>You really can't refute his point
>You really can't refute his point
>How dare you not hold any accountability to what your ancestors may or may not have done 200 years ago!
Lmaoing @ ur life
this is the new form of blacked threads it seems
Sorry you couldn't keep an entire continent full of fertile land as wilderness like that exists anywhere in the world
Jokes on you; I don't give a fuck about featherniggers. They can drink themselves to death for all I care.
I love how shitskins pretend non-whites were some kind of noble saints and never did shit like this.
In reality non-whites are engaging in things slavery or human sacrifice to this very day!
But fuck wypipo cuz they did exactly what non-whites do to this day 500 years ago amirite?
>mfw the Mystic Lake tribe of Minnesota gets a check to the tune of $60,000 every single month.
myth of the noble savage user
el boliviANO seniores caguenlo a negativos
Fuck prairie niggers.
>fuck wypipo
>lives in white country
>refuses to leave
Why so shitskins do this? Why do they chase whites everywhere and complain whites live there? I truly don't understand their reasoning (if they're capable of it)
Why is he against whites if his problem is with Americans?
I'll apologize with 9mm. You endanger my life. You die.
Post a pic outside your window
Yeah it's sort of well known by now that non whites hate whites. There's no point in arguing with them.
>Post a pic outside your window
You too
why is she using Western technology?
shouldn't she be using smoke signals?
You guys should've let Jackson completely remove these injun fuckers
Topkek. Leaf bringing the bantz.
Continuing genocide? what?
Hey it's that country which has a president that thinks eating chicken can turn you gay, that says much of it's population
Killing most of the Indians was a good start
But it's time we went back and finished the job.
Most of them don't even exist anymore and the ones that do, well no one from any race gives a shit about them. Indifference at worst. It's like saying Pacific-Islanders are oppressed and being genocided.
>he uses > outside of Sup Forums
lol the profile pic doesn't look like a native, looks more like a latina - "linativeboy" is probably an impure mongrel himself
Holy shit your flag is gay.
Like white people invented Christianity. Take that up with the jews
i have lost so much money there
The only reason the United States, a white country, is not complete shit is because of white men. It's completely fucking retarded to say that it would be better without its creators and the only reason it has ever been decent.
holy shit i didn't know the fags had their own country
>Brainwashed them into Christianity
>"Brainwashed" them into the true path, eternal salvation, and true glory
Not even worth responding to.
>whites go extinct
>economy collapses
>infrastructure goes to shit
>military power is shit
>niggers are chimping out and burning down cities
>russia invades america
>tfw you're living under more white people plus communism
Friendly reminder that sage goes in the options field. Do not engage. Do not even shitpost. Leave them starving. That is all
Europeans were the First Nations.
Long before Siberians.
Iberia before Siberia
Turtle-island is a cult.
The Solutrean hypothesis is Science.
Yup. So peaceful. Not completely bat shit insane on level or even more out of control than the Pagans of Europe
Umm sweetie? America was never "GREAT" unless you were a white guy *sips tea out of my white tears cup*
Responsible for our ancestors. Judging the past by today's standards.
What about them tribal rapist canabals n shit?
Injun status: scalped!
I can't wait until niggers, spic and muzzies take over and revoke all the native privileges. Pygmies are still getting genocided in Africa if they cross Bantus.
It could be genocided rather than continuing genocide. We could have left no one alive. Certainly would have been less whining
>we killed all his ancestors
Most of that was disease, the rest was just on the level of standard imperialism practiced by everyone else.
>brainwashed them into Christianity
Religious conversions were mostly voluntary, you can convert back to the old ways if you'd like.
>and then gave them lands filled with uranium
Nuclear power is the future, that uranium's a gift, not a curse.
>continuing the genocide today
We gave them reservations, they can live on their own if they want, we give them money constantly.
It is le epic meem arrow
Men in armor using flintlock pistols against unarmed men using bows and arrows.
You do the math.
Welcome to the human race. Difficult to win if you have no shoes.
>Russian government
American education
George Lopez got fat
> "why you genocide the entire population when conquering a land" the post
Early industrial culture meets paleolithic culture. Not exactly an unexpected outcome.
nice faggot flag
I'm immune to collective and inherited guilt. Smallpox, too.
Every nation that exists today is a result of someone conquering someone else. And when the Europeans arrived to the Americas, the native tribes were all genociding each other over vegetables and beads.
Sorry, I wasn't alive back then.
I'm not apologizing.