I think porn should definitely be banned

I think porn should definitely be banned.

Who else agrees?

It is causing degeneracy in our generation, our kids and our society.

it is the reason why the 80 - 20 rule exists where even morbidly obese women get chad and us normal men can't even get a normal gf.

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if a guy is dating a morbidly obese then he isn't a chad mate

I agree but how can we make this happen

Mate every fucking day on the way to work I see a at least 4 decent looking dudes with these ugly as fuck fat pig women.

They are literally fucking up the dating market for us normal dudes.


there's something else wrong with them then

I disagree, it should not be banned at all, however I think it should be illegal to produce it using video recording technology

half the people here would kill themselves, and im all for that

Porn has existed since man first learned to draw and there is nothing wrong with it.

oh wait. sorry. i think it's because so many women are fat now, people think they need a gf so they will accept a fatty over >tfw no gf

Mate I am SERIOUSLY considering dating an Asian or Eastern european woman at this point.

I am 24 KHV I should be having the time of my life and I want children and I can't even fucking get them.

I am so fed up and lonely, I'm actually considering race mixing, should I date an Asian via internet dating?

Nah. I think there should be classes and essentials to seek real interaction over porn.
As it stands most people still have the Trump pox and i can't handle the insanity. I just want to do my job, make my community happy and reflect on why traps are not gay.
I don't want to got to prison because i looked at someone wrong or kissed for 3 seconds instead of 2.5

Porn never existed as it does today show me the 4k cave drawings of a girl getting air righted by 4 niggers while her cuck boyfriend looks on. Waiting on you Hans

Yes I think porn should be banned but I still think prostitution should remain legal.

I'm not gonna fuel your weird fetish m8.

Too bad thought you were onto anthropological/archeological find of the millennium

>nothing wrong with it
It depends on your definition of wrong. Does it kill an individual, or violate anyone's 'rights' to produce or consume porn? No.

But it's difficult to make a case for porn being a good thing. Removing physical intimacy from sexual acts and redirecting sexual urges into a purely introverted, meaningless act does nothing for the individual or his group. Masturbation has always existed as a release valve, but you don't open a dam when you don't need to. There doesn't need to be an entire (((industry))) profiting off of men's failure to secure a mate and fulfill their natural duty.

Agreed. My husband always suggests watching porn to get in the mood. This has the opposite effect on me.
>in b4 tits or gtfo

>being such a dopamine addicted beta cuck, as to be unable to control one's self-abuse
>answer: BAN PORN

Consider the following...

Ruined my life.

>tfw no crazy institutionalized qt gf
y liv

meh go for it I can draw my own if I have too.

Don't ban it but make sure your kids cant access it at all at home.

You however cant control them looking at it at a friends house or something.

>Mate I am SERIOUSLY considering dating an Asian or Eastern european woman at this point.
>Eastern european woman
Poles do not integrate well, huh.

>Hey you know that thing literally everyone loves and uses all the time? Lets try to ban it.
Worst case scenario you get mercilessly beaten in the streets by 95% of the population, best case you're vote-locked and it'll never ha-
>sees flag
Oh of course its a britfag. You wouldn't need porn anyway, just jerk off to Akhmed assimilating your wife.

>Virtue signaling the world

Wew lad. A woman has to redpill her husband.
What a timeline to live in.

>fetish porn is all porn
You're just as retarded as you are fascist, kill yourself and do us all a favor.

I think many people here overvalue sex and treat it as some sort of sacred act when in reality it's not much different from any other activity that adult people engage in. Personally, I think it's more of a game than it is a holy ritual.

>it is the reason why the 80 - 20 rule exists where even morbidly obese women get chad and us normal men can't even get a normal gf.
Porn is degenerate, but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with this. The reason for this is socialism, divorce and contraceptives. Socialism allows a woman to marry the state, no need for a provider. Divorce allows a woman to ditch a man, no need to settle for the first choice. And contraceptives allows you to be as promiscuous as you want, no need to feel attached to just one person.

>4k cave drawings of a girl getting air righted by 4 niggers while her cuck boyfriend looks on.
There are a lot of caves in Sweden...

I used to think Korea was beyond cucked for banning porn but now I envy them. Porn is probably the number one tool used by the jews to destroy civilisations aside from mass immigration.

No. It shows you what women really are and reduces white knighting.

>I can't make my own decisions so I need the gubberment to tell me and everyone else what to do
Leftist scum

1, you cant ban porn. You can't ban prostitution so you defenitly can't ban porn

2. Porn has reduced rape and child molesting

>or Eastern european woman at this point.
Keep that backhand sharp and go for it, Roge!

>I'm so anti-social and my fetishes are so depraved that I can't live in a society where absolutely everything is not allowed

>2. Porn has reduced rape and child molesting

Citation needed

if you say so...

Ban it so I don't waste my time on it.
I can't repress the urge. It only goes for about 2 weeks at max and I am back with porn.
Someone plant bomb on their headquarters so I can resume my life.

says Finland

Nice flag

Those fat women are millionaries and those chads smoke weed and lead a life of leisure and fuck around on Sup Forums

>Someone plant bomb on their headquarters so I can resume my life.


i know that exact feel my man im going through it too

fuck off maddox

Porn is jewish poison


I literally never ever see Chads with fat women anywhere. At most it's blue collar guys who have moderately fit bodies from physical labor, but they look meh otherwise and cant score higher because they're poor and not good with hygiene/grooming/health/style etc.

Lessons from history. Look back at periods when porn and sex were shamed and censored. Were those better times? In what ways? Make a case based on available data.

100 years ago degeneracy was playing cards & whiskey. Kids played poker all day and drank moonshine whiskey.

Degenerates will ALWAYS exist.

Most definitely.

Can't regulate morality

Ban it

But you mirror laws to it, which would be the reason for such a ban.

have u ever tried black cock tho???

everyone loves porn dude it's just a reality.

Yo is this that awkward fapping tranny girl?

Also, he's British, so the women are mostly ugly regardless.

Degenerate fucking cavemen...

How to ban porn?

Are you an incel OP?

Ask south Korea.

>us normal men can't even get a normal gf

Ogg seen things.

>it is the reason why the 80 - 20 rule exists
You're an idiot, the pareto principle is a rule of nature. 80% of the effects are caused by 20% of the causes, almost without fail.

>24 KHV


are homeless shelters the ultimate place to pick up loyal qt3.14 girls? is this the hidden gem weve been missing all along?

>dude standing next to an animal with the same phallus that tons of the figures in this genre are given
>must be pornographic, must represent bestiality
Lay off the porn and learn academic honesty.

nothing should be banned, you idiot. what needs to be done is better educate our kids and parents so they don't raise morons like themselves.

if you want true loyal woman you'll have to give up pron. women think acting like whores in porn is what men want, so they think they have to be a whore. So you have to pick one or the other

porn can be anything that gives you a boner op.

no fucking way. I'm addicted to tranny porn. Also if you want me to give up porn, make them give up the pill. Good luck faggot.

> it is the reason why the 80 - 20 rule exists where even morbidly obese women get chad and us normal men can't even get a normal gf.

Or mayeb it's because you're a loser incel who can't get pussy because he's too busy eating doritos and jerking off to hitler

As someone born in the 1980's unlimited 24/7 access to free porn is a relatively new phenomenon. Back then it was the occasional Playboy or Penthouse and nude scenes in (((HOLLYWOOD))) films. Wasnt until the advent of file sharing programs like Limewire that porn became available for free on your computer. That was only 10 years ago. Has the world really gone to shit due to porn in only 10 years?

Also, how do the porntubes make their money? Is it all strictly via advertising or is there some data mining going on?

Yeah? How?

Yeah but I'd probably end up getting locked up for evading the law desu

thanks leaf good read

What is that filter called? Where a picture looks predominantly blue/white/red/brown? Is there a special term for that, or is it just a lower level of green...?

>It is causing degeneracy in our generation, our kids and our society.
>it is the reason why the 80 - 20 rule exists where even morbidly obese women get chad and us normal men can't even get a normal gf.
the mainstream media that is causing that, banning porn probably will complicate the situation

That's because the actually good looking girls are going for turbo chads

I using porn once every 2 weeks or so degenerate anons?

>the 80 - 20 rule exists

can you explain how porn makes women seek the top 20 percent of men? I really dont understand the connection

I agree. Porn should be banned.

All porn is fetish porn. Name me one example where it's not. Even a amateur non -interracial sex between loved ones is a fetish.

Ya let's make sexual assault on women more prevalent and expose more people to hep C. You're a stupid fat hog that only thinks of yourself aren't you. Lets just get the government involved with every aspect off our lives excuse me now as i go suck start my 45.

I think you're getting it mixed up. Porn is the effect, not the cause.

Men are forced to satisfy themselves with porn due to the current state of women in modern day societies.

Fetish has an actual meaning you fuck. You redefine words like an SJW.




instead of banning it, we should put harsh pentalites on (((producers)))

we should make novelty oversized ovens and poorly guarded deathcamps instead.

Nothing should be banned. People should be less stupid. And all those incapable of such deserve to be genocided.

>t. Jew.

I agree. Porn is corrosive, subversive, a tool of the Jews, it has no redeeming qualities and ruins people.

I want to cum in Liz Gillies vegan Kraft good and watch her eat it.


Fuck off tits or gtfo

If you where a porn star and got aids it should cost more for you to get treatment than a victim.