>China’s plot to oust African dictator Mugabe
>Sup Forums doesn’t seems to care
China’s plot to oust African dictator Mugabe
cool when does he leave
wtf I love China now
>be the coal
>pay the toll
we know, it's obvious, what is there to discuss? china has owned zimbabwe since the 80s
the coup was going to happen regardless of what china did. So it is no surprise that china backs the winning side. China has invested billions into Zimbabwe and wants to invest billions more.
it's Africa, does anyone *really* care?
I do wonder if they will start slaughtering their Chinese over takers too. Wait nah on second thought the Chinese don't cared about being called the word "racist" and would laugh it off as they continue to expand unlike us.
Mugabe killed and kicked out whites out of his country and sentenced it to years of hunger and missery. Someone needed to take him out, if chinks did so, good for them.
>I do wonder if they will start slaughtering their Chinese over takers too.
They would need to be suicidal. Chinks would make belgian congo look like a fucking joke.
you're an idiot if you think the coup wasn't full on ordered by china
Mugabe already sucked the chink dick. This is nothing but a simple replacement because he was getting too old.
Sup Forums are all beta degenerates that don't or care a squirt of piss about geopolitics
that's why they'll be up the front of the line in the Laogai prison camps of the future...
why should i care about zimbabwe?
Chinks are pretty ruthless compared to the Nazi to the Jews.
Remember Unit 731?
chinks know that the only way to develop apefreakas resources is to do it themselves without fucking monkeys gumming up the works
because it used to be ours
what do you propose we do? stage a CIA counter-coup?
Empire of Dust 2: Wrath of Xian
thanks for the insight chang
I don't really fucking care because China doing literally anything in Africa would improve it
the guy who orchestrated the coup is more ruthless than Mugabe. He was recently fired from his job, and he thought he was about to be assassinated. He has powerful connections in the military and he was able to exploit the weakness of Mugabe and his wife to pull off a coup. China did not order a coup, they simply supported the side they calculated would win in order to prevent bloodshed and protect their investments.
Crying about Rhodesia is the African equivalent of crying about East Prussia or Danzig.
There are no Germans living in East Prussia anymore. Only Russians. Likewise, there are no Germans living in Danzig anymore. Only Poles.
And likewise, there are no whites in Rhodesia anymore. It's gone. Forever. Let 'em have it.
We've abandoned the alpha race status for suicidal, toxic levels of compassion instead.
This is what happens.
>the USSR and China supported the guerrilla movements that removed the white rule
>China doing literally anything in Africa would improve it
uhhh, not so sure about that.
>niggers or chinks
It's like they're both a fucking curse upon the world.
The moment Western Civilization collapses, China is going to strip mine Africa from coast to coast and exterminate niggers like cockroaches.
China can't even strip herself.
That's right, Mexican, what are you?
>Mexico of Asia
And people wonder why I hate niggers...
Isnt your people the thugs that were booted from early Mexico?
since when has anyone actually given a shit about africa?
That's the japs, you gook
He went to china a week before the coup. Mugabe was going to give power to his wife, who the chinese do not control.
There are more than you think actually. If you watch the footage from the mugabe protests going on right now, there are plenty of white people in attendance.
Also, I'm not proposing they take it back. I'm proposing recolonization.
>one-child policy enforcement.webm
There has been a small well connected white elite still in Zimbabwe, this isn't new.
The black beasts were set upon the white farmers, but not the white elite, heavens no.
China makes Rhodesia 2.0 It's Natsoc.
No, not white elite. Watch the news reports from Harare. There are a bunch of goofy looking white fucks on bicycles and shit, talking about how today marks a brighter future for zimbabwe
>I'm proposing recolonization.
with what?
Good in the Chinamen. They'll do all the horrid shit that western humanities departments sob about from a century and a half ago but won't have to worry about humanitarianism.
The west is so fractured and navel gazing that China could enslave the whole population and work them to death in diamond mines and nobody would lift a finger.
After Rhodesia was destroyed the people of Zimbabwe deserve their enslavement to uncaring foreign overlords richly. The older ones will weep bitter tears wishing they could get the Brits and boers back
like a bunch of american whites move there? could work
Lao is entirely right on his rant but it's misplaced on Eddie. Eddie is exceptional even by Western standards. He speaks at minimum four languages and is extremely ambitious and gets shit done. His problem is that he deals with the worst of the worst that Africa can cough up and takes the blame for their inadequacies. If Africa was full of Eddies it would be on par with Europe in a generation or two.
Based China.
Nah man, you need a military invasion.
The chinese will make better use of the area than the nogs
Good. I hope the Chinks turn all of Africa yellow.
Good, Chinks won't put up with nigs' shenanigans, Africa will once again become the breadbasket of the world
i thought you said colonization
Yes? You think modern colonization is possible without military force? It's not. You have to take out their government and install your own.
I think they choose to move to california because Mexico is a shithole even during the old times.
>You think modern colonization is possible without military force?
what is europe. retard confirmed
You think they won't use military force as soon as france is 50.000001% muslim?
I just like when lots of Africans die so
who's they?
Only from the standpoint that I want those natural resources to belong to us.
>what is chemistry
retard confirmed
The Great Deniggering approaches.
Obviously he means the Lutherans
pretty sure that guy advocated killing whites so as far as I'm concerned China is doing God's work.
>Likewise, there are no Germans living in Danzig anymore
Wont be too many Germans in Germany soon either
Good. niggers have an average IQ of 70, letting them take care of themselves is inhumane. Anywhere there are more than 500 of them there's a war. Africa, Chicago, Detroit, ect...
my sides
they do not exist any more
how did he not see the massive hole in front of him?!
Watching on loop this is a comedy skit that never ends.
Mugabe is an asshole, he deserves everything he gets
Chinese don't give a shit about anyone, will wipe all non-Chinese from Africa
That hurts to watch.
No need to bump. Clearly Sup Forums is uninterested in China influence on Africa.
Good, west is too cucked to stop that white genociding psycho. Thx based china
We're extremely interested but don't have much to say. If you have information worth discussing or a good source of something then speak up or post it but otherwise it's just sort of outside of our sphere of knowledge so there's not much for us to discuss.
good. hope niggers like their new chinese overlords
China is more pro white then the us government
>implying Zimbabwe doesn't have a shit ton of gold
What do you think Trump's Asia visit was all about? Do you really think Xi was just feeding Trump's ego by honoring him with a state dinner in the Forbidden City when that's never been done before? We're about to overhaul the financial system and return to a Gold Standard.
What happened?I just heard generals in Zimbabwe arrested their president.
The Chinese know letting some retarded typist run the place would drive it to an inevitable civil war. They don't really care that it's mismanaged as long as they can extract resources, and a civil war could be damaging to that. China made the right decision.
I'm pretty sure this is a fake news website.
The only bad thing in this vid is that only one nig died.
The replacement fought alongside Mugabe against Rhodesia. The coup is Mugabe's co-revolutionaries vs. Mugabe's wife.
Eddie needed the wake up call, as he kept falling back on the "because colonialism" excuse he was taught along with those four languages.
What are you projecting nigger talking about ? It's not like we could pull of what China is doing in Africa. Most people here also hate niggers more than chinks. You should maybe care more about local politics since the chinks seem to outnumber you year by year.
I want a ZERO child policy in asia, fuck all those dirty streetshitters, fuck them
I dont get it. Why the fuck does Sup Forums not care about this? We whites should be taking over africa not those chinks
Aww. Thought I was on Sup Forums and this was gonna be a thread on Rush Hour 4.
>yfw Red China will do what whites won't
a lot of the countries China helps do not actually have anything in the way of natural resources
I was expecting a piano, or something to fall on the kid at the end.
You guys are literal niggers. Literally no culture, shitty ooga booga food, ugly ass "people", no historical achievements, absolutely nothing.
lol. They do it for their own gain.
They give awesome blowjobs though.
Don't fuck with Pooh's honey supply.
god i fucking hate chinks. i love nothing more than to buy quality bootlegs from them online, claim shit never arrived, and get my cash back
I hope they kill a bunch of niggers