Red Pill ruins everything

>Be me
>Enjoying a little strong drink and binging The Punisher on Netflix on my off day
>Full of initial red pills. Ultra Violent, CIA bad actors, Good guy NSA spook, Heroin Trafficking from Afghanistan, "muh 2nd Amendment rights" well represented
>Be thinking "Hell Yeah this is pretty good"
>Hardly 3 episodes in and Frank Castle finds NSA spook by locating his family via lead from journalist
>Frank Castle is the Chad. Muscular, virile, unapologetic, good with his hands, can fix broken things. NSA spook's wife visibly creaming her panties in his presence even though he feels nothing for her
>NSA spook faked death to protect family and now watches them through hidden cameras he placed in their home, too scared to let her know he's still alive
>NSA spook is textbook beta male. Computer nerd, hacker, "can't fix anything" according to wife, skinny faggot, throws up at sight of blood, watching Frank Castle work his wife over through the cameras
>TFW when I can't even enjoy The Punisher without (((Hollywood))) shoehorning cuckold bullshit into storyline

I give up Sup Forums there's nothing left for me out there to watch

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cuck situations make me cringe so fucking much i dont want to watch that pathetic shit

wait a minute, you're complaining that it shows pasty statist beta numales as inferior to muscle bound chads, and you think its cause youre redpilled? sounds like youre soy-pilled to me

Nah son, just the fact that he watches Frank Castle woo his wife and kids through cameras.

Watch that shit, you'll see what I mean.

is the guy jerkin it? id agree if this were black panther or something but a "white" man running off some NSA faggot and taking over as new boyfriend and dad is fine with me

Why would that ruin the show?

I mean, the actors are just faggots pretending to me characters that should appeal to you as fantasies of a ideal humans, I guess you are MEANT to be disgusted by the dude on the screen. But if you do... Why are you on Sup Forums? Are you hating your image on the mirror?

this, as long as it isnt negroed i see nothing wrong with a white alpha gun toting chad plowing a beta libcucks wife

Admittedly slight buzz going on possibly interfering with accuracy.

It's NSA faggot's facial expressions while he watches Frank teaching his daughter how to repair household items and cozying up to his wife. He seems to rather enjoy watching a Chad do what he can't.

How is anything ruined if you are no longer wasting time watching crap on TV? Spend your time doing something better or more productive.

>as long as it isnt negroed

Posts picture of manlet who got nigger-knocked

The nsa guy is a jew though. It's literally an italian chad cucking a jew beta male the show.

Hits too close to home? Why would you want to watch what you see and feel all day on tv??


Just trying to grab a little entertainment after a long week. Always like Punisher, Thought S2 Daredevil rollout promised great things for this spinoff.

Being okay with any type of cucking

>"but he's chad!!!"
>"as long as he's not black the numale deserves it!"
fucking Sup Forums is so (((brainwashed))).
is correct. Don't watch that shit op

OP is a faggot that identifies with the cuck not the bull.

that sucks what they did to micro-chip, he was actually pretty cool as far marvel superhero side-kicks go

I identify as a drunk guy that just wanted some non-jewed entertainment

the first episode has such blatant shoehorned jew bullshit one liners
but after that its fine
>the only real issue i had was when he's looking at a target through the scope and shoots him from like 50 yards (which completely negates how trained soldiers have to account for wind and gravity at a distance like that)

jesus christ
micro was his nerd sidekick in the comic book. wasn’t some thin dude with a family. but a fat nerd who made cool tech for the punisher
the show is fine. you’re an idiot

>"red pilled"

Don't be a soy faggot, cuckolding is an unfortunate reality of our human existence. Women are not loyal, if she can she will trade you in for higher status, wealth, or a useless scumbag that gives her the tingles

>also wife thinks husband is dead

Briffaults Law is an observed natural law of female behaviour. Where there's no value for association, there will be none with the female. The guy pretending to be dead is dead in his wife's eyes. She's open house on the cock carousel.

>are you seriously this triggered about such a small thing?

Grow the fuck up faggot, its much worse then that.

10% of all births are not the father's in the US
That number can hit 30% for low economy, status males
Cuckolding and bastards reduce significantly, 1-3% for wealthy males

Know that if you ever marry its only your turn on the ride, woman in a feminist environment.

>forget ever marrying
>or having a 20year relationship
>unless you are clear social economic superior in that relationship


>be wage cucking
>talk to the only white girl at an all-mexican job
>she used to be a drug addict
>husband is black

I wish I never found Sup Forums

youre right for being disgusted by cuckold bs

This, OP is a fag who can't into old-school Punisher comics. However I will admit there was some other unforgivable SJW shit in the show, though.

I was waiting for this post to come up about the punisher series.
There is some shady kikery in it for sure.
I'm not digging the whole blonde hair blue eyed veteran being a gun rights/anti liberal terrorist using pressure cooker bombs.
Because that's such a common thing.
It's getting hard to watch this shit now.

i thought it was red pilled because that guy is obviously acting the part of the cuck. how many pol memes have we made about cucks, does that then make us cucks for depicting them? everything about him being a cuck is a subtle nod to those of us who made it a thing. its not a sympathetic view to him, it obviously sucks for him to see that shit go down


The Punisher himself is a Jew.

>Bernthal and his family are Jewish.[5]

It's basically a white shiksa woman getting wet for Jews.

its not new thats for sure lads. TV land has been at war against decent men since the ' prophet ' AL Bundy. Do not be silenced, its all a very thin veilcraft smear job and psyop. Be what they hate , and fucking SMILE

Oh and to add the same blonde haired blue eyed white cooker bomber also uses a suicide vest.
Lol this is such a likely situation.

Especially the dom/sub bullshit in ep. 7

It's like nothing exists anymore unless there is some niggerfemalefaggot pulling the strings

That shit was random and pointless as fuck. I still don't understand what it had to do with the series.

Shower thought, its like multi-level marketing. The product is ' ideas and perception ' so when you see it in movies and then see it as a LARP in say C-Ville the hope is your mind LINKS the two even though both are not organic reality, but engineered.

Play video games

For fuck sakes, get rid of netflix already. Network tv ratings are dying. NFL tv ratings are dying. Cable tv ratings are dying. Hollywood box office sales are dead. One of the last jew media enterprises which is still thriving is netflix. Stop letting these jews into your mind with their programming and shit pop culture.

It had fuck all to do with anything, they just needed to make the cowardly white guy someone with a femdom fetish for all the younger male viewers to absord

At 50 yards you just shoot the thing.

>jon bernthal
Into trash it goes.


>Play the loot box lotto.

>shoehorning cuckold bullshit into storyline
>I give up Sup Forums there's nothing left for me out there to watch

Sucked in faggit, your wrecked your tiny brain with a meme from. Sup Forums

Cuckoldry means the analyst would have WATCHED his wife getting plowed and enjoyed it.
The moment the CIA analyst saw Frank at his wife's house he blew his cover to go and protect his wife, to kill Frank. The OPPOSITE of a cuck.

You've been listening to a echo chamber for so long you can't even use basic words like cuck correctly, or know when a real cuckold situation is happening.

This. I understand the need to be entertained is a hard one to break, bug stop giving money shit industries which are trying to destroy society.

Wait, Castle is fucking some bitch just because she comes on to him?

Frank doesn't have time for bitches. He has niggers to kill. True to comics punisher would tell the bitch to fuck off, or shoot her if she was involved in anything

>I give up Sup Forums there's nothing left for me out there to watch

>is willing to break his cover and shoot castle but realizes he wasn't there to hurt them

Yeah he's fucking retarded as fuck. God you're stupid as fuck.

Nah poofter, the Jew gets trickier by the day. Most kikery is implied rather than exhibited.

They went way overboard in many scenes just to show how weak-stomached Mr. NSA is. that isn't by chance.

Just because the cocks don't start flying out doesn't mean the idea wasn't present, but I'm sure you'll try to convince me otherwise


he isn't, he makes a big deal out of "not wanting your wife" to Micro

the most blue-pilled part of the show is the veteran who's all pro-2a and actually a big faker, and the veteran who becomes a bomber over it

honestly I was hoping Frank would take the kid under his wing for part of the season, possibly being killed by the BBEG, but it didn't happen that way.

It wasn't super blue-pilled, but it was less redpilled than Luke Cage (incredibly redpilled honestly).

Also the season wasn't THAT great and I was pretty let down.
>t. huge Punisher fan

jew shit has to ruin everything

To bad the main actor is a Jew.

Fuck off soyboy.

The scene was literally 1 minute long in the 2nd episode, there is no sexual tension since they are talking about their dead family, and the spook shows up with a gun 2 seconds later.

Why is this show scaring you shills so much? Are the T levels too high? Too many redpills about gov corruption?

i haven't seen the show but it sounds a bit like the rumor that Snowden was sent out intentionally by the NSA because Obummer gave USCYBERCOMMAND to the CIA, now totally compromised by the china and (the now arrested) saudi royal family

if you expected anything else from a (((DISNEY MARVEL)) series I have very bad news for you

>binging The Punisher
if you can last 20 minutes in the first episode without bailing, you're diagnosed as a full-on faggot