why is destiny so smart? how does he keep btfo'ing us??? aren't there any smart people in the alt right???
Why is destiny so smart? how does he keep btfo'ing us??? aren't there any smart people in the alt right???
I don't know who destiny is and I don't sympathize with the alt right but your post smells like bullshit
Why do you keep creating this same fucking thread over and over night after night. Saged and reported.
we really got btfo
If a retarded idiot like cheetoh hitler could trick us then what fucking hope do we have.
destiny doesn't btfo shit
I guess you could say it's our /destiny/
who the fuck is destiny
A faggot.
Imagine the dumbest cuck you went to high school with. Destiny is the person he calls a huge brainless fuck faggot.
can we report these spam threads?
Fuck off destiny. You're a retarded video game playing nobody. The only intellectual powerhouse in your household is your wife fucking other men because you're pathetic and addicted to pixels.
Destiny is horrible at arguing. He pretty much uses every strategy in the book to not have a real discussion and instead have a shitflinging contest. Shit like deflection, "you tooing", attacking the person's character, etc. He's an insufferable faggot I would never ever want to talk with him because he is not interested in having a real conversation.
What's it like to be not only a physical midget but also an intellectual midget?
Why is Destiny so fucking good? It’s just uncanny how he does it.
Trump hasn't even delivered on anything.
When will he start the wall construction?
Why isn't he passing anything even though Republicans control the majority of the Senate and the House?
Trump is a lost cause friends.
We thought we could change the course of history, but we were given the illusion of choice. Trump jewed us
kys yourself
Literally who?
trump is the original jew
every smart conservative is staying out of politics.
Sorry user.