one stormfag point I made. You can't. The closest I came to "defending" the deniers was pointing out how ineffective your counter meme was. If anything I was offering constructive criticism.

>the post Sup Forums doesnt want you to see
Good thing I can just hide it. Fuck off kike

>come into a thread about holocaust denial and how its bullshit

>get angry at the OP for staying on topic and tell him to fuck off when he doesnt engage in your goal post moving bullshit

Why do you feel the need to shitpost out of anger instead of staying on topic?

Imagine being so Jewish that you make a post like this.
One shoah wasn't enough, I'm afraid.

>resort to calling me a kike

>not a stormfag

ok user, I want you to just go ahead and say you know the holocaust happened exactly like the official narrative says and I also want you to just go ahead and say you know hitler was a piece of shit and nazism was a horrid idea and then I will apologize to you

Jews lie as reflexively as humans blink.


not an argument

>argue like a kike and get called out for it
oy vey!

What's wrong with Nazism?

the user keeps claiming he isnt a stormfag and isnt a holocaust denier, so he should have no problem saying those things is all.