You are lazy. While you click and click and click and click aging to refresh this stupid page, jews are hard at work learning and earning.
The alt-right are the true niggers of the world.
You are lazy. While you click and click and click and click aging to refresh this stupid page, jews are hard at work learning and earning.
The alt-right are the true niggers of the world.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah dog. I work harder than most Jews, and I'm currently at Harvard and have an earning potential that exceeds most Jews.
I hate Jews because they are leeches who, as a people, have never built anything of their own and instead resort to preying on the altruism of the goyim to co-opt and subvert their nations.
Get raped, kid. You're dumb as shit.
I dont think you understand jews at all, it's deeper than their tactics.
We are observers. Observing your deciet. Trying to find the right way to attack.
>jews are hard at work
I think I understand them fairly well. My post wasn't meant to address every single aspect of the (((problem))). But enlighten me on what I'm missing
hi mike
Troll bait.
Inb4 250 replies from noobs .
>work hard at my job
>Make one small step for mankind
>be called genius
>"Oy vey! Wh*te people cannot be genius! Only minorities like the Jews can be called that!"
You are correct. When you think about it, could thigns really be any other way though? Sup Forums, a site where people can do whatever they want because they're anonymous; a site with no persona accountability or responsibility, is of course a spawning ground for lazy page-scrollers who do nothing all day but post one-sentence threads and responses. No one is accountable for their actions, so no one actually gives a shit. Sup Forums is literally a communist society, and the worst part is all these lazy fucks who do nothing to save the white race--or any race for that matter--are completely oblivious to this.
Busy busy
What happens midway through, when the teeth strike the wire?
People here hate jews hate them for the same reasons people have always hated jews. Every nation that has welcomed them has been stabbed in the back. The way they use US blood and money to fund there illegitimate state and there roll in ruining our demographics is unforgivable. You're just too blind to see their influence in just about every aspect of society.
There needs to be a diversity quota for the most privileged group in the Ivy League, the Jews, that fair diversity quota based on population strength is 2%.
The arrogant racist Jews are penalizing Asians for exceeding their 5% quota while themselves stealing more than four times of that with outrageous racist nepotism.
>While you click and click and click and click aging to refresh this stupid page
someone gotta do it, user
remember that series where the dude had to keep hitting that button to reset the counter?
God Silicon Valley start up culture is such cancer.
There's truth to this. Sloth is my biggest deadly sin.
Also, Jews are good at networking together. And Israel.
There's a lot to it, but yes GET OFF YOUR ASS. Do work.
>the Jew cries tears of joy as he is about to rip you off.
like Henry Ford lol? Jews are the lazy thiefs of the world you fool
>a parasite always needs a host...isn't that right shlomo?
You are correct.
Parasite = the alt-right and its ideals
Host = Sup Forums
>the definition of a genius is a B grade student with a Jewish mother.
Sup Forums is not alt-right
>Sup Forums:
chaotic neutral trickster, oldfags who remember barrel roll-ology and how to triforce, 'all your memes are belong to us', triggers sjws and special snowflakes in their own safespaces making them an hero, cybernetic shape-shifter: takes various guise online: irl could be your co-worker or your husband or a police officer or even your Jewish son, uses memetic powers gained through years exploring the inter-tubes to elect an orange joker just to piss off the established left, somehow managed to acquire technological clairvoyance, aversion to pictures of bread, taunts journalists and even the media itself and makes them look fucking retarded, organizes stunts to make academic minds melt like stale memes, engages in various psyops you won't ever about, wears a hoody even when using a computer in an empty room, board survives and thrives despite the best efforts of just about everyone even the fag that made this website to delet this, anonymous4lyfe but is paradoxically the most notorious on web. Again.., strikes terror into the heart of the kike, infiltrates enemy organizations, alphabet agencies take notes from anons tactics, Linux, IRC, creates original content, redpills hordes of normies, leaderless, does everything for the keks, ALWAYS right.
sanctimonious lawful neutral, newfags from plebbit, white knights, IRL LARPing, camwhores, attentionwhores, gets BTFO by the filthy yid media, websites get shut down, makes everyone hate them, awkward unironic nazibooing, coneheads, beta manlet dorks in khaki's with tiki torches, lolcows, unironically supports a orange billionaire, follows Sup Forums around like a retarded kid brother, throws Sup Forums under the bus by appropriation of Sup Forumss culture, Windows, BookFace, unfunny, uncreative, lemming-like-follow-the-'leader', epic failtards, always somewhere other than right. “pls mr. goldenshekelnoseberg, can u pls gib website back pls”
Like the 1918 German Revolution?
Sage. You fucks deserve rope
>OP doesn’t know that I come here to shitpost after having built the largest retail store in my industry
Some of us have already built empires, so take your cans ass back to Sup Forums, faggot.
The don't want white people to have jobs or the positions they deserve.
That goes for Jews Mexicans and Niggers.
Thank you brother.
This. Pic related
>The reason you hate jews is simple
That is correct. I want my foreskin and hate my rapist.
I thought it was because they were forcing thousands of goat fuckers on me
Confirmation bias: the image
>trumps bad goy
>250kUSD deposit
Just another hard day of work
Indians have a higher average income than Jews, want to know why people don't hate poo in loos? They don't demand the country destroy itself for shits and giggles.
a strawman so weak it couldn't even stand long enough for you to fight it.
Hard at work subverting western civilization, you mean.
>jews are hard at work learning and earning
Most don't. Most are lazy shitheads that got where they are through nepotism. That pic is wrong, too. You can't work to become a Tesla or Leo da Vinci. It's innate, you either are or you aren't.
>earning potential
we will be kangz
>all money is nothing but an interest payment to only ONE of their Head Borg
>are stupider than Italians
>are not even judeans but think they can coin the word jewish and their hungarian-ness magically disappears and you can build and do whatever you want because who needs God and etc etc etc etc
That explains why the Nazi's made such a point of putting Jews in labour camps, you know the old, work will set you free logo. The Nazi's understood that the only way to rehabilitate the Jews was to put them to work.
They suck
Should it have a dick?
>ID "godtxt"
What did He mean by that?
KEK can be born a Da Vinci and then spend your day wanking.
jews arent that bad. Once you get to know them a bit.
Nice list, I remember reading one of those around midway down. A jewish kid kicked a football into priest. The priest thought because of that the entire jewish population of the town was plotting against him and had them all killed.
I think stupidity is the real problem.
(((I))) am doing the same shit as you though, Jews can be lazy fucks too, and the people with real money get it by having others work for them.
Jews and work??? LMAO! Sorry kikel theft fraud and printing up paper and giving it to yourself to fund sheel companies isn't "work"
>Jews are good peopl-
>I'm stupid, lazy, and retarded so therefore the rest of Sup Forums must be too
nice projection cuckboy
Noice and /thread.