European Peoples Culture Thread

Post paintings, architecture, food, law, science, etc that relates to European peoples culture.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is European American culture, doez that count?



Nuno Gonçalves paint (paineis de são vicente), on portuguese XV golden generation


Just say no to merchants.


Easily the most beautiful violin solo ever written.

Performed by two beautiful European ladies in a beautiful European place :)

As a straight white male, if you give me $3m up front, you can pound my virgin ass all night. One night of misery would be worth it.

Daily reminder: Muslim and Turkish flags with all the obvious baiting are just some FBI/CIA/Russian pysop nigger.

Instead of developing a hate for roaches, hate FBI/CIA/Russia (aka: Jews).

Have a nice day!

Realism is most based Euro Art.

so true







Sad how far you've fallen since the Jews beat you and the Soviets raped all the pride out of your women..

No wonder your women are fucking Muslims instead.

Sort yourself out bucko.


It was to a russian not an arab. Still a shame. From virgin instantly to whore.

>Instead of developing a hate for roaches

As if I'd have to do anything but go outside for ten minutes to boil with hatred towards those fucking turkroaches.









Hate whoever you want, Hans. Was just trying to red-pill stupider Sup Forumslacks (Americans) into noticing the flag-baiting shit so they don't get a hard-on for yet another war.

fucking FUCKS SAKE



I wanted to throw up. Its on MULTIPLE historic cathedrals there.


Holy shit that's awesome.





Now I'm pissed.

I'll be honest, Burger, you might not want war but to me, trapped in a country that will likely have similar conditions to South Africa in a few decades, war sounds beautiful.

Maybe you guys won't fuck us over this time, eh?


*and Asia


Can someone shoop Al Franken in this?



Lmao, skinheads are retarded




dang you beat me to that one, one of my favorites

Is posting the culture of diaspora ok if they still contain several percentages of European genes?



muslims BTFO

As an example





That painting is actually pretty spooky.




The paintings of the old ships reminded me of this. The ship came my town as part of our 450th b-day celebration.



>If only you knew how bad things really are

We didn't know where our Masters were leading us, any more than you did yours.
Puzzling us is the nature of their game.


>Be me, King Sobieski
>Hero King of Poland and Lithuania
>Islamic Ottoman Empire is fatter than my slav gut
>Has all of Middle East and North Africa
>Wants Europe too, goes for Austrian cucks first
>Not on my watch
>Drive mudslimes out of Vienna
>City is finally free
>Christianity reigns supreme
>Get congrats from the pope himself
>My work here is done
>Come back to Europe
>Mosques at every street corner
>"Muh Multiculturalism!"
>What the fuck, man...

This should be a weekly considering how hard they are trying to erase the history and culture..


I want to hate you for telling the Truth.

Spanish Filipina

high res version here:

so sad we will never see art like this ever created again

Beware my knife beard

True, but watching Bob Ross paint is an emotional experience unto itself.

that guy is actually canadian you stupid cock sucker. he has a blue gays hat on, theres a leaf area code in the image.

Looks great for the speed, but I wonder if he could do these epic Christianity paintings

Who are some of your favorite poets Sup Forums?

Poetry used to be a manly respectable hobby before kikes and feminists ruined it for all time.

I doubt it. From what I understand he invented his own technique. If you've never heard this guy's story, it's amazing.


Sweden has no culture we are a worthless country please fill us up with refugees so that we can be used as an example for other countries.

That chair looks very uncomfortable.

Here is a link for those interested in manly poetry.


This thread is 90% americans posting shit because they are 5% Finnish, 10% Italien, 20% spanish, 15% german, 50% mexican. European btw



100% American, but not one to let a torch as bright as this burn out on the ground because Europeans are too scared to pick it back up