Make 50k a year as first year tradesman

>make 50k a year as first year tradesman
>"""cheap""" house in my city is ONLY 400k
>can only get approved for 230k mortgage
>median income in canada is only 37k or some pathetic shit, despite this home ownership rate is somehow 70%

How the FUCK is everybody able to afford a house?

Other urls found in this thread:,6839;13,12&sort=PR_A

Only 400k?
A house on my street sold for 750k mate, I knew them too, used to go inside when I was a kid - it was nothing flash!
Just a normal suburban house in a normal suburban street of a normal town.

Shit empty blocks go for over 400k here....

There was a time when the economy was about production, not asset price inflation.

Thank the (((libertardians))) for that.

Must be a really nice neighborhood with no kangaroos.

I live in a notorious shithole(Edmonton) that's been in an economic recession since 2015 and house prices are still fucked

I saw a skip hopping around the neighbours yards one day.

>houses here are like 90k
>there's literally nothing but roads and chain franchises
>closest city is the shit hole of Detroit

At least I'm getting the suburban Toronto experience for like 1/10th of the cost, but fuck this whole state.

I live in LA. Normal Houses here go for millions

you need to save for a down payment first

Wait a few years until you make some real money lol. You do know how apprenticeships work, right?

Journeymen make only like $40/hr which is pleb tier, even 22 year old STEM uni grads are making that much starting

Simple answer: they can't. Many are still living at home or renting.

I would kill myself if I lived in a shithole like Edmonton.
I would kill myself if I lived in a shithole Canada.
I should kill myself.

Maybe 1/10 of students will make that if they are at the top of their class, to start. It's still good money. And what journeyman? I'm an electrician in Toronto and make 48, plus benefits, plus rrsp, plus pension. Took a few years, but it's something. 105k is a lot better than a lot people, even if it doesn't feel like in Cuckronto

I see no path to house ownership at my current age. [26]

>how do we become everyone's favorite?
>"produce quality, affordable things"

>how do we make more profits?
>"raise the price"

Just get a condo or something to build equity for a couple years. I bought mine when I was only making 21/hr and I could easily carry it


I thought western people are not obsessed with house.

There's a pretty nice 3000sq ft going for 135k near me.

most of those house owners are likely boomers that got them with a few months' salary at the time / people that inherited from them

>I thought western people are not obsessed with house.

what did he mean by this?

>buy house
>give it a $500 paint change
>flip and ask for $100k more than you paid
>sell it to someone else who will do the same exact thing
>wonder why a piece of shit house costs $600K after years of "("("("enterpreneurs")")")" flipping shit back and forth
capitalism is an economy's biggest enemy. Literal money terrorism.

>be Canad*an tradesman
>don't know how to build your own house
That's socialism for you

I live in Alberta just outside of red deer. Have no education, own my own 5 bedroom house with 2 double car garages. Have a Gtr for fun, a big dodge for work, and a minivan for my wife and kids. I own my own company and clear a couple hundred a year. Ontario is a blight on Canada and should be nuked, nothing but a bunch of cucked Trudeau lovers.

Attic package travel trailer. Comes with flat screens, washer dryer, whisper white a.c., propane furnace,electric fireplace...
They deliver to where you are. You can pay to have it moved by tow company.
See rv like 5 rv parks in the heart if Silicon Valley. Bet there are many near you.
Have saved a great deal doing this living in the heart of a major metroplex.
At least check them out virtual tour.
Btw, down to even 11 degrees- comfy and I only have the all seasons package.
Also, a toyhauler is a great place store your bike and comes with decks.
Luxe way to save.

Artic package

>Can't into finance or political theory so I throw sjw terms around
Kek, look up central banking, then compare socialism to free market, then fractional reserve banking.

Socialism causes this 'capitalism'
you're now slightly less retarded, congratulations.

This is why nothing makes sense to u, cos ur too lazy to research your own claims

Can't even do that anymore unfortunately, even in a lot of states.

Try to put so much as a shovel in the ground without 100-200k of permits, land assessments, environmental impact assessments, water testing, forced electric meter installation (so they can charge you delivery even if you're entirely off grid). It's all terrible

>that income
>that house price
>that LARP

lol reported for not Sup Forums related

Should of invested in Bitcoin like everyone else.

Nuke China and its money-laundering port Hong Kong. You'll get cheap housing. I'm a Hongkonger.

you know global rule #7 do you?

Yeah cali is just as fucked.

T. San Diego

Socialist Canada sounds amazing.

>Move to Asia with post-graduate in education and teaching license
>Make 45k tax free at an international school and an additional 20k teaching test prep in the evenings
>Marry the only daughter of a pair of rich bankers
>get a free luxury apartment in the city center as a wedding gift
>She works at a bank as well and her bosses are her father's former proteges. #FuckYesCorruption

Why Haven't you swallowed the yellow pill yet user? Cook high quality rice, win a prize

no one is able to afford a house , the previous generation before the welfare state "free things" could , the cucks of your generation are just supposed to pay for the boomers free pensions and ahmed 9 sons.

It is the future you choose after all , enjoy your socialism leaf

>How the FUCK is everybody able to afford a house?
They already owned them, we're fucked bro

rent an apartment until your wage rises.

DO NOT BUY A HOUSE. It's the worst investment PERIOD

Shut the fuck up you old cunt.

>How the FUCK is everybody able to afford a house?
We have to save $5000 a year for 10 years. That gives you $55,000 (with puny interest)

>How the FUCK is everybody able to afford a house?
Chinese parking their money and investment bank speculators.

Good luck when that bubble pops my dude

it's very hard to break out of a situation where you're living paycheck to paycheck just to make overpriced (((rent))) sir wagecuck

you're better off buying some shitty property with what you have when your parents kick you out/ you leave college improving it a bit, selling, etc etc playing (((their))) game.

literally not true
you can 90% by yourself

although if you don't really have money to begin with then GG, becoming a homeowner will take you 3-5+ years

I took mine under "adverse possession" for only $7,812.65

Canada is like 70% boomer

those stats are shitty fucking boomers getting filthily rich off asset appreciation and voting to turn us into a brown 3rd world shithole as fast as possible


My friend has a tiny 2 bed 1 bath townhouse and it got valued at $1.75 million AUD in Melbourne.

All I’m reading is, I’m a cucked wage slave loser with zero ability or gumption needed to survive and thrive. Probably a shit skin too.

Parents bought the house I inherited in 1973 for 17000 dollars. It is now worth 90k. The only thing that has changed is our neighborhood has gotten a lot more crime and drugs. Yet the price has increased drastically

Unless you inherit one it's damn near impossible.

If you had invested that 17k in the stock market it would be worth 1 million dollars today

Bullshit. I hitch hiked to a better place with high paying jobs with nothing but a tent and $500 when I was 18. I’ve accumulated over a million in assets and do well for myself.

>missed opportunity meme
Only brainlets get hung up on this. If only I invested my weekly allowance into bitcoin 7 years ago!

The point is that houses are a meme investment, you can get much better returns with less hassle, but everyone treats the housing market as an investment and they ruin it for everybody else who just want a place to live

You're an exception to the rule you self righteous cunt.

God you poor bastard, 400k is enough for a very nice newly built house here in FL, and you can see rockets from your backyard.
My Canadian family was shocked to hear what a million dollar house was like down here.

>live in the rust belt
>rent is $500-700 per month for a one bedroom apartment
>houses are $150-250k in decent to good neighborhoods
>median income is below average, but if you have a decent job you can afford almost anything
every decline doesn't have to be a curse

Not an exception, just cut of a jib from a better time I guess. All you numale soy boy cucks crying about muh no opportunity shouldn’t exist.

My wife and I are white, me Scot heritage, my wife of Viking heritage from the English city of Kent. Have blonde haired daughter.
> Be me, earn 135,000 last year, my wife 102,000.
> own 4 bedroom home on 3 acres in semi rural area worth $400,000 which we rent out.
> own large 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom home we paid $500,000 5 years ago and was last valued at $700,000.
> tip get a good job that pays and have a decent wife who has a good job

I've found that to be interesting, how prices go up when areas get worse. That's what happened to my old house. Sold it for 160k just as the area was getting worse. Came back to visit again, renters everywhere and ghetto trash moving in. Estimate for the house is now 230k like 3 years later.

We also invested in US real estate when it went to shit over there.
Paid $20000 cash for 2 x houses we rent and now receive about $12000 US annually for them for only a small management cost by local estate agent. Easiest money ever to exploit another nations economic downturn.

>buying a house in the city

that's your problem. I bought a decent house for $165k about 30 minutes from the city. Fortunately for me I don't really work anywhere, so commuting isn't an issue for me.

dual income

and then one of you gets a part time job on weekends to help until things stabilize

sorry I should have specified i am a leaf on vacation

Why not buy a plot of land and then build a house?

You got a fuck ton of land in leaf land its one of the biggest countries on the PLANET. Surly you could by a couple of acres a few miles out in the SUBURBS. Sure you would have to commute to work but its not that big of a deal its what WHITE people do.

Simple google search,6839;13,12&sort=PR_A

You can buy 154 acres for 225k in Ontario. I highly doubt you need 154 acres and you can probably buy a couple acres for under 50k.

Look at prefabricated homes.

I didnt see any prices but i know in the states you can spend between 35k to 200k+ on a home depending how big you want it and have to made in 6-12 months.

Willing to bet if you shopped around you could get 3-4 acres about a 30-40 minute commute from your work place for under 30k. Also willing to bet you could build a 3 bedroom house for under 75k on that plot of land. Boom 2 years of work and you have a house that you can now charge 400k for.

This took all of 3 minutes on google.

I was actually specifically going to come onto /pol for financial advice, got distracted looking at some memri memes and then found this. My .002 rupees...don’t think about it like buying or renting, think about it like renting from a landlord vs renting from yourself. See which one makes more sense, you can buy a cuck shed type house near me for under $100,000 and make it worth while, or you can buy a $450,000 house and you better have 5 room mates because otherwise you’re going to debtors prison.

They have multiple incomes, 2 people making 37k.

Because jungle niggers are the worst tier Asian. You married a literal chimpanzee.

Florida is God’s Country. I was down in Fort Lauderdale pouring concrete for a year and loved it.

>tfw you will never own a beautiful old farm site in christian valley with rolling hills of maple forest

Stuff like this is certainly doable but it's not quite as easy as you make it out to be.

Yes, Canada is extremely large, even if you disregard the hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of useless tundra, but 89% of our land is owned by the government. You used to be able to buy it for homesteading purposes but you can't anymore. Large, temperate, beautiful parts of British Columbia are literally empty but you can't live there because the government will only give rights to logging companies so they can rape it for profit.

Get them occasionally having a drink from the back dam.

Home was 62$/ sq ft, make $130k/yr
>Gulf coast is best coast even with the hurricanes

Stop living in Hongcouver or Cuckonto.

Everywhere else is pretty affordable. You fucks are ruining it for the rest of us

So you want money you do t have to buy something you won't own and expect someone else to pay for it???????
Welcome to humanity

Its pretty boring here, but its not a shithole. You're thinking of Winnipeg.

Because the world never got the correction it needed from 2008. Central banks decided to intervene and fuel a credit bubble like we've never seen before by dropping interest rates and introducing quantitative easing.

When interest rates are approaching 0% and even sitting at negative interest rates in some countries it shouldn't surprise anyone for a second that real estate prices are a complete mess. Those interest rates mean that people have access to insane amounts of money they would otherwise never have. A large group of people with large amounts of money pouring into a finite resource, gee, wonder what happens next.

There's no way this doesn't end up as the next Great Depression. Most people are completely oblivious to all of this, but when this eventually comes crashing down I really hope people will finally wake up. If this doesn't cause the public to unite in killing central banks then nothing will.

I hate Winnipeg.

>$40/hr which is pleb tier, even 22 year old STEM uni grads are making that much starting

kill yourself faggot. you know nothing of the real world.

they're both god awful

this country is just awful

>trying to buy a home anything within 80km of the city
What the fuck is wrong with you lad.

> bragging about pre-tax income. How does it feel to pay 36% in taxes nigger?

>muh bubble
>real tangible measurable assets

Do you like criminal and immoral behaviour?

I'm currently earning 110k as a coal miner. I think I can lift that to 150k within 12 months if I get a ticket I'm ready for. I've got a budget put together so I can retire in 20 years max, but I'll try to retire in 10 or so if my wife is willing to work (she currently doesn't work and I said she doesn't have to if she doesn't feel like it)

>Natives and mussies stabbing each other
>We've got lots of comfy breweries but nothing stands out as "immoral" besides the libshits at the university
I don't follow. for down payment..Years back I was making 50K and lived on a big docked sailboat with wife..We saved 20K in two years on a budget..bought a townhome for five years and then House...Get a plan..It’s harder on own though...


> 30 mins from a city

what city? Guelph? Windsor?
30 mins of driving on what amazing highway to get to this city? faggot LARP

Forgot to add 13% hst

Ontarniggers are stupid

look at his flag. clearly he means 30 mins by donkey

I couldn't afford a house at first either, so I had to go through a flat first. Housing is over priced user, as vampyric boomers have made this their savings... it's well beyond retarded and very destructive, society does not profit from this at all

The german model was so brilliant
>Get state loan
>Loan covers a house, car and what you need
>Get a kid, 25% off, next 25% more and so on

This must have been so fucking great you know.

No what you have described has been a problem as fuck here the last 15+ years too. First you have to take a lot more education that earlier, then you have to save as fuck, fast as fuck, meanwhile house prices just soar through the roof. It's sick expensive here, you need 15% of the sum of the loan in savings and I think maximum loaning capacity is x times what you earn in a year. In the 90ies and so it was still cheap most places and "everyone" could afford it, face it, it isn't really worth this much.

Fug and on top of it, you lit need an electrician just to change a fucking lamp here now. Earlier everyone just did every fucking thing them selves. For a long time after the war, it was common that everyone just chipped in and helped building houses and the quality of these houses are sick good too you know. You needed the patch of land, materials, tools and effort. My grandfather built his own house after war, it's big very solid house. It even has it's well and a natural refrigerator that doesn't need any electricity.
>We live in shit times

major part is china.
they can only rent their land for like 80 years or something. so chinese buy land in other countries. Vancouver BC, Silicon Valley, are the major places, and they recently started to buy up seattle.

fucking cheezeburger corporations sell out american workforce to the chinese. chinese take that new money and fucking buy out all american houses.

You can thank you Harvard MBA's for that.

Same situation here. Chinks, investors, and speculators are the biggest buyers now. First home buyers are dependent on Govt schemes which only increase the costs of housing across the board. Everyone is borrowing and borrowing hard.

I lay with multiple handguns/rifles near my bed too. Texas is the better place to live. Especially compared to the communist stronghold California has become.


I'm a leaf on vacation.
