Do you need daddy to tell you to make your bed?
Mister Metokur Pisses on Jordan Peterson
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Jim blasted him hard on Coach Redpill's livechat as well.
>clinical psychologist gives life advice
mind blown
>He's making more on Patreon than me! REEEEEEE!
Stay salty Metokur.
Metokur is hitting 40, with no children, pandering to 16 year olds.
Jim is literally right about everything
>>He's making more on Patreon than me! REEEEEEE!
This leaf hit it on the head.
Are you guys not just mad because he said "a fucking leaf" in the video?
Yes I do
In fact, last weekend I gave him $50 to do exactly that and answer my question about the similarity between Communism and One Piece
Jordan peterson is a fucking cocksucking piece of shit and I'd like to punch him right in his leaf face and watch his skinny neck flail backwards while he effeminately mumbles something pretentious in his frog-like voice
He literally just made a video about that so that is clearly not what he is saying.
He just mentions that he is making that much and despite making a ton he STILL charges for a shitty personality test.
That part doesn't bother me one bit. I just think it's ridiculous for Metokur to attack a clinical psychologist that's giving out self improvement advice for free. Metokur just comes off as mad that people are donating alot of money to Peterson.
It really is obvious that this is the case.
>being this butt-befuddled that anyone would dare to insult your kike-loving daddy figure
>When a millienial thinks he knows something but he doesn't.
>paying $10 for a personality test
Metokur is completely correct
It absolutely blows my mind when people praise him on here. Peterson is a total hack and a basic-bitch. Do people just not read books? Absolutely nothing he says is interesting or more intelligent than common sense. It's advice you get on fucking Snapple bottles.
Why is it bad that a clinical psychologist is giving life advice to a generation of traumatized and psychologically deranged generation
>Snapple bottles.
I agree with leafman, then again metokur swings from all three chaotic types just to get attention/swing to the current hot topic. Only thing he ever put some actual work on was the TGWTG saga and it was still just doing a compilation of what went down with each persona
Metokur is right and its about time someone says it like it is. Peterson is good, but hes money grubbing like a jew and thats not okay.
Jim right again, as always. I had some respect for Jordan Peterson at first for being one of the only humanities professors actually willing to speak up against something, but the shtick is getting old. He's just your typical "le enlightened centrist" milquetoast faggot. He's the Joe Rogaine equivalent for people who don't smoke weed.
I would not be surprised if Jordan Peterson were to bring up this fact and riff on it by over-analyzing it back to how the human body functions in relation how much energy you spend in a day how to channel that energy into productivity or some retarded basic-bitch nonsense.
Total fucking cornball
Jordan Peterson is a common sense dispensary, and as mundane as he might sound to some there are others to whom these things are desperately needed revelations.
I'm glad SOMEBODY is calling him out. After I started watching his shit when he got popular for a while I liked him at first and over time he struck me more and more as a massive pseud. I don't care about his dodging of the JQ and his treatment of Faith Goldy, this is to be expected, all his shekels come from civnats, but what he's getting paid for is incredibly insipid.
Some of his internet insanity videos are pretty well researched.
Peterson really pissed me of because in his interview with molymeme he out of nowehere goes
My grandather was not a monster you asshole. A human like everybody else whatever your political view.
Just another one of those "enlightend" who sperg out if you mention the juden..
I'm ok with Jordan peterson red pilling normie tards on things but Metorkur is 100% correct in what he has said here, there shouldn't be ANY NEED for a Jordan Peterson to even exist, this is how backwards we've fucking gone and how retarded we're becoming.
I only have one daddy, Peterson is more like a uncle
How much are they paying you op you fucking shill. This is the second thread in less than 2hrs.
No one cares about some stupid gamer who compares jordan peterson to ea loot boxes. Fuck off.
Oh yeah. Those too. I think i watched the ghost tranny shooter. At least he took the job to check multiple archived threads
I agree with him.
Peterson is like L Ron Hubbard in the 50s.
butthurt on Sup Forums is to be expected considering there was a thread recently where people were posting the results of the personality test they paid for and encouraged others to do so.
Is Mister Metokur fat like every other alt-right faggot?
Different markets. Jordan Peterson is more accurately compared to people such as Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, or Tucker Carlson in terms of popularity. Compare his profits to them. Tucker, Rogan, and Jones, all makes tens of millions a year, Peterson makes about 1 million a year, and also funds a staff to edit and film his works, and is literally creating a free university with staff and professors from his profits. Don't compare Dr. Peterson to some 40 something hack pandering to le kekistan teenagers because he never wanted to get a real job.
Sort yourself out, bucko.
muh daddy figure will tell me how to be a normalfag
clean your room xD
>ghost tranny shooter
that was a sad fucking video
>alt-right faggot?
is he even alt-right?
ive always seen him as someone who just rails against SJWs and talk about some internet stuff
>le he makes moeny that means hes bad XDDD
I agree. It took me months to realize that was the limit of his ability. He talks to crazy people. The sane he is limited use.
Jordan Peterson is the epitome of kekistani intellectualism
wow a comedian is shitting on someone and everyone is mad LOL
Common sense is uncommon
Plus our society's role models are shit
I really hate how the history of WW2 has been totally rewritten and romanticized. If you were to believe the modern tales about it, we entered WW2 because we wanted to spread democracy and defeat the "evil racist bigotry of FASCISM!" and to save the poor jews from those evil nazis.
...which is absolutely completely fucking wrong. Nobody gave a single fuck about "fascism" or the third reich's policies on things like race. Nobody gave a fuck about "spreading democracy and freedom". In America, many people supported the nazis and most people wanted to stay out of the war. It wasn't until Pearl Harbor that we ended up joining, and even then most of our focus was on the Nips, and the motivations were geopolitical, rather than ideological. Same with the european allies. It wasn't about ideology. It was about geopolitics.
But then you go watch jewish bullshit like Saving Private Ryan, and you think that every American soldier that landed on Omaha Beach did so to beat those FASCIST ANTISEMITIC PIGS
Bucko detected
I mean, if society is so completely fucked up to the point where Jordan Peterson is blowing people's minds, then.. I don't know what to say. I am glad he's helping people, but I did not imagine that so many people did not even have basic common sense.
Seriously, Jordan Peterson is like 8th grade philosophy combined with a self-help book you would find for sale in a gas station.
On top of that, much of his advice is actually BAD ADVICE. He is basically a post-modernist despite constantly railing against post-modernism. I absolutely cannot stand the cunt.
yeah its not like he's been a psychologist, Ph.D awardee, and Harvard professor for last 30 years or something
No shit faggots, told that Sup Forums all the time.
But you fucking fedoras would rather join a cult about self improvement about a grandpa telling you shit you should know on your own.
He's right though. Peterson is fucking boring as shit, and just rambles on nonsense to sounds calm and intelligent.
Peterson fans are embarrassing and obnoxious.
>A youtube avatarfagging eceleb blasts some moneygrubbing canadian professor turned eceleb eceleb
WOAH! Did I just wander onto Sup Forums or something!? This isn't the eceleb board!
No one is doubting his knowledge when it comes to psychology. From what I saw, his lectures on actual psychology like the relationship between IQ and job outlook are well done and interesting.
The issue is that he's become this sort of messianic guru for civnat cucks who just want to be told 100x over how SJWs just hate their fathers.
Peterson's Cult of Individualism needs tearing down.
You mean a mentor?
It was 7 after discount. Lol, poor boy
Doesn't Metokur essentially do the same thing he claims Peterson does? Tell people how they should live their lives.
>yeah its not like he's been a psychologist, Ph.D awardee, and Harvard professor for last 30 years or something
Unfortunately very few studies in University actually provide students with any sort of special knowledge.
Anybody who has anything interesting to say these days did a ton of independent research on a topic and was smart enough to pull something out of it and present it to people.
I rarely hear Peterson say anything interesting, except that conservatives are not afraid of degeneracy, they are disgusted by it. But I already knew that, I just hadn't heard somebody say they had done a study on it.
His self-help advice is utterly worthless imo. Like I said in my other comment, much of his advice is actually bad advice too.
I love it when stupid people call concepts they don't understand boring.
Isn’t Jim a literal 40 year old virgin
Ok, I'm very skeptical towards Peterson but the following is not legitimate criticism:
> Dude it's just like an online test lmao
> Dude he likes says things, like it's just common sense lmao
> Dude why does he want money everyone should just give everything up for free lmao
> Dude I don't even need to watch his videos but his opinions are shit lmao
cults have always been for people with daddy issues. this is nothing new.
Metokur just bantz about shit and rants from the gut. I don't think he's exactly telling you how to live your life.
I absolutely hate the radical individualism that so many idiots are pushing as a way to completely ignore/sidestep all the wrongthink that comes about when you look at trends regarding things like race and gender. Epitome of which being insufferable cunts like Sargon "I don't care what happens to Britain in 50 years because I'll be dead by then anyway" of Akkad.
Individualism is bullshit. It's only something you can have around when you're at peace and not under threat of attack/invasion/etc. Just like you can only have a friendly neighborhood atmosphere and keep your doors unlocked so long as there aren't nigger robbers lurking around to take advantage of you. In the face of a greater existential threat like what we're all facing now, the ONLY CHOICE is to either band together as a collective, or die out. Together we stand, divided we fall. And even with everything we're facing, these individualists would still have you just pull the wool over your eyes and ignore what's happening.
Lots of tender hurt feelings over Peterson. The guy is pretty interesting. Seems a lot of discontented former fans blowing in the wind like a corn stock between philosophical extremes. Edgy teens. Fuck em. Peterson is alright. In our amoral society devoid of good sense, it is important.
What kind of beta shares his views without wanting others to pick them up
See, this is legitimate criticism. Peterson never answers the question of what happens when only one group plays by a certain set of rules.
Peterson is good. A legit professor who goes against the current trend of liberal nonsense and is willing to put his reputation on the line.
Jim is just butt hurt Peterson is more popular
Metokur is not branding himself as a self-help guru or a brilliant philosopher. He's fucking making comedy.
Typical Jordancuck can't tell the difference. I guess you haven't "CLEANED YOUR ROOM" *looks down at the ground pretending to be deep in thought and paces the floor in front of an audience of POZ'd college students*
Someone who isn't a Sup Forums newfag that treats this site as a recruitment station.
Surely you can't be this dense, right?. Jim makes videos laughing at lolcows on the internet. He's never tried to present himself as anything more than that.
>Lots of tender hurt feelings over Peterson
I don't actually care that some frog-voiced leaf is working as a professor in Canada. I just cannot believe a giant cult has formed around a fucking brainlet who just spews common sense shit in a pretentious tone. It's actually bad because the dumbfuck gives horrible advice.
Also his interpretation of the bible is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.
Jim has some weird unspoken code of ethics when it comes to making money and like in vid related he's railed on people for providing subpar content in exchange for money or for using ad monetization. It's got nothing to do with popular/unpopular, it's just Jim's autism.
I don't think its been explicitly stated, but whenever he comes across a (((goldstein))) he does the mock jew accent like TDS does.
Eh, there was gooberygate but not really
>freaking out over someone else's $10
what a fucking poor fag.
What's his bad advice?
He has no answers, he grew up in a time when it was not a question that needed to be asked.. he is incapable of understanding the world around him has changed.
This extremely disingenuous. Where has Jordan proclaimed that he consider himself a self-help guru or a brilliant philosopher? He put himself out and found that there's a market that wants his knowledge, why is he wrong to answer that?
Fuck off. I don't agree with all of Peterson's points, but his individualism involves a lot of personal improvement and not acting like a whiny liberal faggot, which has become the staple in the modern world. It's about taking responsibility for youself. His advice in general is solid, and would work well within any conservative ideology where people want to rely on themselves, instead of blaming everyone else like the leftists do.
you'd get your clock cleaned faggot
the other leafcuck aside, I've thankfully noticed a pretty steep downtrend in the civnat r/the_donald kekistan types here. That shit peaked from the time of the election to the original HWNDU stuff, but has died down considerably since then.
Now, outside the /trumpgen/ reddit containment thread, that shit is mostly nonexistent. Worst it gets is people "ironically" wanting to fuck jewesses and their khazar milkers.
>Do you need daddy to tell you to make your bed?
I don't, because my christian conservative father raised me the way a father should, but in this gynocentric society most people actually do need to be told the basic stuff Peterson says because outside of the more conservative households fathers are either not present in the child's life or are absolute whipped pussies which is basically a second mother
but lauren southern is a-ok right, my dude?
And we're saying that "Be an strong individual" is not an good answer when
you have a horde of machete wielding africans stamping down your neighbourhood.
>im not jelly but let me rage 5 minutes about how im fucking jelly
>half the country is poor, 1/4 doesn't have a father but let me tell you why nobody needs life advice
>this only IQ test that says I have 250 IQ is totally the same as the real thing
Can this guy even make a single coherent argument ?
The absolute state of "skeptic" e-celebs.
Which is all fine and dandy unless there actually ARE existential threats to your society.
Just because you take responsibility for your own actions doesn't mean niggers and jews aren't a massive problem.
they are afraid of what he is talking abooot. attacks on his character from both extremes. they will never even attempt to ventur into the belly of a whale, let alone slay that dragon.
jordan b peterson
pffttthhahahaahhahaha, im so glad you've opened up the flood gates
canadian genocide best day of my life
Jim's a fucking attention whore going after anyone he can to get a rise out of people. Ignore him.
This. Its no surprise someone whose message essentially boils down to continually be a better version of yourself is met with opposition.
We already had laugh at metokur thread. Why did you make another one?
that's literally the spirit of Sup Forums, you cunt.
You will have no liberty to practice your individualism if there is not a socially cohesive collective establishing said liberty and protecting it.
In this thread moochers complain. "Ten dollar?! Fuck dat sheet! Where my gibs?"
>Claim to be white.
>Behave like niggers.
Are we forgetting about all the content he puts out on his youtube for free. He is money grabbing and that is not good but to say that is all he is doing is retarded. He boils his whole argument down to personality test hurr. Where are you going to go see a psychologist for less than 100 dollars an hour.
>people are idiots for not knowing everything i know
i don't get this attitude, most of his fans are young retards who weren't raised or educated properly. so they need someone half switched on cunt to tell them the basics, and turn them onto the greater western canon. the western world is full of nihilistic, lost degenerates with no direction or hope, Peterson offers good advice for those people, which isn't really an easy thing to do. just go in a 4am thread and try and pull that lot out of their funk.
metokur's being a contrarian, plus maybe jealous of the ridiculous money Peterson's raking in. he ignores the fact that this personality test thing had a team build it, not just Peterson, and if these people spent time making a product it's not at all unreasonable to charge some money for it. Metokur's criticism here isn't entirely unreasonable but he makes a lot more of it than he needs to.
sacred calves are bad, and Peterson has kind of been made one, but the fact that he is a deeply moral and well-meaning person with integrity and honesty just makes these criticisms seem cunty more than anything else. this is more about how rabid his fans are than anything about Peterson himself.
>Where has Jordan proclaimed that he consider himself a self-help guru or a brilliant philosopher?
That's the entire brand of bullshit he sells dude. He's selling personality tests for fuck sake.
Just look at his constant virtue signaling. He constantly says "I have been thinking very very deeply about this topic lately...and I find it troubling.." it make it look like he just cares about "COMPLEX ETHICAL QUESTIONS" so much, and then he puts his head down to make it look like he is thinking deeply and paces around the room trying to look like the caricature of a 1960's high-culture intellectual.
All of the content he sells is self-help shit where he tries to over-analyze basic things, but then comes up with absolutely nothing worth-while.
His interpretation of the bible is a post-modern interpretation. He claims it's a collection of "Good stories that have shaped western civilization" so we should read it. So he doesn't even have the balls to claim that it is all true, so this means we should read The Bible and pick out the things we think are worthwhile, meaning it's all subjective to the viewer, which is post-modernism.
The traditionalist says "Do what the bible says and you'll be a good person". Jordan Peterson says "Do the things you think are good in The Bible and maybe you can find yourself or create a personal moral framework for yourself or some shit".
Too vague and leads the viewer no-where, because he's not setting any objective standards for ANYTHING.
And you're falling for it. Dumb fuck.
guys knows his shit ya dummy