What do you have to say for yourself Drumftards?
What do you have to say for yourself Drumftards?
1. Fuck Injuns
2. Fuck the environment
3. Fuck you
Worth it
rly mks u thnk
(((I wonder who could have done this)))
>Lol Christianity is dumb, muh sky daddy xD
Also leftists
>We should respect the holy Indian people, the Sacred Water Protectors are wise elders in touch with Mother Earth and the animal spirits!
it was the old pipeline you fag
Well we know it wasn’t leftists sabotaging it. We know that much. We know they wouldn’t do anything like that.
Hmmm do you have something to confess op? You’re right pipelines are bad, let’s ship it by train!
The part of the pipeline that broke was built in 2010
there's more environmental damage transporting it by rail.
The second I heard about it I figured some deranged envirofag did it.
Hey now, no need to dogpile OP. He knows he fucked up, this is just more fake news. Hes probably already at leddit jacking off Russian bots anyways.
The part of the pipeline that Obama approved is the part that leaked.
It's as if a pipeline would negatively affect the profits of a rail company that was lobbying the Dems.
It's as if a pipeline would negatively affect the profits of Saudi princes that paid for his college education and continued to donate to Hillary's campaign.
5000 barrels leak, likely sabotage as new construction pipelines with 100% xray inspection for welds dont just magically break right away. usually takes years for stress fatigue or other breakdown. still the river is completely clean and nothing found in sitting water. its literally nothing, not even half a swimming pool worth of oil spilled. still safest way to transport oil.
And less environmental damage by just not transporting massive quantities of oil and/or natural gas in the first place
>Be Sup Forumstard
>Make retarded straw man because have no other way to argue
drain the pipelines
Still safer than transport via truck
Considering I'm an environmental remediation specialist, I love it. Reclaiming crude from spills is my bread and butter. It will be remediated and the prairie nigger's land will be fine.
I don't know what the big deal is. The EPA purposely causes environmental disasters bigger than this just to secure it as a Superfund site and no one says a god damned word.
How does one transport goods then? Seriously, the safest way is to do it by pipeline. The contractors in charge of pressure checking sections for leaks are to blame.
With the proper PM's and start up procedures this could have been avoided. The pipeline isn't the problem, the work performed is.
It was literal sabotage. Why are people shocked that a pipeline will fail if you cut dozens of big holes in it at strategic points?
Pipeline sabotaged by leftist thugs paid by Soros. That 18 billion dollars is paying off already.
gas the injuns
gentle reminder to Sup Forums that the pipeline that leaked is the one the Keystone Pipeline XL was replacing, not the new one
>wow guys let's just not use oil, things should run off of love, man.
spirituality and religion are different mutty
naw this is Warren Buffet
Why wouldn't we ban pipes, guns and trucks if it can make us safer? I live by a pipeline and I'm literally shaking right now!
>Oil transported by other methods never spill
some tard decided to use aluminum for the pipeline because steel was needed for other things and there has actually be a slight steel shortage and if we used it on that then american steel which is just recycling would have no way to fill orders
aluminum easily on contact with ,mercury forms a amalgam. mercury is in the fucking rain water. microscopic amounts will react and if you have ever seen a demonstration of a mercury aluminum amalgam forming you know it causing a sort of pitting but most of the damage cant be seen on the surface it takes small parts here and there from the surface to deep within the metal it can even appear to be fine on the surface but it is now porous and brittle
also this is america some idiot probably damaged one of the pipes while they were setting it in place and didnt say anything out of fear of being fired
So which Soros funded organization blew open the pipeline?
>/threading your own post
>implying the indians didn't sabotage the pipeline for muh gibs
sabotage involves work
Kind of makes me wonder if there are any signs of deliberate damage which have been covered up. Would (((they))) do something like this to cause havoc and anger?
Trump is the most Jewish president in history.
>oil comes out of the ground
>no big deal
>oil goes back into the ground
>worst thing ever
Still much better than Warren Buffett 's trains of pain. Remember hiw many times they got derailed and blown up?
Also fuck off.
>What do you have to say for yourself Drumftards?
This isn't really any different from when that same oil was traversing that same distance by rail cars. Pipelines over time will just be more efficient and have fewer accidents than trains.
Shit happens.
Super Fund got the richest mines in the USA doing that shit.
Leadville, Silverton, Animas River.
Agreed it became a huge scam especially under Obama.
Same as the Gulf clean up.
some tard decided to use aluminum for the World Trade Center because steel was needed for other things and there has actually be a slight steel shortage and if we used it on that then american steel which is just recycling would have no way to fill orders
aluminum easily on contact with ,mercury forms a amalgam. mercury is in the fucking rain water. microscopic amounts will react and if you have ever seen a demonstration of a mercury aluminum amalgam forming you know it causing a sort of pitting but most of the damage cant be seen on the surface it takes small parts here and there from the surface to deep within the metal it can even appear to be fine on the surface but it is now porous and brittle
also this is america some idiot probably damaged one of the beams while they were setting it in place and didnt say anything out of fear of being fired
Additional jobs are created as security is hired to guard the pipeline around the clock. Faggot leftists, BTFO.
>Accidents happen.
>Pipeline still the most efficient and safe way to transfer oil.
Ah the usual leftist childishness.
Turtle-Island has become a cult.
The whole "First Nations" and Native Claims act are BS to own mines and oilfields.
All the Indians saying they are indigenous-
is a creationism same as Christian creationism.
>wow you guys, let's just dump 200,000 gallons of oil on the ground, that is when we're not burning it to cause global warming
The goyim know, shut it down!
>oil pipelines are bad for the environment
>to prove my point I will destroy a section of the pipe and pollute the area with hundreds of thousands gallons of oil
Now this is eco-terrorism if I've ever seen it. You're trying to protect the environment by potentially destroying parts of it. Fucking insane people.
Did any oil get into a stream or the aquifer?
Another "functional autistic" with maturity of a15yr old. Did you drink your tap water and get you're flu shots today? Who's your president bitch say it!! Canckles? 99% chance to win right?
It's not like clean energy sources haven't been causing massive problems for the environment themselves or anything like killing off animals on endangered species lists like many species of eagles being killed off by wind turbines or crushing the ecosystems of migratory fish by cutting them off from breeding or feeding grounds or changing the ecosystem by allowing higher than average algae growth which is actually extremely destructive to some fish species. Or how about the massive solar farms that have been seen literally killing birds in flight over them. I mean literally incinerating them mid-flight.
Wasn't that leak from the original pipeline? Not the XL one? Is the XL one even done? If it isn't, then this is a good reason to finish it; the old one is leaking like a sieve.
>giberment jobs for niggers
Cucksevative nigger.
If DRUMPHHSHE wants it, it must be bad...
It's quite clear what KEK meant by this.
>global warming is caused by oil
You're fucking stupid
>Or how about the massive solar farms that have been seen literally killing birds in flight over them. I mean literally incinerating them mid-flight.
Solar is the most metal fucking energy source.
>muh sky daddy xD
top kek
>pipeline leaks oil amidst widespread outrage over its construction
unless there's a documented cause for the leak established, I'm going to have to assume that a leak this early is sabotage by the "environmentalist" protesters
Average train tanker holds 35,000 gallons...The equivalent of seven rail cars spilled..Much bigger occurs all the time on railways..
Wrong pipeline you dumb nigger
Eat the cookie, Tonto
gonna be a lot of jobs created to fix it and clean up, another win for trump
>200 downbotes
Fucking hell, how do people even post on reddit?
At least in our circle jerk every post is equal
Environmentalists aren't too bright these days.
>Sup Forums is equality and reddit is oppression
>Sup Forums fears liberals because they'd bring about oppression
>liberals fear Sup Forums because they'd bring about oppression
>only one of these two actively oppresses and silences their opposition