Black Iron Man man and Jew Flash discuss how bad nazis are.

They chickened out and pulled it very far along into editing.


The movie's very first scene (that was left in)? Skinhead Nazis attacking poor innocent muslim immigrants.

Other urls found in this thread:


jesus christ, was this snyder's or whedon's doing?




Why the hell would nazis attack muslims in 1930/1940 Europe????



Holocaust is a lie. No Jews were killed in Gas chambers


I want YOU to stop with your disinfo that can be countered and already has been.





Shills are getting desperate. They know the truth is getting out

I'm as NatSoc as the next pole but if you really don't like Jews and do like Hitler, wouldn't you believe in and support the Holocaust since lots of Jews died?

everyone just ignore the Jew shill and watch those videos I linked here.

>no argument
>"SHUT IT DOWN" comment

>"t-they are totally scared of us!"


I thought the truth didnt fear investigation user?

your belief in a thing doesn't change its facticity



but why did they claim and continue to claim the holocaust happened but can point to no irrefutable proof? Gas chambers with wooden doors, no mass graves found after 70 years, but then again people were only permitted limited chance to search, after the war ends the soviets construct large chimney stacks after the fact, why did they claim to be turned into lampshades and soap, suffer jerkoff machine torture, and rollercoaster oven rides? You have alot more to prove than disprove

>"...the greater the number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation in Europe be after this war."-Mar 6, 1942

>"The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor."-Mar 27, 1942

>""Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated."-april 29,1942

>"At bottom, however, I believe both the English and the Americans are happy that we are exterminating the Jewish riff-raff."-Dec 13, 1942

>"We are now definitely pushing the Jews out of Berlin. ... On the Jewish question, especially, we have taken a position from which there is no escape."-March 2, 1943

>"[Hitler] approved of my measures and specifically ordered me to make Berlin entirely free of Jews."-March 9, 1943

>"There is therefore no other recourse left for modern nations except to exterminate the Jew...."-may 13, 1943

what did he mean by this?

Google translated Geheime Reischassache! as Secret Reich thing


duh they used nuclear death rays to insta-cremate the jews by the thousands, saw it in captain america


>post completely unrelated to the holocaust
>about the german revolution
>SURPRISE! stormfags know nothing about that either

heres a homework assignment user, go look up what the Keil Mutiny was and then go to the wikipedia page for the german revolution and actually read it.








sorry you dont want people knowing the bigger picture, but still, go fuck yourself cunt









does the little baby need to be spoonfed?



Why is it hard to accept that they were just labor camps that went through starvation/disease/air attacks. Fuck just look at finland during the war. They were going through the same shit in their pow camps and openly allowed jewish refugees. Why the Fuck isn't there record of millions trying to escape to there?

Its because the 48 one was based on prewar estimates. Why do deniers need to lie all the time?

british bulldozer


>Why is it hard to accept that they were just labor camps that went through starvation/disease/air attacks.

because thats not what happened.

>t-the red cross said the holocaust never happened!

no they didnt.

Holohoax: Did every jew get a tattoo? Hiw is it that I've never seen a tattoo number higher than 200.000?


Incedentally, all the telemetry data from mans supposed walks on the moon were deleted to save money on magnetic tape or whatever the duck they used.
NASA is an easier and more important wake up call, and holohoax falls right in line behind it.

Fuck off JIDF shill

The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:









Read american pow diaries. They came across them and they were labor camps asshat

thats exactly what happened you kike shill

Here's some actual homework.

>being so utterly clueless that you think the fact that this being a british soldier disposing of bodies is hidden evidence or proves the holocaust never happened

The complete ignorance of even the official story of the holocaust by deniers is amazing. Let me guess, you think the official narrative of the holocaust is "all 6 million jews were killed in gas chambers" and you probably think typhus is some big hidden secret and not part of the narrative since the camps were first liberated, right?

holy shit Im convinced!

>even bothering to deny the holocaust
Why are you still bound by an event which was over 70 years ago? Move beyond the holocaust - its unimportant.

America didnt liberate Auschwitz dumbass

The "5 million non-Jewish victims of the holocaust" was an arbitrarily chosen number (as in, the number 5) by Simon Wiesenthal in the late 1970s as part of the Jewish efforts to spread holocaust awareness in the West which was only beginning back then.

Wiesenthal, a famous holocaust survivor, Nazi hunter and writer, wanted to aid this cause by drawing the West's attention to the non-Jewish civilian victims of Nazi oppression in the hope that this way, they'd take up more interest in the holocaust because it had cost them many lives as well, and not just the Jews.

Wiesenthal chose the number 5 arbitrarily - high enough to awake non-Jewish interest, yet low enough as to not surpass the Jewish death toll itself (minimum 5.1 million, see Raul Hilberg).

Historically speaking the number of civilian non-Jewish victims Axis powers killed in Europe varies wildly depending on the criteria. If we just took the Aktion T-4 Euthanasia program victims, as well as gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's witnesses and non-Jewish civilian political prisoners, this would only tally up to 1 million.

If we add all disarmed Soviet soldiers who died in captivity in German camps, we will get another 3 million victims (including victims of Hitler's Commissar Order or Kommissarbefehl).

If we added the civilian victims of the Siege of Leningrad who succumbed to disease and starvation rather than collateral damage due to shelling, we would get another 1 million.

This way, we would arrive at our 5 million, but this number would increase by another 2 million or more if we added every non-Jewish civilian victim that perished in a cause not directly related to collateral damage on the European front.

Therefore, considering how much the number varies, while Wiesenthal's number itself is an invention, it is nevertheless fact that millions of non-Jewish non-combatants died at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators.

you know they were going to throw him in prison if he didn't say that right? Thats the only thing he could of said to remain a free man

lyme disease...

>its 70 years ago, who cares!

>is obsessed with a totalitarian regime from 70 years ago

lmao and the 1.5 million Jews at Auschwitz is already a fake number that has been revised to like 800,000 by Holocaust historians. 800,000 dead is still a lie but the point is that all these death toll numbers are bogus

you know he said that in an interview with a magazine in 2005 and that youre a stupid faggot who just made shit up on the spot about a person he clearly knows dick about, right?

Its amazing how kike like deniers are, always lying

To get rid of Jews. If you liquidate inventory, does it mean kill? No. Of course not, you're not retarded. Why setup plans to move them if you're just going to kill them? Why not just kill them and skip the nation building part?

please, tell the history.

>is obsessed with a totalitarian regimes activities to the point you spend 40 minutes on here with shitty copypastas

Did I say liberate? Quit putting words im my mouth fuckwit. If you're a pow captured in a front they're gonna send you to alot of camps before you make it to the one your gonna stay at. Some troops got sent to labor camps with poles and jews before making it to the better camps in germany. Russian pows had it 10 tomes worse than any jew btw

thats a cute edit of thr originals but you can pull up the actual archived papers and verify, you are full of shit

I encourage everyone to do their own research so you know, yourself, what the truth is. Cause white people have the millenia old stereotype of being distrustful decievers and not the Jews, right?

pinky in the pocket you fucking idiot

>ideas are events
>Sup Forums is one person
>i agree entirely with nazi germany

where are the bodies

>Its amazing how kike like deniers are, always lying
the red cross is the only reliable source on dead jews
are they holocaust deniers?

Oh, in 2005? Surely he'd have nothing to lose by denying the holocaust in 2005. You sure sold me!

>being so retarded that you dont even grasp the point being argued either by my post, or the original one it is responding to

no one is editing it dumbass, its simply pointing out the irrelevancy of the post in general

>this newspaper said 6 million! this is somehow evidence that the holocaust never happened

damn dude like just legitimately fucking kill yourself you are literally a waste of resources

>actually trying to pretend you arent stormfags

lol. Also love how it doesnt matter, but you make it a point to shill how the holocasut never happened all the time. Also, the idea that something 70 years ago doesnt matter is the biggest pleb shit I've ever heard

Were their crematoriums? Yep. Millions were interned in POW camps at various times. They were good-sized cities. It was a necessity.

Enough to cremate 6 gorzilllion in 3 years? Nope. Not even close, a ridiculous proposition. In fact the handful there actually were were multiplied many times over by fake ones built post-war... and still not anywhere close to enough. This is all thoroughly documented. Plus it's basic math.

Were jews treated for disease and delousing? Yep.

Were jews "gassed" in some sort of overly complicated Rube Goldberg method of mass killing? Nope.

Did jews die? Yep. Especially towards the end of the war as there wasn't enough food and supplies to take care of the Germans themselves, much less jew POWs. Why do you think the allies found camps full of ALIVE albeit starving jews? And the dead jews found, dead due to starvation? GASSING DOESN'T MAGICALLY MAKE YOU SKINNY.

Did 6 million die? Nope. Again, basic math in regards to the jew population post-war. 300,000-900,000 died in camps do to a combination of disease and starvation. There was NO multi-million scale organized mass killing.

Is history written by the victors? Yep.

Has the holohoax been used to maintain jew control upon the world? Yep.



Thank you so much for your effort. I can't always come here (I'm just one man) and it's nice to see others coming across my writings and schooling these tards on Sup Forums.

so for the record you are saying it was 6 million?

No, the running idea is that it didn't happen, but should have, and probably will.


and also pic related. how does it feel being a retard who just got called out on his bullshit user?

they look pretty fat

>muh stormfags
>25 posts by this ID


Schooling = making cute pictures and not debating

>I have no argument better call you a stormfag

>Also, the idea that something 70 years ago doesnt matter is the biggest pleb shit I've ever heard
lmao I am a Heeb, I don't give a shit watching some retard (You) whine about dead people 70 years ago


300,000 german jews?
isnt that WAY LOWER than the official claim of dead german jews?

>proving my point early about typhus retards


Attacking the credibility of the source instead of the argument itself. The refuge of sophists and cowards.

It's not even a good attack. Oh no, a guy didn't get a particular degree in a specific field! That means he has no knowledge of that field

Meanwhile . . . Bill Gates rules the fucking world having dropped out of school entirely.

Hmmmm. Really makes me think.

>be a jew
>get thrown into the "bears and eagles" cage by hitler