What does she mean by this?!
Wtf I love Taylor swift now
1488 gas the kikes race war now
Who has the pic of Taylor posting on Sup Forums back in the day?
>this would have been your wife and concubines has hitler won the war
it means she is my good friend
God Taylor Swift is so based.
>rare pepe bottom left
>tfw no Aryan goddess gf to secure the future existence of the white European race
God i remember this, bump
Confirmed pepeface.
>tfw Taylors squad of based Aryan hotties browse Sup Forums
Reminder bottom right is Jewish
Thanks man.
Hail Taylor!
Yeah. Most people in entertainment are kikes. My guess is she's doing it to get insider info
I have always said we're everywhere. This just confirms it. Tay is a Sup Forums sleeper agent
Make better music, pls. Sneak some redpills in them too. Keep the kikes in the dark because some leftists are beginning to figure it out.
>shitty mass produced pop music that panders to the lowest common denominator
>parents work in finance and whored her out to jews to start her career at the tender age of 14
>she doesn't talk about politics because she knows her fans are a bunch of mouth breathers
>she owns a cat
only on /nu/pol are these the qualities of someone who is redpilled. the absolute state of Sup Forums beta orbiters. swift posters belong in Sup Forums along with the miley posters
#based taytay
>shitty pop music
untrue, /countrytaylor/ is best taylor
>parents work in finance
Good, having a strong, stable career is a sign of responsibility.
>she doesn't talk about politics
Because inserting politics into everything is bad, and she knows that being openly conservative in currentyear will get her blacklisted
>she owns a cat
Cats are red-pilled pets
its a fucking 98
Reminder that Martha is friends with Elsa too.
That fucking Monarch ring.
Are those the Jews assigned to watch her?
>What does she mean by this
well what the fuck
Models get red pilled on the Jews pretty quickly.
Sup Forums BTFO
holy shit
holy shit
this is actually something
>wtf I love Taylor Swift now
>not loving Taylor Swift before now
May God have mercy on your soul for this
Nice shop you fucking inbred spic
Fucking disappointing
the fuck is wrong with that cat...
reverse search the pic you inbreed
Taylor swift shopped it and posted it here
I unironically think there's a chance she at least lurks here
I knew it.
One reason certain folks dislike her is that she's so much prettier than they ever will be.
I agree with you
If a girl doesnt like Taylor Swift, theres a huge chance shes 5'2 and fat
or worse, black.
"TS" on cat's right hindquarter, "38" written on left hindquarter. "skunk lines" down cat's back, "1" / "11" / "111" / "3"?
>shitty mass produced pop music that panders to lowest common denominator
Totally. Being a fucking faggot peasant because you want to "fight the power" is red pilled r-right guys?? Tay is just working within an existing system to make money -- there's nothing wrong with that. Like DJT saying he exploited tax law to save money.
>parents work in finance and whored her out to jews to start he career at the tender age of 14
Why is working in finance inherently bad? It's an integral part of our economic system. Not sure about the whole whoring her out thing; did you ever think for a second that she maybe wanted to be a singer like pretty much every other 14 year old girl out there? Her parents had the means to get her in the door.
>She doesn't talk about politics
Because being conservative in Hollywood is a career killer
>she owns a cat
She's a girl.
>he posts a pic of Kate fucking Mara
My buddy's friend is her cousin -- they're from DC and they are all bleeding heart liberals. She also looks like an elf with fetal alcohol syndrome whereas Tay is a tall Aryan goddess.
Taylor Swift is an actual fucking Nazi, I'm convinced of it.
This pic is so cute, makes me want to be a woman and wear a cute dress
She probably makes Taylor swift threads
>1 girl in white
>4 girls black
>88 in the back
>all huwhite
Either this pic is fake, or Tay is sending us coded messages. This is 14/88 the picture, lads.
>tfw you’ll never be a 6’2 model in TayTay’s squad
nvm. I read the thread. It’s fake
This pic is so fucking comfy, I want to live in taytays house
at least 3 of those women are the same person
If Taylor goes full 1488 we should all agree here and now to build a magnificent tower in her honor
>no one responded to her thread when she was feeling down
photoshop it 88
can we meme her into our Aryan queen
best grill on Sup Forums
dont click this SHIT
*saves the white race with Aryan lesbian sex and bone marrow babies*
Her new album - if you put it in context of Sup Forums - is crazy how it matches up to our belief system. The song I did something bad is about Sup Forums - the chorus is “if I did something bad the why does it feel so good”
im in love with taylor swifts NY apartment. women usually have such a terrible taste
I fucking love Tay and Tay AI.
Ready for it is about the happening and so is “look what you made me do” - this one is the most explicitly about kikery.
I'm in love with TayTay. These threads hurt. I'm going to stop posting on Sup Forums.
>virgins worshipping a pop star
how to deal with thirsty pol betas?
Just watch the webm and relax my shitpost friend
Fat roastie detected
her friend is cute.
the blonde
really made me think
>meredith became fatass
Taytay you had one job.
to become their lover you imbecile
she is sending out the right messages to the normies
everything's so right
She's a roasty.
or a Huffington Post writer, same thing but still
>not posting the full version
First one was rapey that one is cute
Based taysway.
ohhhhh shit
I had a dream about her the other night. This is your doing Sup Forums, i dont like her music at all and only know of her from Sup Forums
I legit know a nigger who's balled Taylor swift so unfortunately I doubt she's #ourguy
kek. fuck outta here abduhl
Why cant we just clone her to be the mother of all aryan babies
Wow, God bless her. I'm sure the kikes were clamoring over themselves and offering her literally dozens of millions of dollars to do this video with a nigger and "raise" a mulatto baby.
And she seemingly refused. God bless her.
I am almost sure this scenario happened.
Taylor Swift is the only true Goddess, I love her so much, she's the only thing keeping me alive and strong in this cruel and ugly world. No wonder leftists hate her so much - she proves them to be subhumans by her very existance.
She's normally attractive, but damn. This is straight up 10/10 Aryan goddess. If she looked like this all the time, damn.
>she still fine tho
You're welcome.
Reminder that Taylor Swift gets more attractive when run through an app meant to make women uglier.
why even live
Which music video of hers is this from BTW? Must know for further inspection.
yeah no