You Rage You Lose.
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fucking Sup Forumstards stop shitting up the board with useless SHIT
I see you lost.
This nozzles my zozzles
I don't agree with defacing or disrespecting flags that people have died under. Really annoys me.
If that cunt doesn't like the flag, he should be fucking deported. Free one-way ticket to some fucken shit hole like Haiti and be Pozzed.
That'll remind the cunt of why people died under that flag for his liberty to freely be a whinging cuck.
all of my kids want to enter the sciences, this requires university. WHAT DO?!!?!?
Fake image. Only reason someone would make this image is for me to be angry.
>You go girl
That shit pissed me off the most!
this was done as a protest
still a sad photo though
Was sitting comfortably til that faggot threw away a piece of history left by his father
Love how all of them are holding their hands in place besides the chick on the far right who looks 100s of times more uncomfortable than everybody else.
Guess who got raped in the bathroom first that night
>not posting anything from China
Kill them.
How does such a person exist? What is it like in their head? What the fuck?!
>walk out in your pajamas to get the mail, leaving your keys inside and door unlocked
>can't get back in because some bobby cunt locked you out
If that little faggot punched me in the face, I’d go to jail for breaking his wrist.
This is happening in the world right now? These things are too terrible. I never knew how bad things really were.
It starts at 1:53
I couldn't tell what that was at first when I clicked the webm. God dammit, fuck Asians
but they already get free housing via section 8 hud program, and food stamps ... ?
Lost, you ruined my fucking weekend.
Here comes the real rage.
United States of America for you. Why white people still live here is beyond me. I'm moving to Europe before I have children.
Almost got me.
>I'm moving to Europe before I have children
>Anti-apartheid activist
>gets raped and killed by the very same niggers she saved
Is this YLYL?
@47:50 if it doesn't start automatically.
Be prepared to be upset.
Never stick your dick in crazy dude
This is actually evil. It's just malice. Absolute focused intent to cause pain. Just hearing about it has hurt me. Does this ride end?
This is allowed on Sup Forums, but pointing out the communism in the new Wolfenstein gets you banned. Holy shit
Is your picture supposed to deter me? That all looks comfty compared to subhuman niggers and spics. I just went 4 month euro trip and not one European country is nearly as cucked as us demographically.
There we go. Just think, breast cancer almost got this evil twat.
thats nothing
Jews are just inherently evil
lost. imagine the person who came up with this
>step dad
That is what happens when you get kids raised by single mothers and some beta cuck comes in along the way.
>anyone actually believing this shit
This is the webm that convinced me that chinese people aren't human.
Sopa de perro, uma delicia.
Zašto ne spavaš?
She is an idiot. A lawyer can easily use her words as a weapon against her.
This is borderline self parody.
Women are much more likely to date Abdul than Tyrone. Not to mention the only men who approach women in Europe are Muslims while in America every other guy approaches women like he's Chad or Chad lite.
seriously, I thought the lefties were bad when they believe all the made up 'hate crimes', but we are just as bad in believing obviously fake internet posts.
pripremam se za trecu smenu
And now Shilo is a tranny who wants to be a boy. I'm sure that's a complete coincidence.
Jolie should go to jail for child abuse. Her own child will be a freak just to get some attention. None of this shit as "natural" and Shilo will grow up mentally unstable.
The worst part is Jolie will take no responsibility. She will assure herself it was someone else's fault.
Huh. You know, there are places near me that are basically trackless wilderness full of wild hogs that would consume every part of a human body down to the teeth in a matter of days. Just saying.
Tbh, I will murder her for that.
Judith Levine LOL
Why are women so blind and shortsighted to the damage they cause?
is this actually real?
What’s an actual option, besides university, to have a happy and comfortable life and a good job?