/ceg/ Chilean Elections General - To believe again EDITION

Daily reminder to support, meme and vote for José Antonio Kast.


>José Antonio Kast
Son of German immigrants, Kast, 51, is a deputy and was secretary-general of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI), a right-wing conservative-libertarian party, he resigned in 2016, after 20 years of militancy. Now an independent, he's the been the mayor promoter of "National Libertarianism" in Chile, though he's running as an independent in these elections.
Lawyer by profession, he has a long career in the Lower House of Congress, where he has been a legislator since 2002.
Catholic, he wants to reunite Christianity with Protestants in what he calls "50 points for Christianity", father of nine children, he is considered the candidate of the "far-right" and defends "Christian values": he opposes abortion and homosexuality and vindicates Pinochetism. He also wants to close the border with Bolivia and build a pit in the border to stop drugs and immigration. He has defended Trump and has been called the Chilean Le Pen and Putin. He has refused to support both Judaism and Islam in schools since he says that Chile is a pro-Christian nation.
In his campaign program he promises to "rebuild the country", rebuilding confidence in institutions and politics.
Its motto is: "To believe again".

>God Emperor Kast
>God Emperor Pinochet
>The Lion: Kast

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Kast is pretty much redpilled because of his German roots, though he was forced to condemn Nationalsocialism as a "left-wing" ideology in national TV, saying that he prefers a National Libertarian ideology.

>inb4 I support Mayol


Really based



>reunite Christianity with Protestants
how many are even in Chile?

Like 25-30% of the population I think.

20%, I correct myself.

El ChileANO

I hope he actually wins, maybe he can kick out those filthy haitians

we wuz helicopterz n sheeit

Polls are so divided though, some put him as low as 2% while some say he's around 17%. Depends on how many go to vote tomorrow to be honest. Today it was discovered that Piñera was actually buying polls to keep him lower than 10%.

it's difficult to trust the polls, but I believe he's going to 2nd round, the thing is that piñera is a meme man so people know him more than any other faggot

Well, we definitely won the Memekrieg by far, so it's up to the people tomorrow.



I personally liked the Right-Winger Ray meme.


how is it being so close to straya and japan yet being european-ish by culture?
as an eastern europoor chile seems as end of the earthy as it gets.

Someone pls translate this meme to ingles por favor

What the fuck are you talking about, Chile is nowhere near Australia or Japan

The (((reporter))) who is also a Jewish Argentine goes and tells Kast that Frei Montalva (ex-President) was killed (by Pinochet). Kast responds, "there's not even a trial yet, so go ahead and investigate further and be responsible because that's how journalism ought to be".

We're in South America lad.

was that shit about montalva getting fucked by pinochet actually real? I thought it was made up just to make smear pinochet

the only chilean who deserves to live besides helicopter man is mon laferte everyone else deserves worse than a good gassing or burning


It's on investigation, but it's shady to be honest. Frei Ruiz-Tagle (his son, for non-Chileans) is asking for more investigation but the Army and CNI (Chilean Gestapo) burned the documents.

Mon Laferte is like the Chilean Katy Perry m8.

vote 2