Are goatees Sup Forums approved? I don't want a beard due to soy boys and a shaved face doesn't look great on me

are goatees Sup Forums approved? I don't want a beard due to soy boys and a shaved face doesn't look great on me.

As soon as I grow a beard it's suddenly not cool.

The dairy jews are pushing lies about soy.
Phytoestrogens do not negatively impact testosterone. Mammalian estrogen in dairy does. /fit/ has recently awoken and trying to push antidairy to raise testosterone and in return the dairy jew is trying to brainwash Sup Forums with the soyboy meme.
Don't fall for this bullshit Sup Forums.

whats this have to do with goatees?

>current year
>not rocking a mustache like pic related

a stevie ray vaughan is the only facial hair men should have, all else is degeneracy.


Thats what I'm thinking user. I can grow a thick beard, but numales ruined them, so I'm thinking a thick state trooper stash,or an Aryan brotherhood style stash

Here's some inside information. You can only rock this stache if you don't have a baby face. In general... losing weight makes any beard look better. So get on the treadmill.

tfw baby face
i will never be an alpha chad

thats known as a soul patch.

If you often worry about looking like a soy boy, you might be a soy boy...

well... you can still try this look.

Handlebar stashes are the ultimate redpill. If I could fucking grow facial hair I'd have one. But I don't look like a faggot when I'm clean shaven so at least I got that going for me

>Phytoestrogens do not negatively impact testosterone

Nah, beards will always be cool. Just don't fill it with "product" or braid it or any faggy shit like that. A simple manly beard is fine.

dont think bushy staches arent in atm ive noticed more trimmed staches with goats... could be wrong.

Goatee aka prison pussy.


>doesn't want full beard
okay. go half beard. Like a chin strap / mustache combo.
Or my personal favorite, chin strap / soul patch combo.

what about pic related? he kind of has a baby face without the stache. i think it looks good.
this is muslim tier

If you have to manicure, sculpt or shave it, it's too much like a vagina.

Being in shape with a beard will offset the soy boy vibe. And only open your mouth wide when yawning.

it depends


don't you mean goytees OP?

big soy is having an estrogen induced shill/cry fest

Low maintenance. Shave every few days, rock the scruff. All this manicuring is ridiculous.

fuck off, Brad. make Jew babies as you were instructed you Whyte Nigger

Yes, but it has to be super sharply lined up like his is. It takes mad maintenance

>Implying consuming negligible levels of estrogen is worse than consuming overproduced overrated cow fluids proven to all be pumped with hormones that not even California has to ban they are so illegal...

Let the beard grow in a more natural shape without drawing too much the lines and you wont look like somebody hiding the passion for male sex.

Nothing manlier than a big walrus mustache. I don't even trim mine anymore (pic isn't me though).

Obviously, most guys can't pull it off. A goatee is a bit tired, but a long one can be pretty manly.