The differences between Capitalism and Socialism

The differences between Capitalism and Socialism.

Exhibit A: Capitalism

Other urls found in this thread:

Exhibit B: Socialism

What are you trying to say

Post a national socialist burger to be just.

why do people get all bent out of shape about fucking hamburgers, it's just a type of food

Exhibit B is your national burger.

There shouldn't be any burger for this one

>be American uses hamburgers as analogy

>when you have to use burgers to express the difference between two political ideologies
It amazes me sometimes what we Americans can do. On one hand, we can go to the moon. On the other, we have 2/3rds of the population who are overweight.

God, I fucking love whataburger
in n out is utter shite

>American use unironically burgers as proof

Pure national socialist meat.

Holy fuck that burger looks good

it's actually true because this is the exact kind of burger they would serve in my public school

>tfw you will never have a cute little sister to take out for a burger
I feel bad for you, brazil

i want a burger right now

Whataburger, best there is. One of the many good things about living in Texas.

This actually looks really tasty to me right now

What is this? do you use pickled fries as a condiment?

It's probably spicy sauce.


Pepper sauce.

No, that's Texas Bobatea

>tfw I had one and we did stuff like this and then my parents let her live away at a liberal priovate college after highschool and she drank the koolaid and turned into a bisexual tatted third wave feminist lefty who I can barely talk to without her losing her shit at me over something shes now hypersensitive about.
It hurts, she went from chill and intelligent to closed minded dogmatic and hysterical in like a year. then spent the next three digging in because of constant brainwashing.

Who is that girl, she is gorgeous.

user, she's just trying to eat her burgers in peace.

this was meant for you

Bitch shut the fuck up you put literal maple syrup made with CANE SUGAR on everything

Damn. I am super hungry and was hust about to hit up a badass Jason's Delu salad bar but now I am craving Whataburger ya fucker OP. god bless free enterprise. Capitalism and free enterprise are two different things. Capitalism is jewish. Free enterprise is aryan.

People in Brazil have little sisters. I'm sure they're very cute before they get shot by a robber or an off duty cop

>the bun contains Sodium aluminium phosphate
>that shake is made of milk that has been super heated and then had its bacteria re-added
>probably contains corn syrup solids and artificial sweeteners
>the fries are frozen. source: i used to manage a steak n shake in PV Mall of Phoenix, AZ

Anons, stop eating this garbage. Grow your own vegetables even on a folding table in your backyard/patio. It's easy and you won't kill yourself.

Whataburger is the master race of burgers. Customized however you like. White Castle is better when you are drunk though.

How much does a double patty with all the fixings cost at whataburger?

You just doxed yourself, its only a matter of time. Tick tock nigger

I lost mine too user. Though I think it may have started in high school. She dropped the ole black people can't be racist on me today. Though she's bed ridden and I'm not going to argue while I'm taking care of her when she needs to just rest and chill.

dude that was like 8 years ago
based on your intelligence i say you eat this garbage every day

Bump, Whataburger is the tits.

I dont know, i always get a triple cheeseburger with bacon and jalapenos. And onion rings instead of fries.

under socialism there would be nothing there

>Small business takeaway shop

At least in Australia it's like this..

how much is that? the amount of cents = amount of calories

Spread the fingers out in one of your hands. That's how big a whataburger sandwich is, bro.

just give them a ten and let them keep the change

Like 9 bucks with drink i think. I whatasize that motherfucker.

Exhibit A represents the stupidity of 56% mutts.

If they hadn't named the burger's size with the metric system, which literally we're never taught, it wouldn't have been so confusing.

Do us a favor and post a socialist burger? Oh wait? Can't use someone else's beef? Someone else's toppings? Someone else's condiments? Why, oh that's right, there aren't any... Lol, go hunt for some rats and pigeons along with the other socialists

That's actually fucking hilarious, silly Americans

MMMM whataburger,

You even crashed satellites because of burger units. Either you ditch measuring everything in hands and legs or ask shlomo to force burger on the whole planet.

1/4 pound is 113 grams. This is considered to be small size burger here. 0.5 pounds minimum is acceptable.

Burgers are degenerate

That’s pepper vinegar nigger

Etc? They're peppers and the water can be used to spice up the fries and give them nice tang

>tasty burger, a millennial liberal pandering company that is wildly popular in commiefornia
>national socialist

there can only be one, user


Had Steak n Shake one time with a bunch of coworkers once. All of us got the shits later that day. Eat the meat, become pajeet.

yeah... it's true

Our country really is that stupid. We eat so much that we are literally dying of Diabetes or heart attacks. When someone speaks up about it they get attacked by fatties screaming "FAT SHAMING". When we aren't attracted to fatties we are called vain. It's acceptable to be an obese fat piece of shit here. People are fucking retarded on what they think in shape is.

I say something like you aren't in shape if you can't
>run a mile in under 7 minutes
>do 50 push up in a row
>do 20 pull ups in a row
>do 50 sit ups in under 2 minutes

Most americans on here think i'm talking out my ass and think these are unrealistic goals. I'm not joking. I wish I was. Americans on average are the fattiest most ignorant pieces of shit compared to the wealth that we have. Seriously most americans can't do what I just wrote. I hope we have disease that kills all the fat people. I'm 35, people think it's crazy I can do all the things I listed with ease. I'm 6' tall and weigh 180 and I'm called skinny.

Just fucking kill me now. Do it. Do it please.

That explains why 1/3 lb burgers have been so successful since the 90s, right?

do you not?

that and mexicans

Shut up, ya doofus. Basically any mammal with an excess of food will end up putting on some extra pounds. Cats do it, dogs do it, everyone does it.
And look up obesity statistics for other countries, even the Middle East. They're just as bad.
Americans aren't a particularly lazy people. We were just the first to arrive at this level of comfort and ease.

>obese faggot calling other Americans fat
If you remove blacks and hispanics, the American obesity levels drop massively. Brownskin fatty fat-fat fatty fatty fat fats like you are what's hurting our international image.

In socialism you die because you do not have enough to eat. In Capitalism you die because you have too much to eat.

See what I mean.

Out of shape people pissed off rationalizing why they are out of shape while being nasty assholes.



I am sure Shamiqua still works there and is active blm on black twitter

Whataburger is the shit. Bacon + Burg + frid egg = I love texas



Most of those ingredients involve various forms of subsidies in your nation. Some have multiple subsidy.

There has never been a socialist country or a capitalist country, every country with either since the advent of either paradigm has had elements of both.

But don't take my word for it, try learning about basic economic concepts, and how they are applied in your nation for yourself (and others as well, if you plan to make big boy money down the road).

>tfw you will never have a cute little Mitt Romney to take out for a burger

>kike mods deleting gets

The capitalist burger is ironically the one that contains vegetables.

I feel you user. I cant do the push ups due to snapping tricep snydrome though. Everyone around me is obese. I look around at a store and the women are obese, the older men are obese, and men my age are balding low T "things".

The modern diet of low fat is killing us. We have never been unhealthier as a nation, health care is the most expensive it's ever been, health insurance in unafforadable from Jewish meddling. I feel so black pilled, I unironically hope for nuclear war or anything to kill this sick society.

>this triggers the fatties

Rand is better desu

We must stop the invasion of alien burgers into texas.

exhibit c: commieburger
why do fascism and capitalism have to be mutually exclusive? one would think they make each other better.

And develop arthritis? No thanks future cripple

You guys need to stop using USD and start using burgers as currency

>thinks using his body will give his disease


Balding=high T


Too much burger for this to be Socialism.

they shoulda sold is as a 2/6 pound burger

>while being nasty assholes
Seriously? I called you a "doofus," whereas you said
>Americans on average are the fattiest most ignorant pieces of shit
And I'm the one being nasty?
I'll tell you the most pathetic thing anyone can do, and that is to choose something they can do well and then judge other people according to that standard.
In shape? Judge all others as being out of shape sacks of shit.
Good at investing? Judge others for their lack of financial expertise.
Well read? Judge others for being ignorant.
etc, etc.

how does this have anything to do with capitalism or socialism. or did you just make a thread for a shit meme?
>being this fat

Fucking Carls Jr or whatever has opened a location right next to every Whataburger in my area. fuck OFF back to california

You're a faggot if you do any running at all

Exhibit B.

Thats what all insecure people do.




>$32 for somebody's shit in a bucket
all money is nothing but a worthless interest payment. every dollar anybody has is a debt to the rothschild's. congratulations on all your successes. we need right wing universal welfare and a one world currency and bit coin. fuck gold n sheit. we makee da goot eye-dee-yahs

my cooking>local mom and pop style franchises>5guys>whataburger>inandout>everyone else>white castle

In-N-Out is try to take are turf, we have to build a wall around the sate of Texas.