Daily reminder that Asian women are superior to white women

Daily reminder that Asian women are superior to white women

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We're all in unanimous agreement that both are so much better than sheboons.

Japanese and Tatar women can be. I'm a Russian nationalist and oppose racemixing in general, but totally fine with Japs. My girlfriend having Jap not-really-ex lovers is one the hottest things about her. Love licking her pussy while remembering how she fucked a Nip before. It's amazing seeing Russian qties dating and mating with Japanese men, thanks god we live in Vladivostok and it's a common thing to happen. When my second cousin married a Japanese guy and gave birth to a hapa, I had creamed my trousers from a soft cock. don't like Putin or any cucked Western leader, my girlfriend doesn't, my Jap bred second cousin doesn't like them either. im a type of a nationalist, that is okay with traditional native to Russia ethnic minorities. No tolerance for jews, chinese or central asians. I don't want more foreigners except for some Central, Northern Europeans and Japs who historically settled in Russia. Japs can be good allies in erasing Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China from the face of this planet or just keeping the border. Few Russian qties sucking Jap cock is a good price to pay for a merge of high cultures.

agreed, sage this slide garbage

How can they be superior when they're inferior? You're a FUCKING WHITE MALE!!!

>My girlfriend having Jap not-really-ex lovers is one the hottest things about her. Love licking her pussy while remembering how she fucked a Nip before

Jealous roastie detected
Don't worry jamal will be glad to have hon ;)

how tho

Reminder: if you mix races you are a degenerate.

what really fascinates me about azn women is the complete natural lack of leghair.

had a chinese/german GF and she never shaved her legs still it was silk smooth.

I don't know roastie you tell me

You need to hone your larping skills. Still blunt for my taste

>trusting Biowomen

wrong. they have sideways fish pussy

Roastie isn't just a synonym for [white] woman. I swear you /r9k/ wannabe newfags are going to misuse the shit out of this word.

On this day, Sup Forums was right.

Racemixers deserve to be executed.

All is full of love.

except in cases where they're not, which is all the time

do want

You have to trust it.

You keep telling yourself that hon. I called you a roastie because you are a bitter white woman about to hit the wall soon after having thousands upon thousands of nigger cocks inside your ass and cunt, kill yourself and make the world a better place becky ;)

With how fucking fat white women are encouraged to be these days, I'm forced to agree.

What in the actual cuck Germany?

>Posts white woman trying to emulate Japanese women
You must be in denial


I love it when a pathetic roastie just breaks down when shes seen for what she really is, let me savor your tears a little longer cunt, I want to enjoy this.

I love asian womyn

Cute how OP thinks there are women itt

I'd fuck that hapa


>Daily reminder that Asian women are superior to white women
If Asian women were superior to White women, we wouldn't need a daily reminder.

Thinks greentext is OP text.
Hello Newfag

no larp boy. Come to the Far East and you’ll see Russians model looking girls with their Jap boyfriends and lovers all over the place. She literally fucks with two Japanese guys in another room as we speak

Women HATE women that are more attractive than they are.

Salty sheboon LARPing as a male with yellow fever detected. Who the fuck else uses the "becky" non-argument besides a gorilla? Pathetic when it has to use different races for its futile anti-whiteness. Bad news, Maine and New Hampshire are still 95% white and white births are still majority births despite the racemix shilling today.

>a nice alternative

But there's always the danger of your children become the Hapa menace.

They're all equally awful. Except the nigs which are super awful

Have a Vietnamese gf. Traditional values and fun to fuck. Won't settle down tho. Need white babies.

Back when I was in Korea in 1983, I had a yobo that could've been in American playboy. Came home and married a roundeye and have three blue eyed kids.

I am also not gay

> Not beautiful, but cute - Fat Tards

Not sure what is more surprising, the fact that they don't realize that beauty is subjective or that they are judging someone that is 100x more beautiful than they are...

What is "white?"
Asians look white.

Japanese women > white non-american women > asian women > white american women > asian-american women



Just a reminder: having an Asian wife is as bad as being involuntarily celibate.

>Asians look white.

Oh and you're not brainwashing me into the gay meme, Jew.

But poo

I banged a Jap girl while in Tokyo.

Her body was so skinny and perfect and her pussy was so tight I had to struggle not to explode in 5 seconds.

The downside was that she didn't respond to anything I did, it was like fucking a highly advanced sex doll, and I basically had to explain to her what a blowjob is.

4/10. Would not recommend.
Although you should do it at least once to cure your yellow fever.

Did you make her say "お兄ちゃん大好き"?

Daily reminder that no.

Did you not know any japanese?


Not even a question


Too vague, not specific. While chinks are better at math, whities are better at drinking.

>Her body was so skinny and perfect and her pussy was so tight I had to struggle not to explode in 5 seconds.
You're a premature ejaculator. Even other women won't be satisfied with you after such a pathetic performance.


So which asian language are you learning Sup Forums?
You are learning an asian language right?

gooks are subhumans. hapa women can be qt af though.

White men get BLACKED, white women get GOOKED.

julia isn't hapa you retard

>doesn't realize most women are ugly without makeup.

>Asians look white
being this retarded

Not even close a half decent white chick is hotter than the best Asian

Flips aren't real asians.


Jews are scared shitless at the end of 2017. Masses of people are finally seeing them for who they are - when the truth has been hidden for so long. They are fearful for the first time in their lives. Stay tuned for more desperation threads. See thru them.

t. roastie who has only banged guys who take 45 minutes to cum because they are so unaroused by your used up pussy

fuck you, jackass. she was born in los angeles. her dad is huwhite, her mom's a nip.

Don Pumpkin is superior to Lemon Spice


she literally said she was 100% japanese on twitter you gigantic retard.

Reminder: If you are a white female, you are degenerate.
>will continue fucking based asian women.

unfortunately feminism has ruined a lot of white women in the western world.until that's solved you're going to continue to see this.

LMAO at butthurt stormcels. What buttblasted inferior non-Asian men say about Asian men is infinitely more petty and blatant projections. None of you can ever compete with superior BAC.

keks. Now this is a challenge! Who will win this?
We white men who've been burned by white female degeneracy and found an asian GF or the muh don't racemixers.

>/r hapa /r asianmasculinity

Average white girl? LOL fag.

she's not, moron. my gook classmate is the one that introduced me to her. she was born here and her father is american. look at her skin and face, moron.

Not True.
When they are born & raised in their own countries yea obviously but when they’re born & raised in the West they’re just like the rest.
T. Been to America 10 Times.

fucking niggers like you need to be hanged and made examples out in public again

>TFW no avg kr gf


fucking lol

what's holding you back

i'm pretty sure julia knows what ethnicity she is, but keep trying you pathetic autismo

gooks especially


>except white women. Let them burn coal.
>except white men. Let them find based Asian women, as the "muh racemixers should die" people let white women become shit tier degenerate.



White bois are hilarious


here you go, you pathetic idiot.

>south korea plastic surgery capital of the world.

Not even a roastie but kek, all quicksticks like you need to be shot. Please never touch another woman ever again.

No what's degenerate is family law abuse that white women engage in. They lie and abuse the system. You need the noose. Stop shilling us to be with shitty degenerate white women you fag.
>backhands you

>went to China for my 3rd year of university on foreign exchange
>chinks are all whores for white cock
>literally a lineup to suck my cock a couple times
>not even a turbochad, just mildly /fit/ and tall
>the few really cute and not bitchy ones I dated would ask me to take them with me to Canada by the third date every time
Chinks are whores. They only appear modest because all the males there are soy boys.

These posts are funded by Chinese NGOs in order to trick socially awkward white beta males from the West into marrying this garbage and giving them citizenships.

Asian women are inferior on every level, which is why the Chinese have a great track record of drowning them after birth. They know the truth.

Don't be a punk and cook rice. That shit sucks. The world doesn't need any fucked up autistic hapas.

Post fit or you're LARPing autist

This. If anyone needs to swing from a lamp-post, it's the people that support and abuse those laws.