> girls arent good at mat-
girls arent good at mat-
>discounting averages for anecdotes
>being able to do high school level arithmetic
>good at math
sys.Sup Forums.org/pol/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=150004723&altc=1
> calculus
> arithmetic
Reminder the USA makes calculus optional and only one year of it at the very end.
I don't understand why you guys do it, we have two years (one for derivatives, one for integration) and it helps a lot.
>not even Calc 1
Standards sure have tanked
Women needs pink icons and BFF references to learn basic math. Huh. I guess they do suck at math (generally).
Did someone say math?
secant lines are algebra-tier, you see it written there: "quotient" i.e. arithmetic, not calculus
hi /sci/
I didn't learn any calculus in high school, it didn't stop me from doing higher-level math in college
Isaac Newton invented calculus just when he was 16.
It doesn't, obviously, but the earlier you do it the more advanced you can do it later on - or alternatively, if your field doesn't, not need to continue at all.
>Cherrypicked example of a woman who's good at math (and she is, I've seen some of her vids)
>Cherrypicking that one negro professor absolves their entire degenerate race of the massive number of crimes they commit every year
>t. (((you)))
Retard democrat thinks men don't think women are good at math.
Democrats are way more fucking sexist and racist than republicans. I can't wait until you get a reality check my nigga.
we used to do it but the browns can’t pass so they stopped trying to teach nonwhites math. not even kidding
>Reminder the USA makes calculus optional and only one year of it at the very end.
I don't know about these day, but it used to vary quite a bit by state, I had three years personally
>inb4 the suburbanite college kids without jobs come in here and says this is kindergarden tier or something like that
I'm good at math and I dropped out of grade 9 since I couldn't understand it. Just because you're not Einstien doesn't mean you aren't good at math
Dude, im good at math and i don't understand any math that involves letters
Not everyone understands highly complex math, not everyone is a nerd/freak
Why do you talk shit when you don't know shit?
If you are done with algebra 2 in like the 10th grade then it's possible to take pre calc or calc in the 12th grade
They are trolling. It's highly complex math and they know it.
maths is shit. anyone who got anywhere was a master bullshitter, a manipulator of words, a joocy cunt. maths is for dweebs.
wow, she is smarter than 99.99% of Sup Forums
I am starting to believe this. I don't think a single motherfucker actually understands pic related. I refuse to believe the human brain can actually comprehend it.
Over here the only (((policy))) of the sort they enacted as of yet is to have special places for gyppos that they compete for. Basically, out of 250 students or so, there's 1 that is going to be guaranteed to be a gypsy with a lower score (say 8.6 compared to a 9 a romanian would have to get).
Yeah, to be fair I only know the situation from people I've talked from and extrapolated.
American I'm guessing?
See above, I extrapolated, my bad. Also, that was what I was talking about (unless I am misunderstanding US grading system) - I'm guessing 12th grade is the final high school grade, so you only get one year of high school calculus.
It's a tranny. That's why.
what are averages?
That's just because 99.99% of Sup Forums are shills.
>girl does math
>500k views revolutionary
>guy does math
>goes about day as normal
Math is the least intellectual STEM category, it's literally just following directions. At least Engineers are using math to engage in creative problem solving, but the reality if your job involves math, you aren't doing math, your computer is doing the hard part.
So, genuinely, what the hell is hard to understand about slope? Do you have no spacial reasoning skills?
There's complex maths that are genuinely fucky-tier abstract, but not being able to understand the concept of slope is either 80 IQ tier or normie woman.
> I'm good at math
> as long as it isn't hard
>yfw they teach derivatives and limits in middle school in korea
This. Women are the niggers of gender. Anyone "sane" in the current year is too stupid to comprehend existence.
>so you only get one year of high school calculus.
Again you dumb fuck, you gotta finish fucking algebra ii if you want to get into pre calc. 80% of hs students don't take pre calc. Only the smart ones do. I'm not American, i lived in the US for a while.
That's grade 11 Maths where I live
calculus is baby-level nigger-tier mathematics
I honestly found algebra and pre-cal to be a lot harder than calculus, and physics was harder than that because you're coupling multiple layers of physical science theory on top of the math
I take that back, probably 90% of students. Algebra 2 is like mandatory, calc isn't
Then they rote memorize it to pass the test, they're done, they're out and they've forgotten it all and won't ever have a use for it.
And you're still not understanding me. We have two years of calculus in high school, while you in your description only get one
That's toddler shit compared to what Sup Forums's autistic brainlets can do. If they we'rent so depressed from a lack of girlfriends, we'd be landing on Mars by now.
says the dixie tard who considers adjusting the fryer temperature at his local bojangles to be discreet mathematics.
>hello I am Chip McThaddius McThaddiussen IV, and I am an elitist prick
Ricky, is that you???
>If they we'rent so depressed from a lack of girlfriends, we'd be landing on Mars by now.
this but unironically
if only people knew the potential of this place
That's just plain rude man, women are excellent at using home appliances.
I don't know. I feel like I understand it but then when it comes to the test I do it all wrong and write everything all messed up and get like 40%
Math is the hardest thing in the world
I'm good at math like 33 + 90 I know that's 123 in my head. What's 8 x 8 it's 64 didn't even have to think about it. Whenever prices come up I'm quick to do math in my head and everyones all impressed when i calculate equations like that fast
Maybe if we spent every waking hour of our childhood in a math room we'd be doing that too
No, the super smart kids could take two years to do calc if they take a lot of math courses
>it's another idiot tries to post like he is intelligent episode
Why do you people do it? Do you really need the attention that badly? Validation from anons on Sup Forums is not going to make your life any better.
>t. subhuman niggers
Da wite man's majik numbas scare you, Tyrone?
Dude, it involves letters which makes it HIGHLY complex by default
I thought people weren't trolling on this thread. This explains everything.
>hardest thing in the world
Sure thing bub
says the reddit nigger
>as x goes to infinity
Shouldn't it be 0?
Oh, that explains it better. Well I guess I am pic related, sorry
I took physics, my grade went from an F, to a D, then i took the final exam and it went up to a C-.
You're a nerd or a freak. Or both. Get out of here math loving weirdo.
>not one of the hardest things
I'm 100% Nordic-Alpine
for wasting your time*
Sorry, I fucked up and didn't post the pic, doesn't help my case
It should, but the pic isn't mine.
kekistan == reddit nigger
All I know is that slavic women are ridiculously good at math and physics.
Thing is an asymptote so it never actually does reach 0. x can never be 0 if the equation is 1/x because dividing by 0 is undefined.
How am i a ""nigger""?
>I have trouble following explicit directions that never change while using a calculator
>hey, computer, please prove this theorem!
You think a computer would understand that?
Calculus like that isnt hard though
Use R, or NumPy, dude
the fact that you don't get it kinda says it all
>t. non-math pleb
>follow directions
>wrong answer
>can't find out what you did wrong
>get 0
True, it's not hard at all...
It's impossible
Only plebs do math.
Math is notorious for the partial credit
says the reddit nigger
>finding the slope of a line using derivatives is hard
brainlet detected
I took four math classes in high school. Grade 9 - Algebra I, grade 10 - Geometry, Grade 11 - Algebra II, Grade 12 - Combined Trigonometry/Pre-Calc I. And I didn't even have to go that far. My high school only required 3 years of math and 2 years of science, yet it required four years of English. We have niggers to thank for that.
Shut up nerd. Enjoy being a loser
The hell do you mean?
So Pre-Calc is just trigonometry/algebra or am I misunderstanding again?
only niggers can't handle math. Math is the key to technological superiority. If you don't have math, you have a poorly functioning civilization stuck in 4000 BC.
Yeah pre-cal is basically some upper level algebra and trig concepts
>kekistan flag
>I took four math classes in high school. Grade 9 - Algebra I, grade 10 - Geometry, Grade 11 - Algebra II, Grade 12 - Combined Trigonometry/Pre-Calc
Yeah, this is what i was talking about
trust me m8, it's all about connections, love for your brothers and your cliques and sets as it were. the private schoolboys of today are the kings of tomorrow. Don't be jaded if you never joined a group bro. In that instance seek the truth, and keep those ambitious bois accountable, in the true tradition of the fifth column. There is so much capacity for love and truth brothers, just recognise this, let go of your hang ups, and be a servant of the wider mankind as it were. God bless, I pray every day that god exists. Good morning eurobros, good evening amerbros, and best wishes all other bros from across the world. Let us all strive together for a better tomorrow, not sectarian or divided, nor authoritarian and dystopianb. Paradise is close, let us march together to attain it brothers
>mfw roasties start becoming good at maths just to whore themselves out
Eh, good on them I suppose..
iirc we do that in 10th grade.
Doesn't mean we don't have our fair share of time-wasters though.
Another thing before I go to sleep: this year we just introduced into history curriculum, I swear this is in the fucking curriculum, I cite:
«Prevention of ways of thoughts that can lead to nationalism»
It's not even "extremist nationalism", just nationalism. Literal brainwashing.
I was a dual major, math and electrical engineering.
Hundreds of different guys throughout my classes, but only a handful of women. There is always a few outliers.
>high level math
pic one.
Pre-calc is weird, I think more than anything it's a refresher course to cover fundamental ideas before taking calculus, so you'll see it anywhere from highschool through college, it's just a gateway course
>Dude, im good at math and i don't understand any math that involves letters
>kekistan flag
checks out.
Same with sewage and janitorial work. However I wouldn't be proud to do any of that. It's pleb shit like math.
I know you're trolling but if you keep responding to my posts you'll be banned
This. If it gets that complex it shouldn't be considered math. Leave it to the freaks to figure that out.
pls stop posting pure mathfu on dirty anime forum.
I'm consistently more impressed with statistics than formal mathematics honestly, both have their places of course, but stats are fucking awesome
nice work
no arguing with this
calculus is the maximum level non-math people should learn