The Rebellion

It is time for a return to prominence, the Republican party has been torn apart by its enemies.
The Yellow Dems on one side and the Jewish Traitors on the other.
Together we can crush all those that oppose the party, and crush the opposition.
This is a welcome to the Republican Party Discord QaVmq6q .
Join us in IN,KY,WV,WI since that is unironically where we need guys
This is an invite to the simulator, to Power
Just as an FYI the Dems are mostly ETS guy who just use emoji's and say rt,kek, and wew.

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This is quite intriguing, ill put some thought into it


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the dems are cheaters and we need to win through sheer manpower

this is true

make sure to join the discord too that's where all the fun is at

i have to agree with these statements

i have to disagree with your statement

o shit are we going to fight about this Ano

ok adrian let's fight rn

me reacting to you not backing down

I think your the worst shadow chairman :O

Why do you need people in Ky? Where at in Kentucky

The democrats own the Governor, and both senate seats

the only focuses on states right now, not specific cities in states

But Ky has a Republican governor
the governor of KY is a democrat

Friendly reminder both dems and reps serve the Jew. :^)

Please vote in NatSocs. ^_~

this game doesn't necessary represent current politics, it's constantly being molded

So, you're proposing a Republican Rebellion vs the Democrat Resistance?

Why does this all sound so childish?

How about this: I'll go with my wife and kids, we'll eat burgers and watch Hogan's Heroes, and both sides can slash each other in the throats?

To be fair that's how politics irl work,

>the original nigger lover party
Fuck off.

salty dem spies

i think ill join run me through it,the account making process i mean

i got food let me get you through this. On the registration screen choose KY or WV with SRW/CL positions since we need a massive surge there

got it im in

Excellent, welcome to the Republican Party