Christianity isn't European

Christianity is a foreign religion.
Pagans aren't larping.
Unless you're genetically jewish, you're larping as a Christian (denomination of judaism, just like Hasidics).

Other urls found in this thread:§ion=1

Legit, how can you be a white nationalist and worship kikes?

Then stop using Arabic Numerals.

The indo European religions are also foreign to the supreme native europeans

>an american larping against european christianity
his actual picture is on the meme he posted

Are we doing this again

Pol is a pagan white nationalist board.

>not accepting KARA BOGA as your savior

lmaoing at you wh*Teoid dogs hahahaha


>Pagans aren't larping.
Trying to hard too bait there.

All the war memorials are crosses for a reason

Fuck off juden

>better open up them borders goy those low IQ brown people are brothers in (((Christ)))

>larping as a Christian (denomination of judaism, just like Hasidics)

Your logic and reason is that of a dipshit.

Everyone wants Christ to give and to sacrifice for them, but no one wants to sacrifice for Christ. They want Christ, but not the Cross.

Literally this.
Christians are just selfish and merely force themselves to believe for fear of death.

Try harder, turkroach. It ain't niggers good girls wanna come home to.

Awesome pro European thread with excellent memes!

REEEEEEEEEE my wh*Te ass is on fire!!!!!!!!!!

Look at your gut, at what you'll never become, therefore everything you urge to destroy.

Deep down, you're down for a good Crusadin'.


Christianity Died the day that their "Pastors" began using the 'Scofield Bible'

>just selfish

Do you have a statistic to support your claim?

> force themselves to believe
Despite the good evidence?

>fear of death
Basic human characteristic -- self-preservation. What does Christianity have to do with it?

Everyone thinks niggers are gay when they post pictures of other men (often naked men) and constatly talk about dicks.
You now look like a gay nigger for doing the same thing.
Im a femanon so I get to post QTs. Step aside I can take it from here, no need to look gay

>Projected reality
>capcha: Stardust Aldi

Hard to take someone serious who can't put together a coherent sentence.

Make Africa Great Again nigger
>and take whyte wimminz roasties with you monkey-ass niggers


And if I am bi, where do I lie?


Dead in a ditch


tits or gtfo whore

Make me noob

Shame to be a newfag who can't interpret nuance!
>capcha: Calle Lota

Fuck off, Aryan Brotherhood

Meanwhile Christians are advocating to leave Sup Forums for good and live like obedient goyim,

just gonna leave this here

When the time comes, I'll join you there. But got plenty of living left as opposed to a regretful roastie.

Hi Clad.

>hur durr Christianity is Jewish trick
show me some proof that isn't just a ms paint comic made by some fat virgin

Literally worshipping Yeashua bar yosef.
A yahudi indeed.

literally worshiping a Norse god while being half black mutt

>hile living in Uppsala he was disgusted by the Temple sacrifices that took place there, because the priests of Frey performed effeminate dances and mimes to applause, accompanied by the unmanly clatter of bells.

Pagan greeks and spartans used to have gay sex while discussing battle tactics.
I have like 50 pictures of pagan art displaying homosexual cum butt fuckery. Want to see?

Your norse pagan heroes used to dress in pink loin cloth and "dance in a feminine manner" and have gay buttsex over a cum altar to freya.
In some christian saxon records it was recorded that the vikings shaved their necks and privates in homosexual rituals.

North Europeans accomplished nothing. They are the niggers of europe. They attacked small villages of unarmed women, and monastaries of unarmed monks. They got BTFO by every armed force, even when the vikings had 4 to 1 superior numbers.
They were gay, sucked at fighting, invented nothing, accomplished nothing, and even their faggot religion (odin drank semen after jerking off dead men) was written and recorded by chrisitan irish monks.
Everything you larping morons pretend to believe in, was recorded by christians kek.

go fuck yourself fucking pagans

>all pagans are now norse
Literally all of europe worshipped the same god dyeus phatar, maybe you recognize that deus or zeus tiwoos etc.
All the same shit.
Just over 8000 years the words gradually evolved.
Every single one of you has tens of thousands of pagan ancestors.
From Iberia to russia.
From sicily to norway

>Literally all of europe worshipped the same god dyeus phatar,
Muttface what? This has to be the biggest fucking joke statement i've ever seen on this thread since now.

>king of Jews
>Jews hate the ever loving shit out of Christ
despite jews literally rioting to have christ killed, he was still inherently a jew, and thats bad. even if a jew hates zionism and other jews, they are still bad because evils of judaism are all solely in the name.

Atheists are an even bigger joke than pagan larpers.
>the most obese community
>highest rate of suicide
>the most depression, schizophrenia, autism and most other mental disorders
>most of them are leftists
Every single communist jewish leader from marx to trotsky to rosa luxemberg to stalin was an astheist.

While Hitler was a christian amd "eradicated atheism with merely a few theoreticsl declarations".
Christian empires
>holy roman empire
>rome stsarting with constantinople
>france from charlemagne to napoleon and onward
>great britain
>Spanish conquistadors
>carolus rex

Atheist empires
>soviet union
>communist china
>every marxist country ever

It ain't you either

>Literally all of europe worshipped the same god dyeus phatar, maybe you recognize that deus or zeus tiwoos etc.
Its time to end your life.

>the virgin argument
"thats blatantly fucking wrong"
"umm, actually"
*image provided with context*

Are you this ignorant of your own history?

but muh scientific advancements!!

>In this moment, I am euphoric
Use this if not on mobile.

Thre ashkenazi "jews" originated in eastern Europe. The jews of the bible are not the jews that currently own the media and the banking industry or run the show. Nobody knows who the real jews are.
Some literal niggers from ethiopia claim theyre jewish, arabs from lebanon and syria claim theyre the real jews. Ashkenazi and even asians claim to be jews. This results in different categories ofd "jews" probably none of which are jewish
You think they are a monolithic hivemind fuckhead? The jews you cry so much about are literally european

So much bait, so little time.

>Chridtians invent 97% of everything on the planet
Including your computer
I dont understand your argument. Youre proud of having achieved nothing but communism and mud huts?

>doesnt mention sephardic or mozrahi.
Jesus kike.... i mean jesus christ was a mizrahi.
It's not hard.

Have a dick.

>Straw huts and igloos

cool. so are the oceans of immigrants. doesn't change the fact that they are bad.
>not realizing it was a joke

I did mention mizrahi in the very comment you responded to.
>atheist reading comprehension
Do you have Jesus' DNA and genetic lineage when the entire rest of the world doesnt? And if so how did you come by it? Do explain how you know he was mizrahi kek.

This is getting more pitiful by the second. Your autism is showing

>is proud of a literal grass hut supported by logs
Wow. Pagan architecture, so advanced and beautiful. I stand corrected

Literally in the birth place of every mizrahi ever.

>ethnic populations dont mingle, migrate, change or dwindle
I bet you're one of those darwinists who thinks if a nigger moves to an unhabitated part of russia with his pure nigger tribe, that the climate will make him develop blue eyes and blonde hair afyter 2,000 years.
Atheists really are historically illiterate

Literally all of europe was pagan.
But if you want to get off topic and attack the norse when romans greeks germans iberians celts etc were all pagan as well.
Here's norse buildings.
50m by 9m by 9m

>heres norse buuldings
>posts wooden shed a nigger could build
Here is a christian building



>one of these was built 400 years ago.
>one of these was built 2500 years ago.
Hmmmmm really makes me think.

Gott mit uns, non nobis domine.

Apart from pagans being literal gay homosexuals who never advanced passed grass huts, they were also violent and retarded and had low IQs

Yeah when christians first came you were playing with mud and having gay buttsex on cum altars to your effeminate tranny gods.
We changed that and forced europe to become the most technologicxally superior and advanced continent in the world.
Youre welcome double digit IQ moron

Everything alright user?
Seem to be throwing dozens of projections out the last few posts.
Wanna talk about it?
Confess your sins mah boi.

I agree, fuck the Jews, fuck the god of israel, and fuck Xtians. I yearn for the day Satan destroys all of you and returns the world to a state of discord and chaos!

>noit an srgument
I am providing statistics, sources, and evidence.
You are crying about projection when you dont even know what that means.
Name what I have projected brainlet. Oh this is embarassing and sad kid just go to sleep.

satanic jews had to get rid of the pagan mushroom mages somehow

that does not look like the oldest castle - where is that?

>85%+ of "jews" identify as atheists.
>Every jewish communist in history was an atheist.
>somehow Christians are problem.

Chatreau doue la fontaine france

>Gay homosexuals
>Dey stoopid

Refer to
No. Literal gay homosexuals user ;)
Your ancestors had gay buttsex and orgies after dancing like women for freya in their pink loin cloths and bells.


>sailed to america 400 years before Columbus
>traded all over europe, middle east, etc.
>almost managed to take Paris
>niggers of europe

The true nigger of Europe were the Irish, since they're the only ones to be truly enslaved.

Mud huts and gay anal.

Sup Forums is a christian board you heretical degenerate scum

>year 800
>year 2010

flagged as anti-christian
try getting another job, paul

>considers getting in a boat and accidentally discovering america an accomplishment
The native americans discovered america first. You're on par with stone age brown asiatics and polynesians?
Every society in the fucking world traded with others you dumb shit.
>almost managed to take paris
Vikings had 15 times the numbers of the French and took the French by surprise
Still lost.


And yes niggers of europe
>raided random unarmed villages of women and enslaved them
>raped children, pillaged art and destroyed culture
>lived in grass huts

Christians werent around in 2010 B.C.
And when christians first arrived, you were living in the mud like dumb animals and literally worshipping trannies and having gay orgies.
Yes, you can thank all technological, artistic, cultural and linguistic advancement to christianity. You are welcome

Early European hunters first landed on the East Coast around today's Chesapeake Bay.
Your Native Americans showed up from Siberia ten thousand years later.

I only speak English and dont talk to illiterates

>10'000 years prior
How far will you cucks reach to invent something to be proud of? The first norse landed 1000 years prior to columbus you historically illiterate duce. And natives were already there

Yes, Christianity is European. As a Roman religion, it is the only monotheism that is European.

Glorious pagans everybody

Butthurt prime.
Got these saved on a playlist?

I just typed in "heathen" and collected them in 5 seconds.
I saw far worse before. You guys are a joke and dont even know anything about your own gay "religion" (youre just larping and dont really believe in it, you just think its cool to say "im a heathen" and wear mjolnir pendants).
Why would I be butthurt? Youre the one with no argument standing back in stupefaction

>y would i be butthurt
Look how long my posts r vs urs

Lots of shills today.

Reminder that most "pagans" are lard ass boomer women who lack any concept of culture, nation, or heritage. Reminder that they're "pagans" because they never got over a phase of teenage angst, or because they still suffer emotionally from their molestation and find comfort in what has become a worthless Tumblr-tier subculture. Nobody is a pagan because they seek truth, only because they're angsty teenagers in adult bodies.