>tfw 25 year old alcoholic in recovery
>My saturday nights now consist of drinking tea and eating a box of After Eight's whilst shitposting on Sup Forums
I just want a happening, is that so much to ask?
>tfw 25 year old alcoholic in recovery
>My saturday nights now consist of drinking tea and eating a box of After Eight's whilst shitposting on Sup Forums
I just want a happening, is that so much to ask?
Other urls found in this thread:
just read books and smoke weed dumby
Any skins?
Mon we buzz out for a few tins. Got a whopper 50 bag of coke.
celts are literally western version of slavs
>smoke weed
yeah that's not how addiction works
im about in the same boat. found out i have diverticulitis. now i have to eat nothing with preservatives, quit smoking and stop drinking soda. eat fiber. take meds. cant eat red meat. cant eat rice or anything granular. no white bread. my life sucks right now. although im not letting the fact that im between shitting in a bag for the rest of my life and eating and living healthy get me down too much. sometimes we need the right decisions thrust upon us. at the very least these situations are a sign that someone is looking out for you up there to some extent. try not to shit on his hands while hes reaching out to help you with an ungrateful attitude towards life.
don't worry friend, in the last 2 months because of long term alcoholism I've:
>lost my girl of 7 years
>lost my house
>lost my job
>live with parents
we'll be okay. if not there's always suicide
Lad don't get me started on tins all my mates are out skullin back some frosty ones and I'm here cracking up
How long have you been sober?
I feel you bro. Haven't touch the devil in the bottle for 2 years now. It's boring as shit. It will get slightly better, but not by much.
>get fit
>fug som gurl
>and then you can drink again
You need some weed and shrooms.
dont feel bad user ur getting older its normal. i got no life to the point my co workers dont even ask what i do on the weekend and just tel me what they get up to. take an interest in something every somewhat follows like sport,movies,news so youre not completely boring!
addiction isn't a bad thing. you retarded make out like it's the worst thing in the world but honestly all it is is feeling like shit for a few days when you run out of drugs. if you can't pay your penance for your drug use then you shouldn't be doing drugs
> not having a bag of cans ready to go
West Brit detected
Long live the culchie
I suppose browsing this shithole is better for your brain than books? Are you fucking retarded?
And rehab you go to will have you hooked on coffee, sugar, cigarettes and religion, even when its prohibited on the property. Please expand on your vast knowledge of addiction though.
>>get fit
>>fug som gurl
>>and then you can drink again
Not how alcoholism works.
2 years sober myself. Life is so much more worthwhile than it was for the decades I drank. I wouldn't change it knowing what I know now. Was the best decision I have ever made....It allowed me to gain some strength....I quit drinking, smoking and eating shitty.
Exponentially better. I still smoke grass occasionally, but it is not a regular thing
But why would you drink tho. Tell us
>le weed
Holy shit user that's some proper life changing stuff. Makes me whining about my own personal inability to stop drinking seem futile in comparison
holy shit user you're like the American me.
>back sleeping on parents couch
suicide pact when?
3 weeks now. The night sweats are fucking horrible still and the temptation to just say "fuck it" and get a few cans is unreal
I find myself eating a lot more. Probably another bad habit.
I don't see how anyone can be an alcoholic to be honest. Drinking is fucking disgusting. The hangovers, the headaches, the STATE of some people who can't handle it on nights out literally vomiting and fighting in the streets.
It's a terrible affliction. It tastes like shit. Vodka never tasted good. If vodka didn't get people drunk, nobody would ever drink it. Whiskey is okay if you're homeless and need warmth in the winter, but how can you be addicted to alcohol? We need to bring back prohibition
Shit posting is much more fun while drinking.
just don't drink as much. how do you people not get this? you're supposed to get better at things with practice.
What about it?
t. mohammad
>I quit drinking, smoking and eating shitty.
where did you find the motivation to do that ?
Are you me?
>Lost gf of 4 years in January
>Lost house in March
>Lost job in August
This year has been hell
That's the thing user you DON'T enjoy it. You just end up doing it for the buzz, literally inhaling as much drink as possible and not letting it stop because you know the hangover is going to be a killer... but you have to stop at some point. The hangover becomes unbearable and you just... start again.
Reminds me of pic related
Hang in there; you're working hard and doing a great job.
Sleeping is tough early on. I'd really recommend some sleeping pills, but NOT the garbage. Get some Melatonin supplement, take that an hour before bed time. it helps with insomnia.
It gets easier soon. 3 weeks is great and you should remind yourself that from time to time. Sobriety is rough at first but after 30 days or so it gets much easier. Build new routines.
You got this.
> black peoples problems
Chin up m8 things will get better 4u
it is though, I am learning stuff. I could probably go on Jeopardy soon since I sit around here 12 hours a day. Pure knowledge accumulation is good for your brain.
I used to be a major drug addict
I'm 25 and the night sweats are pretty bad too. I pretty much just sit around watching documentaries and sports highlights on the internet. I can't kill myself anytime soon though, cause my dad's best friend's son just died, and I saw how bad their family got messed up by losing their only child.
Fake as race mixers being happy. HAPPENINGS ARE CREATED BY HAND! Not by wishing. You want one, you make one.
Don't make me do this tyrese
No happening will ever be good enough. Read professor Ted, buy some property, leave society, start a quasi-Jewish Butlerian polygamist cult and be comfy for the rest of your days.
i'm 30 years old. no gf ever. kissless virgin. no friends since 17. balding. no job. make $15,000 a year. live in a collapsing house. in the center of a ghetto. yet i feel good, not suicidal at all, i work out, and go do what i want when i want. everyone hates me yet i literally dont give a fuck. i am still master of my own life. so when i hear you guys saying "wah my life is so bad i must drink" it's kind of ridiculous. if i had gf's and shit like yall i'd be even happier than i am.
You're a good dude user, thanks. Filling the time is pretty fucking hard alright. It's nuts though, your body does honestly feel a lot sharper.
It was getting to the point where I couldn't walk for like 30-45 seconds without pumping alcohol sweat out. That sweat is the sickly sticky sweat too.
Yeah I sort of numb myself with YouTube videos. I find just throwing on a creepypasta video in the background is very therapeutic, if cringy. I also just got photoshop so I'm learning to work with that.
Current PA licenses are horizontal.
OP, for the love of Christ please stay sober. I cleaned up for six months but fell off the wagon. I won't go on and on about woe is me, but for your family and friends sake, please stay sober.
forgot to mention i dont drink or do drugs at all. so yall are kinda pathetic.
Just dropped some knowledge on some Trump supporters irl trying to harass a few cute girls. I biched them out in a way that turned them on and we got high and uncontrollably laughed at Sargon videos cuz hes so dumb. We fucked the sheets were full of cum.
>implying you're not addicted to living
Don’t listen to this high estrogen faggot. Control yourself and drink moderate amounts of whiskey like a real man.
Seriously how have you not kissed a girl before?
Make a gf and bang her to death.
What about for his own sake? Life is boring as shit without drinking.
>>Lost house in March
>>Lost job in August
You're the one acting niggerlicious m8
You sound like a budding serial killer on paper. But I'm not hating on you. My situation isn't much better.
Why? I went back to my parents, and later lost my job
same here bruv.
it's an expired one
We share a common pain, friend. And to think this time last year, everything seemed to be going so well.
Insomnia sucks
because they hate me. so do most people. i have an energy that repels people and i've never figured it out
>Seriously how have you not kissed a girl before?
This. Especially in the UK, the women there are fucking dogs
how the hell can you eat an entire box
also goddammit you dirty mic stop waiting for a happening and go make your life happen
>tfw 25 year old alcoholic that recently turned back into alcoholism
>My Saturday nights now consist of me getting drunk and eating fried chicken and roasted potatoes whilst shitposting on Sup Forums
I just want a happening, is that so much to ask?
tfw 36 year old amerifat tripping balls off some European LSD streaming UFC live from Australia.
i'm not from the uk this is a proxy. i'm american. and i wouldn't even touch a uk girl. they're the most disgusting women i've ever seen. i'd stay a virgin.
>tripping balls off some European LSD
get off the internet and go do something in the realworld faggot
I can agree, I drink everyday but my rule is don't start till 5 pm
fug, I think I might have this but no way in hell i'm quitting all that shit nigger
>I just want a happening
Stop waiting for one, and go out and make it happen
I can tell you're underaged kid
>i'm american. and i wouldn't even touch a uk girl. they're the most disgusting women i've ever seen. i'd stay a virgin.
Trueeeeee - fair enough - Go to Las Vegas and buy a $1000 hooker at the MGM Grand and have a great night, stop being a faggot m8 and join the rest of the dudes
Nyet, you're just a projecting faggot
This is real, right?
Why? Explain what this energy is, surely you can't be that autistic to not know at all. I'm an openly proud neo-nazi and regularly reveal my power level to all members of society, and even I've fucked 5 girls and I'm 25
It's real if you're mind thinks it is...
Indeed it does. Diphenhydramine works wonders for me. 25-50 mg at 9:30pm if I have to work in the morning. Sleepytime usually arrives around 11:00 pm
We don't drink because we enjoy getting drunk, we just hate hangovers and being sober sooo much we'd rather throw up blood.
they're pretty fucking good user
Confirmed child
>And rehab you go to will have you hooked on coffee, sugar, cigarettes and religion
Can confirm this as I have been in a few rehabs like this
Although I never became hooked on any of those whilst I was there, I always enjoyed a morning coffee and already was a smoker before I went there but I remember half the residents were hoarding the coffee and eventually the coffee was confiscated and you had to get permission to have a coffee.
And don't get me started on the religion part, due to the AA/ NA meetings the residents that had been there longer seemed to be really robotic to all this religious "been saved by god" recovery shit.
I'm in recovery, too. Been clean from everything from opiates to alcohol for 2 1/2 years. Stay strong, it's worth it.
>you sound like a budding serial killer on paper
they've always treated me like a serial killer even though i started off as a nicer person than any of them. i no longer value their lives so, if provoked i could one day become what they unfairly treated me as for years
Hang in there Irish bro. The white race isn't strong if its full of alcoholic losers.
We're all in this together.
>hooker in vegas
pick one UK faggot, go get acid attacked by a kebab faggot
13yo me would think you were the coolest
I'm 26 and drink a 6 pack of beer everyday
is that alcoholic level drinking or is it ok?
Every post you make is exposing you as a 12 year old. Every sentence you post is just regurgitated buzz phrases and may mays. I'd wager you're probably 12 maybe 13
How much were you drinking per night/per week to consider yourself an alcoholic? I drink about 1.5l of 40 percent spirits a week but can stop for days at a time without W/D. Currently trying a few weeks of sobriety.
You can eat a lot when you're trying to quit something
Pic related is happening right now
How did alcohol cause you to lose your job? Just missing work and shit?
>is that alcoholic level drinking
>drink a 6 pack of beer everyday
Sadly, yes m8
I'd say kys, but thankfully a muslim will do that for me in due time
>3 weeks now.
Hang in there, Paddy. 22 years on the bright here. There is life after booze but keeping the cork in the jug sucks for a good long time.
I don't understand how people do the daily drinking thing. It's 9pm the day after getting pissed and I still feel like death.
depends on when you drink
>I'm 26 and drink a 6 pack of beer everyday
>is that alcoholic level drinking or is it ok?
you should try to stop but i think most of the guys here are talking about hard liquor. i was drinking a 6er every evening for 2 years and it didnt seem to do any harm. im in good shape though.
29 and the same, it's not a good thing
>It's 9pm the day after getting pissed and I still feel like death.
The trick is to keep drinking bruh
The childish, misplaced energy of your posts, I smell the prepubescence.
Did you post shane mcgowen yesterday? I already told you he's from England
I hear Nibiru is happening again
Stay strong, user. Avoid getting hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (exhausted). And whatever you do, don't pick up a drink. Happenings will happen soon enough.
26 years old, 10 months 17 days sober. Smoking a cig and putting off my homework.
The temptation is very very strong to give in but I just keep thinking of the money I'll save and my fucking health. It's all fun and games til you become the person all your mates make fun of because you're a drunken clown desu
There's a lot of recovering alcoholics on Sup Forums it seems, that's good to know, makes me feel not so alone I think
I was drinking 12-14 500ml units of beer (a standard can here) a night, topped up with bottle of hard liquor and six pack during the day.