Y-You did vote for me, didn't you?
Thanks for voting for me, user
>getting your mugshot on a magazine
What does this mean for the common man?
>TFW a hashtag might actually win
Can't let that happen.
>caring about (((time magazine)))
It means they aren't going to put the Puerto Rican mayor on it. It means they aren't going to put some virtue signaling libshit on it.
It means they're going to put a white female on it who hasn't cucked to (((their))) demands and stated her political views, which practically speaking, means she's conservative and/or supports Trump.
>Caring about a few posts on a Mongolian knitting forum.
Trump, Salman, and Bannon
Apps can't touch this.
the poll is CROOKED
sometimes it moves the mouse to be above YES
for the Dreamers, for Hillary Clinton, and for the #MeToo campaign
crooked leftist fucks
Can we vote gook-moot?
>Trump doesnt have more than 80% YES
wtf Sup Forums I trusted you
It just has to the right mugshot.
Time for Sup Forums to hit all the Swifties sites....
He already got 2016's Time person of the year though.
TayTay is at 35%ish, atm. She need moar!!!
Person of the year
Person of the year again
Person of the decade
pretty sure the only people i voted for were trump, tay tay and putin, every other choice was horrible
I don't care about the makeup and photoshop. Good fucking lord she is perfect in that
>greentexting links like a fucking asshole.
>browse the poll again
>see results
wtf is the UI bugged?
Fucking this. Time, Newsweek, Nat Geo, all those magazines are globalist trash.
So seems like Trump is in the lead
god damn almost that entire list was pozzed
we need more votes
She publicly shamed Apple over a private negotiation to get more royalties. She somehow turned personal greed into some kind of public, moral concern. That's some Machiavellian shit. No wonder all her boyfriends have been lacking. She hasn't dated Lex Luthor yet.
>voting for a pop star
Fuck that, we always rig the vote for the dumbest choice. Sup Forums is probably going to run this shit as usual anyway.
>browse poll again
>see this
wtf, the poll really has a bug when displaying results
Dumbest choice is that mayor chick from puerto rico
>Sup Forums
>having any relevance whatsoever
Have you been in a coma for 5 years? They don't even do shit like that anymore.
Thank God that helpless Apple has someone like yourself to defend it. I don't know what on earth that poor little multinational corporation (with an ~$870 Billion market cap) would do if you weren't here to defend it.
>most of the subhumans on the list are worthless people with no value to the world aside from Trump, Bannon and Tay
>Ariana Grande
ugly twig girl only on there because her concert got exploded
Singlehandedly destroyed the NFL
>bunch of woman politicians
stacking the deck with vagina cards
Witch hunt hashtag
She does seem like the best choice and she’s easily the prettiest one on there. Bump
>20% for Margaret Atwood
Literally who?
Why can you vote for all these randoms but not Pewds?
Trump 25%
Atwood 20%
#Metoo 7%
T Swizzle 5%
We at least have to beat the hashtag.
I love that fourth day of the flu look
I think she’s overrated but Jesus, dat pic doe
>person of the year poll
>looks like that guy who played Anakin
reminder that the poll results don't matter and the one they use on the cover is chosen by the magazine
I tried the makeapp on our Aryan Goddess myself, you literally can not make her ugly.
The fucking ratio for taytay
36%, I THINK SHE'S WINNING. There may have been one higher, but I forget.
Everyone, we have to make her win!
I voted for tay. Trump is winning though
Trump is in the lead
Yeah, nevermind what I said, it uses something different to measure it at the end of the results. I don't think she can beat Trump.
its deliberate to make her the person of the year and then force her to speak against racism and so on
In the old days Sup Forums was able to manipulate Time's person of the year Sup Forums. They did it multiple years. Unfortunately, thanks to newfaggotry Sup Forums is not capable of trolling on that scale anymore.
>(((They))) demand that Tay Tay denounce
>Tay Tay refuses to denounce, and is even willing to go to court over it
>Tay Tay gets voted Time Magazine's person of the year
>(((They))) demand that Tay Tay denounce
Why would she denounce in step 5? The situation is the opposite of what you're describing. The Left just keeps making themselves look crazier and crazier as they keep making these bizarre demands even as Tay's support grows in spite of it
They would do it to blow up the story and then she has to face the media of the entire country which she probably can't handle as good as Trump did.
TayTay is honestly one of the most beautiful women alive. With or without makeup, I think she stands head and shoulders above almost anyone. Gotta find a gal who doesn't wear that shit, so when she does she knocks your socks off. But most days she's not ruining her skin by clogging up her pores with gunk and hiding behind a mask.
Oh what do you know, /r/The_Donald is manipulating the poll to make Donald Trump number 1:
There is no way Sup Forums could manipulate the poll to make our Aryan Goddess win. Sup Forums is nothing but a shadow of it's former self. Most of the people here now are faggots from /r/The_Donald anyway. Sup Forums is dead.
You saying those queers are better than us?
I'm all for Taylor swift getting the cover
I'm an Android guy. I don't give a shit if Apple pays artists more or less. And I think you're smart enough to get that from my post. Maybe you just weren't paying attention when it went down. She acted like she cared about how much garage bands were getting paid and made high road posts, but really she just wanted more money for herself. It's the bullshit social justice theatrics that bother me. If she had offered to donate her share to the bands who can't afford new brakes for their touring vans, I'd feel differently.
She looks like Elvis in a wig on the right. Not saying I wouldn't go gay for Elvis in a wig. I'm just saying.... that's kinda gay.
brings me back
What the fuck did emma stone do?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
>not voting for trump
about as much as posting #metoo on twitter did.
oh no
I like her more with the makeup removed
And Trump and Bannon. No on everybody else.
whoever made this is fucking with us
If Hitler had won every woman would look like that.
And like we can trust Time to be fair and unbiased in their poll....lolllll
I never liked Taylor that much, but I think I'm in love now. That natural look on her is exceptional.
Vote cast. She's actually in the lead, get in there and support our girl!
Kind of tomboyish but cute.
I thought the puerto rican bitch was in the lead
I voted for ugly angry drunken dwarf, and never again
>Donald Trump in the lead by 8 percent
>DACA people
anyone notice all these pics are lower for some reason? It's only those 4
I just finished voting and I think the only one I saw higher than Tay was #metoo. It was 2% above her.
I don't see how a hashtag can be "person" of the year though.
Also I did notice that, I almost clicked yes on Hillary because of it.
>the poll moves the yes/no options down slightly so a no vote would produce a yes vote unless you're looking
it's not really the pictures but the yes, no buttons are lowered, so if you're just clicking no on all of them you might accidentally click yes for those 4, it's next level jew shit
We are in the same boat.
was damn close for me too and was wondering the same, even took a snapshot
voted for bannon, trump and taylor
the rest were all baboons, dumb cunts i've never heard of and chinks
Of course baby ^^
so they are trying to rig it, they figured everyone would try to vote no so they moved those 4 down so people would accidentally vote yes. Fucking Time...
Why do we even fucking bother with this? You know they withhold the right to choose whoever the fuck they want to choose right?
Why would they even acknowledge (((social movements))) on twitter when they ban conservatives. It's not a social movement when there's only one opinion allowed by the controllers.
Same here.
>PERSON of the year
>a hashtag
who is Margaret Atwood? and how is she winning when i've literally never heard of her
This is why we should be voting for DJT, not Tay. Fuck their jewish propaganda rag -- Trump should be on their cover for every year of his presidency.
Just voted for you Taylor.