I want to stop doing coke /pol. i want to purge this and other degeneracy from my mind and conquer myself.
Any tips or pasta that can help with this?
i know its unrelated but pol is full of people i want to ask this to
I want to stop doing coke /pol. i want to purge this and other degeneracy from my mind and conquer myself.
Any tips or pasta that can help with this?
i know its unrelated but pol is full of people i want to ask this to
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Why would you even start touching this garbage?
Well, I don't know how to help you, how addicted are you?
Chew gum instead.
Ask yourself why even quit?
If you have a
and vacation once a year I think you should keep doing what works for you
Are you asking us while on coke user?
Switch to Diet Coke, it'll stop tasting weird in about a week and your waistline will thank you.
Watch trainspotting
Watch trainspotting 2
Get an isolated place away from every junkie you know, and stay there secluded for at least 2 weeks.
Coke is not that much of a feeble cold turkey, its harder to quit smoking.
Most important find a cause, something to fill your void user, pride in a cause will give you the optimism to actually feel better lucid and sober,best of luck!
>conquer myself.
Here's your problem. You're approaching it backwards.
If you defeat yourself, you'll only be defeated.
You don't want to conquer yourself, you want to save yourself.
Be your savior, not your enemy.
What's your situation exactly? Why do you do it?
If you don't have the willpower to quit through discipline then you are too weak to stay off it anyway, this is your final stop in life if you don't do something about it just remember that.
I work with the homeless, seen a lot of addictions. You gotta find what works for you. Some people do great in rehab, but it's the exception not the rule. Optimistically I'd say rehab has MAYBE a 30% success rate, and that's being pretty generous. I've known people to drop addictions like a bad habit, so to speak, with no apparent outside influence. Some people just grow out of it, but again, that is not generally the case.
Why do you want to stop? That needs to stay on the forefront of your mind the whole time. In the end it comes down to your willpower, you can either hack it or you can't. You want to quit? Make yourself stop, addictions are vicious but you can be more powerful if you really set yourself to it. Try rehab if you have the funds for it, if not you need to gut it out. Fuck cocaine, that shit steals your soul, get it gone now user.
Why did you start doing coke in the first place?
Stuff a backpack full of food and go into the wild. Allow yourself to suffer. Once you know how to suffer, you may return.
Bolivia is good.
Cocain isn’t particularly physically addictive. You’re just weak. You’re no better than a meth heard
jump into your fucking toilet while you're at it
coke? if u cant quit that ur just weak.
People quit heroin and cigarettes, you can quit coke.
With that said im not sure why youd want too, ever since i started making a successful income making 150k+ a year, i prly blow through 20k of good columbian 90% coke in a year at least. Pretty much everyone at my brokerage is constantly coked out lol.
Switch to Pepsi
Coke should be legalized. Coffee is worse, and Red Bull is crack in a can you know it.
>Coke is not that much of a feeble cold turkey, its harder to quit smoking.
this is very true user. you can do it. do the seclusion for 2 weeks... it will work user. get something you enjoy to do, vidya, read, something you enjoy doing and do it for a week or two while you detox. you will make it :)
>Any tips or pasta that can help with this?
listen you need to find another degenerate who is as bad ass as you and you have a race to see who can do more cocaine, by the time the race is over everything should be sorted out for you
please explain
just a normal guy make money but cant say no to coke, why?
Nazis considered Coke to be Aryan
Gum is degenerate
Stop double glancing at everyone you paranoid fuck, everyone notices. I'm tired of shadow boxing this issue while you crop-dust your talcum powder all over my arabatchi. I hate you, and everyone you associate with.
pshhh... coke is for soyboys, real men smoke crack
Chew the leaves. It's best. Smooooth high lasts all day.
Why? Because you fell for the liberal meme that pursuing worldly pleasure is what life is all about. If you continue to think like this, you'll start hurting yourself. It's the same with anything really, going after a quick dose of pleasure repeatedly will only lead you to start pursuing pain. I agree with the American. Quit cold turkey right now. Go on a fast for 40 days. Try being a natural person.
Just stop man, coke is bad for your teeth and the high sugar content isn't great either.
If you don't quit, rest assured that you'll be executed one day along with the rest of the degenerates once reactionaries start hitting the streets.
Narcotics Anonymous bro.
thanks, great advice
>Harold Bogg
>Give me a rundown
There's a conscious part of you, and a subconscious part. You recognize that.
Your conscious part has to act as a parent to the subcosncious part. If you try to make the subconscious your enemy, you're going to end up with a bad result because your victory condition is your own defeat.
Instead, you need to make your consciousness the caretaker of your subconscious. Like a child you love and want to succeed. Most of your habitual life is dictated by what the subconscious part wants to do. Recognize that you need to train it to act correctly, just as you would a child.
And if you focus enough on training the subconscious part of yourself, you will make progress.
No problem. All my friends have turned to speed/cocaine. I am the last one standing. It sucks to see what they've become. You're going to make it.
true power comes from the mind, not the state drugs put it in
The Bogg is good. That's all you need to know.
get a prescription and legally do synthetic stimulants, retard
by the end of the first month you wont even like the shit anymore, and you'll stop.
Remove other users and degenerates from your life and engage in wholesome activities with clean, healthy people.
Go on a mushroom trip and you won’t want coke anymore. You are suffering a spiritual malady. Shroom trip, spiritual practice, meditation and exercise should sort you.
Bufotenin is more effective tbqh.
Coke was invented by Freud, a jew. Ever seen a jew's nose? Makes you think dunnit.
>Coca is one of the oldest, most potent and most dangerous stimulants of natural origin. Three thousand years before the birth of Christ, ancient Incas in the Andes chewed coca leaves to get their hearts racing and to speed their breathing to counter the effects of living in thin mountain air.
>Cocaine was first isolated (extracted from coca leaves) in 1859 by German chemist Albert Niemann. It was not until the 1880s that it started to be popularized in the medical community.
Traces of coca and nicotine found in some Egyptian mummies have led to speculation that Ancient Egyptians may have traveled to the New World. The initial discovery was made by a German toxicologist, Svetlana Balabanova, after examining the mummy of a priestess called Henut Taui. Follow-up tests of the hair shaft, performed to rule out contamination, gave the same results.
Kratom if it's legal where you're at will keep you off of it, but it's trading one vice for another...
Refuse to take it. Get mad at your cravings. Feel a sense of indignation about coke destroying your mind. The cravings will go away soon enough. If you ever feel a twinge of craving in the future, get mad at it again.
Part of the red pill is arriving at your own answers, regardless of the input of others. You know you need to quit. So find your own way and do it.
>Gum is degenerate
>Reddit flag
You think there's some magical answer to your struggles? Some kind of thought process that can immediately purge you of your addiction?
No, you get through your struggles the same way as everyone else: by suffering. And the result of this suffering, this process of taming the snake that is your addiction to cocaine, you will become stronger. That is what that statue, and fascism / militarism stands for.
>TL;DR: Suffer through it. Stop taking it, and when if you succeed, you will be significantly stronger than before, both mentally and physically.
>I want to stop doing coke /pol
you are asking for advice in the wrong place, cowboy. you need to speak to your family.
I am a recovering addict.
IV opiates is my drug of choice, but I've injected a lot of stimulants as well.
I was clean for a year but had a relapse a few weeks ago.
It's fucking hard to quit, but it is possible if you put your mind to it.
Maybe try NA/AA meetings for a while
You don't have to buy into the higher power things, you can just go there to get inspired by people who managed to get clean
You've obviously never done coke.
The fact that you're even here asking strangers for help tells me that you know what you're doing is wrong. I was a huge coke head for years. Currently haven't used in years.
I know you're wired reading this. You're probably fiddling with your nose. You've got a glass of water nearby. You got something out to snack on and then realized you're not hungry. You can't stop moving that one leg or knee all anxiously. Your palms are sweaty. Your thoughts are moving a mile a minute. Sometimes you can hear your heart pounding in your head or ask yourself how the hell you're going to wake up tomorrow.
Just stop. Instead of texting your guy, just go home. Or stay home. Give it literally 3 days and that edge will go away.
Mentally, you'll still feel like a coke user for weeks. Impulsive, moody, wanting to "hit" something every few minutes. You'll eat or smoke or chew gum more than you used to, but you'll feel much better.
You couldn't pay me to touch that stuff again.
Jenkum is a good safe substitute. I beat a 20 year coke addiction huffing Jenkum. Saved my life
Get rid of your "coke friends". Anyone you have ever done coke with before get rid of them. Cut off all contacts/sources of the drug.
You mean huffing the methane that emanates from fecal matter? Just quit coke, OP. Fuck that,
Just remember the come-down. That and the nose-bleeds I got when I forgot to moisturize my nose regularly snapped me out of the habit. Once you realize the first 3 lines are as good as it gets and eventually you HAVE to face that comedown, you can start to rationalize not bothering with it. Plus even with a good setup, it costs too much money, I mean you can never have too much if your doing it, and if you have some extra you'll always convince yourself to do just a little more (ok just one more then ill smoke a j and relax). Best of luck.
You will fail. No one ever really conquers himself. You understand you are a sinner and a solution needs to be found. Everyone else is too, just not everyone thinks it's a problem in need of a solution.
Jesus Christ, Son of God & messiah of the Jews, died to pay the price for your sins, was buried, and rose again as prophesied.
You must believe that to get the benefit of that payment. Study the Bible. Do your best. Make an honest effort. Let God do the rest. If you fall, admit it, get back up, and try again.
watch this everytime you do it
ive been doing this but for masturbation and the song i used to love fucking annoys the hell out of me and makes me want to fucking die to the point where i associate hate with masturbation to the point where i eventually quit
good idea
Quit being around it
Save your money to buy something nice.