Why doesn't Sup Forums do more to support businesses that espouse traditional, Christian based values?

Why doesn't Sup Forums do more to support businesses that espouse traditional, Christian based values?

because (((they))) shut them down before we hear about them

I try to eat chick fil a as much as possible.

but its not exactly good for you.

they are too crowded

Most delicious nuggs. But I only have them once in awhile.

Just had a 12-piece for lunch today driving home from the grandparents' cabin in Appalachia. The microphone was down so they had a couple very polite teenagers taking orders on tablets. Guy handed me my order and told me to have a blessed day.
I don't like their stance on gays and the environment, but they're a national treasure.

I hate virtue signaling businesses. Keep your desert jew religion out of my french fries.

Can you believe that practically all of their branches are that polite?
Really shows just how worthless non-Christian morals are.

Oh please. No one gives a shit when companies like Apple or Microsoft or Walmart or any other fucking company supports liberal causes -- gay stuff, tranny stuff, whatever.
But the two companies in America that are Christian get criticized.

Around me they employ mostly niggers.

>two companies

What's the other one?

Cracker Barrel?

Isn't Sup Forums like just a bunch of people?

I've never had a bad order or experience at any Chik-Fil-A and only ever seen one black person behind the counter.

Waffle fries and a vanilla milkshake are a nice snack on the way home from work sometimes.

>On Sunday, not the actual Sabbath day which was commanded by God to observe

Oh, h-hey user. Didn't see you there..yeah I just got back from my walk. Are we still going for a delicious grilled chicken club at Chick-Fil-A, and some waffle fries? I love spending time with you so much.....

>implying we're not all Russian bots

>everything fried in extremely high omega 6 peanut oil
Good goy

>I don't like their stance on gays
Why? Sodomites are degenerate sinners user.
>or environment
What's their stance on the environment?

Right. I forgot about that. Thank you, comrade.

Hobby Lobby is what I'm guessing he's referring to. If I recall correctly, the CEO is a devout christian who is against gay marriage.


My local chic-fil-a will use the tablets to take orders whenever they are really busy. Haven't seen any other drive through restaurant do something like that. The line could be out into the street and still go faster than a McDonald's with 3 cars.

>Christianity isn't rooted in the ten commandments or other biblical guidelines
>Jesus wasn't a rabbi who instructed people to keep to the law of Mosses
>Modern "Jews" are actual Jews

I had my first bad experience last week, there was an ant or some kind of bug right in the middle of my sandwhich. I got lucky that I readjusted the chicken to center it on the bun and spotted it. I called the chik filet and they appologized and immidiately added a free meal onto my account (I use the app to order ahead and beat the line). I told them it wasnt too big a deal, I picked the bug off and ate it anyway, and theyre so good all the time that I can forgive one mistake.