First off I just want you guys to know I am only coming forward with all this because I have seen a ton of misogynistic posts on here lately as well as people defending the countless powerful men accused of sexual assault. I am a 23 year old F who has been raped multiple times and am going to come forward with my story, which is incredible difficult and takes a ton of courage for me to do, to prove to you guys how much of a problem sexual assault is in America.

When I was 18 and first went to Uni I was raped multiple times. I lost my virginity to a rape while I was extremely drunk. The next day I woke up and realized that I did not want the sex I had the night before at all and hated myself for it. This was a cycle that continued with over 10 different despicable guys in Uni raping me while I was drunk over the next two years. It took me those 2 years to realize that I was being raped, my professor finally opened my eyes after I took feminist studies. It took an incredible amount of courage and was the hardest thing I ever did but I came forward with my story and went to the university and the police. Only two of the guys still went to my Uni at that point and the cops said there wasn't enough "evidence" to charge anyone but at least my Uni expelled them and their reputations were ruined forever. But compared to the hell they put me through they got off real easy and it's another example of no justice being served in America. Of the 25 different guys I have had sex with all but 1 or 2 have been rapes. I would never of consented if I was sober or they coerced me into it. It's now incredibly difficult for me to explain when I'm trying to find a date with a genuine nice guy and he wants to know my number and I have to tell him that it's so high because of rapes. My self confidence is shattered, I feel like disgusting used goods. All these women coming forward DESERVE TO BE HEARD. Rape and sexual harassment is a HUGE ISSUE in this country.

Ask me anything

Other urls found in this thread:

boring pasta

>asking for it I imagine, or perp was dark

Have you ever considered fucking off, shutting up, and putting on some big-boy pants and getting over yourself?


>Calling yourself a 'survivor' after jerking off a dude while you were drunk, because you are a huge whore that can't control yourself

Fuck off hoe

Was the sex good at least?

feel like being (((raped))) again do ya ?


First, I am not sure if this is a parody or not.

Second, did you ever consider stopping drinking?


At this point there's nothing left of it.

this shit has to be satire

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish or why you'd post this on Sup Forums. People aren't going to take this shit seriously, if you're even being serious.

Tits or gtfo

really you get forcefully penetrated and your first thought is too bully the meme kids
fuck off jew

Sage and hide shills.

tits or gtfo

Did it feel good tho?


Hawhaw! Get the responses you wanted?

You aren't a survivor because your life was never in danger, your no more a survivor because you didn't die from rape than I am one because I didn't die from an exam or making toast

Sounds like you have more of an alcohol problem than a rape problem.

Bad copypasta

I was date raped when I was 18 by two guys and I have never felt like "disgusting used goods". Women like you are so harmful to our gender because of this gross attention seeking victim glorifying. I put MYSELF in a bad situation that allowed bad people to hurt me. This doesn't excuse what they did but instead of being a crippled weak battered woman I learned from the experience and empowered myself.

Instead of promoting this narrative of "OH YOU POOR WEAK BROADS COME FORWARD AND SHAME YOUR ABUSERS 20 YEARS LATER" how about you empower women to be strong enough to protect themselves from these situations.

this sexual assault public shame attention game is retarded. this post is retarded.

3rd time pasta has peen posted in past 2 weeks.

You know what word goes in all fields

Nice bait

You're the most shallow minded
I've ever seen make a post.

In todays land of the free, one of your rights as a human is to defend yourself. Clearly you have done a shitty job at that.

I vehemently detest your inability to look outside your sociocultural sphere - it's as if even though you've clearly spread your legs as wide as possible for every guy you've ever met, you expect to find any sane man to find respect for you?

>why can there be a master key but not a master lock?
Because a lock that opens to even a twig being jammed inside it, isn't going to harbor respect from anywhere except a whorehouse.

As a male I couldn't give two shits about your existence as a whole from the instant you mentioned the 25 fuckbois you've had.

I will respond seriously.

First, you need to understand that the politics that we talk about on the Internet or see in the media is one thing, and real life can be another thing completely. Thus, if your story partially fits "the narrative" that we hear in the media, but doesn't fit in important ways, that's OK. In fact, it's the narrative that is wrong, not your story.

On the subject of rape, it is wrong. You are a child of God, and God loves all his children. Your body is holy and should never be defiled.

You seem to be wondering about how to be in a relationship considering what has happened to you. But your life story will not be a problem. Instead, you need to realize that you have been through a lot even at age 23. It's time to slow down and find yourself. You need to know yourself better.

Based on what you wrote, it appears that many of the rapes have been preceded by you imbibing alcoholic beverages, or even drugs, such as pot. Furthermore, you may have been subjected to these substances while in the company of people you considered friends.

In fact, these people allowed you to come to harm.

One of the most powerful and important jobs we have as people is choosing our friends.

Your first decision should be to protect yourself because you are worth it. That may mean some changes in your friends.

You need to immediately stop all alcohol and drugs.

I think you should look for alcohol and drug treatment, because these things have led to very bad things in your life.

You need to go on a break from dating, relationships, and sex for a while, maybe several months, maybe even longer. You can start another relationship after you find yourself and get control over your life.

Not sure if bait, but it doesn't matter. Here's some real talk. Take some responsibility for yourself bitch. By the time someone turns 15 they should be learning to and taking care of themselves. It is not the duty of everyone else to make decisions for you. Everything that happened to you, and most people, is a result of there own actions. You were and are more than old enough to look out for yourself. Just because you wanted to have sex with someone while drunk, and didn't like it later, does not make it rape. Grow up and take real courses. If it's not STEM you can't call it an education, it's because of mouth breathers like you, and feminist and communist professors that higher education is a fucking useless and a massive joke.

What is the extent of your legal and historical education and do you see anything that might possibly go wrong in relaxing standards of evidence?

Why are you insulting and ignoring male rape survivors and not discussing female rapists?

show bob and vagene

Simply put, don't get drunk with guys!! You got drunk, got horny, got laid then regretted it later. Grow up!

Sage. The meme said drop a red pill so heres a red pill.

Mossad killed kennedy and played a major role in that conspiracy bcuz John F Kennedy didnt want israel to have a nuke reactor and program.

Michael Collins Piper , more red pills.

>25 guys
Disgusting, learn some self control. If you feel like used/ruined goods, it's because you are. Casual sex is for cretins and lowlifes.

>Regrets sex while Drunk
>Calls it rape
>Rinse repeat 25 times

No guy should take advantage of a drunk girl but you should learn after the first time

>The next day I woke up and realized that I did not want the sex I had the night before
> raping me while I was drunk
>It took me those 2 years to realize that I was being raped
>their reputations were ruined forever

Nice bait
If this is real, all you're having is morning after regret. It's not rape. And the way you justify ruining someones life FOREVER (as you said specifically) is despicable. You were both drunk, and you both made a mistake. No one should be jailed, so long as it wasn't forcible.
You let them have you, and you can't turn around the morning after and decide it was rape.

I want to suck bobs

Bitch lasagna

Raped multiple times? WTF? First time, shame on them. Second time. Shame on You. Seriously, you need to learn how to kick a fucker in the nuts.

Don't put yourself in precarious positions where you can be raped.

Not All Men, because if you were actually capable of doing ANYTHING to me you wouldn't have been raped in the first place, worthless cunt.

Did it feel good though?


Holy fuck this has got to be bait.

Did they put it up your butt?

I was raped as a child, in a school bathroom in a rural town full of rich white people, and the school covered the whole thing up and expelled me for "making a fuss" about, you know, getting raped and being traumatized, as well as because the kid had rich parents that all but owned the school, and I was just some lower class pastor's child.
People don't give a fuck about rape, they only pretend to care to be virtue signalling faggots.
I'm a guy btw, the "lelelle XXXXDDDDD HURR DURR YOU CAN'T RAPE GUYS" mentality? That is absolutely not a meme and has been around for decades. fuck you, you elitist cunt, I hope you get raped again tonight for your sexist and quite frankly disgusting views.

your a man you cant be raped you dumb fucking faggot. rape is exclusively the act of a woman being sexually assaulted by a man. Just fucking lol at you patetic weak numale soyboys pretending to be rape victims

Um, after the second time getting drunk raped why didn’t you stop drinking?

I’m not being a pig, I’m serious. Are you sure you weren’t molested as a young girl by someone who slipped you alchohol? Because repeating that cycle that many times in college sounds like the subconscious wanting to relive childhood abuse.

Sorry you were abused in college regardless.

>while I was drunk
You deserve much, much worse.
>kept happening
You're a harlot.
