Richard Spencer is a Jewish soyboy. In August, you buy $250 tickets to the NPI conference...

Richard Spencer is a Jewish soyboy. In August, you buy $250 tickets to the NPI conference. Soon after The Charlottesville shitshow, the venue tells Richard that he isn't allowed to use their space. Radio silence for months. You send an email asking if it's still on and, if it is cancelled, if you can get a refund. Nothing. A week before the event an email appears in your inbox. This document describes the way by which you will be attending the event (they confirm that it is indeed happening for the first time since it was unofficially cancelled). It turns out that, for the last several months, Richard and his cronies have been vetting all of the attendees who have purchased tickets. You made the cut, but they still don't trust you to know the location, they haven't told anyone. Instead, the email tells you that tomorrow, the day of the event, you will be given a unique pickup location. You must go to that location at the specified time, eventually someone will come pick you up and take you to an undisclosed location from which you will be marched into a bus and taken to the location of the event. Odds are it'll be one of his drones' homes. You are baffled by this. You are further baffled when you receive pic related the night before. Richard is having a "fundraiser" (likely at his house) for which he is charging an absurd cover of ayylmao $420(the email was sent out around 8pm). NPI is not a 501-C3. The whole point of a fundraiser is that you can write it off on your taxes. This defeats the purpose, you realize you would be lining his pockets. He owns cotton farms. He can fund his own movement. Also, you learn that the NPI conference has been downgraded to a "Sunday gathering" and there are things happening that your $250 will not included.

Fuck off you stupid Jew. Richard is a joke, so is his movement. The alt right would have been better under anyone but him. He is a joke. All the soy in his diet is making his tits huge. Also I guess I'll leak some attendees.

Other urls found in this thread:

The dairy jews are pushing lies about soy.
Phytoestrogens do not negatively impact testosterone. Mammalian estrogen in dairy does. /fit/ has recently awoken and trying to push antidairy to raise testosterone and in return the dairy jew is trying to brainwash Sup Forums with the soyboy meme.
Don't fall for this bullshit Sup Forums.

I'm memeing out of anger. Replace soy with any other meme word, that isn't the point, soybot.

Tweeting this at him will likely piss him the fuck off. Also bump

OP is a faggot. Imagine thinking after all that has happened richard spencer can just hold public events.

Get off this board, Richard, you have guests to entertain

Nigger, he spent >$10k out of pocket just to rent a room in at the university of florida. He does this shit all year long, and shit gets expensive.

I've been to an event back in feburary where he spoke. Same thing happened, no one knew where till the day of it happening. It was at an actual place, not someones home.

I left the alt right after cville because it has no room to grow.

The reality is this thread is gay as fuck and your reasoning is retarded

>hurr richard owns cotton farms pay for my ticket and uber

Fucking christ dude

Anyone still following these scam artists needs to die. Good thread OP.

OP is sort of faggot but Dick Pezdispenser moreso. Sorry you got scammed faganon. You must covertly record your $250 gathering at some fags house. Also use your nagivation senses to figure out where it is as you're being driven.

It would be really bad if some one stole from Richard Spencers house to recover the 250 dollars they lost wouldnt it OP.

I can already tell you that there's nothing in there worth stealing. Cheap whiskey and he doesn't even have any first editions of any good books. He lives like a poor grad student.

They're really sensitive about recording shit when they meet privately. I'm considering leaking the location tonight when I arrive, I'll just use Jewgle to find my coords. If this event is garbage, I might leak his home address. I'll get my money's worth somehow.

Asking your supporters to shell out $689 to attend a bullshit meet and greet added to milk them is shitty. What does it say when he vets everyone, but doesn't trust them? The system doesn't work. If he wants to live like a rich kid, he shouldn't have to squeeze the only people who can tolerate him.

>Asking your supporters to shell out $689 to attend a bullshit meet and greet added to milk them is shitty.
Just because you're a poorfag who doesnt want to support him doesn't mean everyone else is this way. Just go back to fapping to traps and shitposting frog memes.

>What does it say when he vets everyone, but doesn't trust them?
Nigger have you paid attention to anything in the past year? Let me guess, you're just butthurt because youre some unemployed neet who never leaves his house to network and couldnt attend NPI. Guess what these events cost money to put on, if you dont want to help with the costs you dont have to go, or cry about it like a bitch on pol.

>omg pay for me

You realize how much money this dude spends right?

You know that every time he speaks at a college he is dropping 10k every single time? Sometimes more because he has to pay legal fees to sue the college. How much do you think that reagan building cost to rent before they banned him?

You sound like a total faggot. Why the fuck do you want to go to his event so bad anyway if you hate him so much?

Richard spencer isnt some billionaire. If you only have a few million dollars to throw around you really CANT do what you are describing. That kind of political action is reserved for billionaires.

we know this lmao
get with the program!


spencer: khazar fag. just spend a few seconds looking at him talk. LOL
lauren"southern": khazar. "southern" to fool the fucking idiots into thinking wholesome. hahahaha
anglin: just a fag, probably khazar related
other dumb ho's in pic: likely khazar related as well
milo the fag: khazar 100%
cernovich: who knows, maybe

good assessment

BTW. just to follow up.

this is a fantastic post.

please re-post periodically for the morons to catch up.

Traps aren't gay. I'm just tired of his meme bullshit. Never meet your heroes, Richard is a dyslexic sperg in person.

>Richard is a dyslexic sperg in person.
He is fine in person. Just attention seeking. When we went out to dinner afterwards he was standing around the middle of the pub as if he wanted someone to notice him. This was shortly after he got hit in the face with a wrench on J20, and still had a small bruise from it.

>Anti-Spencer shill thread
>imagine muh shock

>he was standing around the middle of the pub as if he wanted someone to notice him.
checked and keked

The only thing Richard loves more than himself is getting negative attention for his opinions. That says a lot about a nigga


>i dont know what trolling is
>plz dont troll pol
stay retarded user

Never seen this strategy before.

I understand Spencer's motivation here. Many of the people in his orbit and alt right/pro-white groups are facing heavy financial pressure right now. The lawsuit that resulted from C-ville is going strong and could suck up a lot of money.

At least one member of his group have lost their jobs and been doxxed. I know he has been shilling for more donations so he can offer them full time positions.

He recently started posted paywall content on his website. It starts at $9 but he has options for as much $2500 a year lol.

I think its a mix of wanting to appeal to more to professionals and real financial need. Its tacky as fuck and a huge turn off in terms of optics. But the guy can do whatever he wants

If you don't like Spencer, don't go to NPI, don't give him money, and don't give him attention. Shitting up our board with kvetching about ecelebs you don't like is not a solution.

let me guess. about 4yrs of professional shilling?


spencer fag is there to misdirect. as all professional shills do. misdirect. as you are doing right now.

Misdirect? How so?

>t. Samefag

Does your team have any data on how effective this is?

Not an argument.

this is hilarious. like 3 gov fags all together gathering data and shilling hard. i noticed you losers never travel alone. always at least 2 fags.

i have questions

Fucking pussy

>i left a imaginary organization after a flase flag was orchestrated

you sound subhuman.

took an iq test once, 127. not the smartest, but not retarded. probing?

That's me, gov paid shill

Did you take an autism test by any chance as well? I'd recommend it.

lol. im not the loser who shills all day. haha.

You're a fucking moron. You literally have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Your image literally refutes what you are saying.
Your body produces less Estradiol because the Soy phytoestrogens are binding to your Estrogen receptors and activating them. It's the same as a man taking steroids and their nuts shrinking up and producing less Testosterone.

Fucking moron.

*sigh* You just had to say that, didn't you? You just had to put 2 and 2 together? You're right, we are feds.
Jim, get this guy's location, he deserves a reward for being so "clever".

better yet. hire me to consult you morons on how not to be morons. you homosexuals make it obvious. hit me up bro.

and specer is a .gov fag. 100%. your futile attempts at misdirection will fail and you wont get that 5k bonus.

night fags.

>Tacky as fuck

For sure. How is this sustainable in the long run? People will get tired of being jerked around. I know I am. I understand what he's doing, but I think it's foolish.

Nigger you samefaged yourself in these two posts:

Telling us that your post is fantastic and that you should re-post it periodically


There is no "movement"

Don't you retards get it? The media created the meaningless label "alt-right" to attach to anyone that doesn't conform to their leftist narrative. Literally anyone. They do this so they can lump everyone they don't like into one easy to target group. Natsocs, libertarians, conservatives of all types. The media will call you "alt-right nazi" because their definition of "alt-right" includes literally everyone who isn't a leftist.

Stop buying into mainstream media lies. This "movement" as you describe it is successful because it isn't centralized and the media can't attack "it". It is made up of the millions of enemies leftists have made all fighting against them for their own individual reasons.

The media desperately needs a centralized opposition in order to destroy them. They need to find a way to turn the chaotic hoard that is their enemy into a centralized target in order for their attacks to stick and have any affect. They can not smear us. They can not demonize us. They can not intimidate us. They can not silence us because we exist not as an organised group, but millions of disconnected individuals all fighting to destroy them.

That is what the "alt-right" is. The media establishment has been frantically searching for a clear target so their attacks will stick. In reality it's quite impossible. Watch them desperately try to will our "movement" into existence with poorly executed false flag events and payed off figureheads that identify as "alt-right".

The left is being attacked on all fronts. They desperately need a clear target to land their hits and give their base a clear view of their enemy. Let's not give it to them. Being against leftism is not a "movement". All organized movements can be corrupted and destroyed. The leadership can be infiltrated, bribed, attacked, blackmailed and much more. Millions of disconnected people fighting a common enemy can not.

>he is there to misdirect
What is he misdirecting people from?

I agree in a sense, but with no ideological underpinnings and no elite there is no pathway to success. And if white people don't develop a racial consciousness then the west will be completely fucked in 50 years.

Fuck off retard. Decentralization is the only option. Jews need leaders of a movement because its easie to control.

Fuck you and Fuck Richard Spencer.

Okay you're autistic and not capable of having an argument. Don't post a screed if you're not willing to defend it from someone who's engaging earnestly with you.

Nice copy paste... noone cares. Racial collectivism is bound by human nature ==> Truth


You're both just JIDF shills. It's okay the shoah is upon you.

there are no legit movements
you are supposed to become your own person
create your own reality

Wow you went to shill real fast when confronted... record speed.

>paying money to see cointelpro faggot

you should kill yourself as quick as you can

this exactly. we are in an age of individualism.

>your cult of individualism is destroying the West
There is no liberty to practice individualism without a socially cohesive collective establishing and protecting said liberty.

Stop pushing Richard Spencer then because all he does is push Marxism.

I was paying for the conference, not to see his budding breasts.

Prove it without copy pastes and JDIF infographics.


who else did you want to see? birds of a feather flock together so you were likely going to see a whole gaggle of the faggots.

> Stay unorganized, so the media cannot attack you Goyim !
1 - We don't care about the media attacking us, we run circles around them.
2 - If people are worried about 'having a label' like 16 year-old girls are, they need to go back to the Youtube skeptic community.


I knew you were going to paste this.. totally have not seen this one 100x over the course of the year.

>Kind right about capitalism
Where is this wrong? Capitalism does create that situation, its the one part the poor leftcucks kind of understand.. there is no free market in any case.

I think Spencer and co. will be doing this for a while. He isn't a shill but he is a spergy pan-european nerd with a prep school outlook. He is desperate for the intellectual legitimacy Sam Francis or Jared Taylor achieved.

Fukkin saved. Thank you.

Definitely, but I actually really liked his keynote speech last year.

He lives in la-la land. And yeah, he craves the legitimacy all of his peers have. It's obvious when you talk to him.

Let Spencer do Spencer... way too many people in these circles are obsessed with the whole 'Highlander' concept.. there can be only one!


burn it with fire

Spencer is a faggot


I feel like you're projecting, what kind of cock is your fav?

Can anyone give me a single example of this guy NOT fucking up doing more harm than good? Like everything he did from getting punched and almost crying on camera to his sperg out with the tiki torches, this guy is a complete fucking moron. It's funny how he declared himself the leader and the plebbit masses stepped right in line, in the old days if someone declared themselves the leader of any collective Sup Forums effort we'd ruin their lives.

How come meme flags and foreign posters come to Spencers defense in every thread? OH YEAH THATS RIGHT. BECAUSE YOURE JIDF.

Everyone is convinced by your argument...

I guess, people ITT misunderstand what Spencer is doing. He's not organizing a political or intellectual movement. He's organizing a nazi-larp club. Then, obviously he's going to charge membership fees.

Your meme indicates that I am right.

you sound really stupid mate. Spencer's a tosser obviously but we've always known that. The fact he came to reactionary ideas through leftism makes him average, not exceptional. It's the norm.

Nope. He's trying to make more kids neocons and support Israel.

This is the worst, least-informed post i have ever seen on Sup Forums.


>following anything which identifies with the literal meme term "alt-right"

commie spencer

Of course. He's a NazBol.

plus tip!


>using israel to argue in favour of whites acting the same way as jews do in defending their own interests makes you a neo-con
you're genuinely retarded mate.

You have taken absolutely zero time to understand the arguments made which are put forward to the mainstream... but then why would you as you are either a shill or bored leftypol.

America will never be a white ethnostate. Fucking kill yourself.


You get the same content for $9 as you do for $250 you retard. It says it right there.

It already has been retard. Read a book instead of Mike Cernovich's twitter feed and you might learn something.



Dickie Spencer is such a little fucking weasel.

He comes off as a Used Car Salesmen with delusions of grandeur. I wonder who funds that lispy faggot?

Yes it does, you just didn't include that in the picture you lying fucking kike rat.