Surely the Jew media lied about him too
Was he a good president?
Handled 9/11 like a total faggot so no
"diversity is strength" establishment conservative
Very moderate
Conspred in the greatest terrorist attack in US soil in history
He will be executed for treason
No, he passed off nearly all responsibilities towards people with purely greedy motivations.
Worse than Obama in my opinion. Not being a troll. A friend and I were just discussing this. He was 10x worse than Obama.
All skull, no bones
Good guy. Bad President. Cheney's bitch.
He sent thousands of young men to be killed and maimed in a desert on the other side of the planet because our government is Zionist-occupied
America was 10 years away from paying off the national debt. Then fucking Republicans elect the original right wing retard, Trump 1.0, George Dubya Bush.
Bush was the worst of all time.
Obama was the greatest president of all time.
I liked him, but you can't have a big plan for reshaping the middle east based on the premise of chemical weapons when there aren't, get into a mess, sacrifice huge amounts of money and lives and be considered a good president. Sometimes the smart thing to do is not go big, but go solid, and honest. A country needs to know its limitation. Voted for him twice, but final decision...He's fucking idiot.
My favorite part about the Bush era is when all the “comedic” political commentators like Jon Stewart, John Oliver, and Steven Colbert thought it was all fun and games when we were killing Iraqis under false pretenses. Now that Trump is president they can’t help themselves but “ REEEEEE BAD AMERICA” , when compared to the lies we were told to go into Iraq they complain about TWO SCOOPS.
The entire Bush admin+ all the politicians/ corporate elites that got us into that war need to swing.
No they just used him up and threw him away. The media was massively promoting the Iraq war leading up to it.
All the Bushes were crap and traitors
worthless piece of shit no different than Obama same nigger in a different wrap. was 100% in on 9-11
>15.8 million private sector jobs
>pass health care
>employers can't afford to pay for health care for full time workers
>reduce full time to part time or fire full timers
>former full timers need 2 part time jobs to make up for it
>E C O N O M Y = S T I M U L A T E D
95% of Obama job creation was full time. You should try pulling up the actual jobs data instead of falling for fake news headline from ZeroBrain and
>Surely the Jew media lied about him too
Implying the Jew media doesn't lie about anything
>There are still 9/11 conspiracy tards around
like nigga 1993 like thousands of people would have to be in on it like nigga open your eyes terrorist plane hijackings use to happen all the time
No but he was slightly better than Obama.
He successfully got the U.S. into a Forever War just like his kike masters wanted, so he's competent in that way.
He was controlled opposition. He and Obama were essentially the same president.
Neocon puppet. Trillions of dollars added to the national debt, some of it vanished into thin air.
0bama was 5 to 10 times worse and even more corrupt but in different ways/ directions.
There's a reason the Clintons, Bushes, and 0bamas are so chummy.
Hope him and McCain rot in hell. Establishment neocons are arguably worse than leftists.
No, a complete incomp. Iraq was handled poorly - No martial law declared - derkas ran wild and ran all business and orderlies out of the country
CIA nigger diaspora just like obummer so no
the eternal leaf
bill clinton is lucky the IRS does not target the federal government. he basically wrote all of our liabilities off the balance sheet and left them unfunded until he left office.
Feingold is the last politician I respected.
No he didn't. You have a great imagination though.
he ran in 2016
shoulda won
Killing JFK put these slimeballs in office
He was a catastrophe.
pretty much this
Even if he won, he'd be a shell of what he was. He was broken a decade ago.
Way better than Johnson
He was a sock puppet, to say he was a terrible president would be to give him credit for anything he did while president. It's funny watch the left back peddle on him though, because a lot of people reacted to W the same way they're reacting to Trump now, and they're forced to admit they overreacted to Bush.
kill yourself
He was good for the globalists that put him office.
are these real? how can someone not see these and not be redpilled in a nanosecond?
Total RINO, tried to sell out the country with a shamnesty to pay off his corporate donors. Jeb was the absolute worst though.
>because our government is Zionist-occupied
Who's fault is that? Surely its not his.
Genuine question. I want to know where America went wrong?
((They)) destroyed a moderate by forcing him into wars, and them called him a piece of shit for doing those wars. He was controlled opposition. Obama (a hard leftist) was a controlled opposition piece too, as ((they)) ran him as a moderate too. How people don't get this is beyond me.
He was an incompetent baffoon.
When 911 hit he was reading a children's book in a school. After he saw told by homeland security that the USA was under attack he continued reading the kids book and laughing with the kids.
He was a puppet, and the moment he went on TV and declared Iraq had WMDs, from the fake cia report, he had completed the job the DNC had installed him for.
our revolution was literally bankrolled by jews and french enlightenment liberals
you need to learn more about our country
KEK!!! Fucking hell so good
He was a true shabbos goy
Falsified. Why are you punching yourself in the face?
posting screenshots of craigsteiner blog may help u with right wing retards but it does nothing when dealing with reality
Clinton never "put his hands in the cookie jar" and "stole money from SS" as right wing retards claim. A president can't do that.
SS has been part of the budget since the 60s
No he was not a good president.
Where can I start, user.
Im on a journey full of redpills.
>tfw it takes a Canuck to defend the truth about a very good U.S. president
thx 4 reminding me btw ive been meaning to save this
you mean orchestrated 9/11
you mean he kept us safe
like conservashits were chanting like a mantra for years and years
The picture of Trump and that Jew reminds me of The God Emperor of Mankind and Horus.
Satanist grandsons of Aleister Crowley, and sons of CIA assholes tend to make bad presidents.
the 1 time i agreed with that filthy billionaire globalist from NYC
he lied about losing hundreds of friends btw
>look at the archive
>the same leaf is shilling the same images over the past year
you are pathetic. i've posted the only real proof needed and neither of your images or kafkatraps debunk it
just go back and read history from that time. it's not hidden or anything. the british didn't care that much about america (they should've) and the french were ready to do whatever they had to do once our founding fathers proved they were prime meat grinder material. russia also kept a decent relationship with established infant america if something went wrong with the french
When leafs don't understand mortgage debt or debt per capita.
lol u posted a memecap from craigsteiner blog u filthy fucking retard
ill post charts all day bitch and that debt clock pic i just saved now motherfucker
collaborated with neocon kikes to get us into iraq war.
when right wing retards don't understand what the fucking conversation is about
explain how it's wrong :)
Like how private sectors have a larger effect on most nations economies or how a leaf thinks looking at a single graph can gain anything but a superficial insight into something as complex as the largest economy in the world?
I already did. I knew u were going to post your craigsteiner autism before u even did. Ask yourself how I knew that. The entire fucking world knows that Based Bill ran 4 straight budget surpluses. EVen Republicans don't deny it. But right wing retards read a fucking blog and they think they know better.
This is just like Obama's unemployment rate. Which suddenly became real again the moment trump took office. Right wing retards think anything they don't like must be fake.
You are literally autistic children
he didn't say they died
maybe he just stopped being friends with them
no way - he wouldve been ok in the 90s
but 9-11, iraq, and financial crisis he totally bungled. He was an awful president, no ifs ands or butts about it. Maybe the worst in the past 100 years, and certainly of this century.
He had no business being president - at all. He seems ok as a person, but i cant get over how utter shit his presidency was. UTTER SHIT
he did nothing and thats usually for the best
he should but he wont
>Clinton never "put his hands in the cookie jar" and "stole money from SS" as right wing retards claim. A president can't do that.
this isn't an explanation and the rest of your posts are kafkatraps. the image i posted doesn't even claim that he "raided SS funds"
He was a pawn of the ZOG
Why would Bush let Lehman Brothers fail and then come out with T.A.R.P? I didn't like bush but tarp was the right thing to do.
>but muh evil banks
I hate Bush but what were his job creation numbers pre recession? the economy was hot in the mid 2000s
also, nearly all recessions last two years or less.
he invaded a country on lies and wasted trillions of dollars and killed thousands of red state sons and let 9/11 happen and nullified half the constitution and set up a tourture facility outside the law to torture people to death...also he almost caused the second great deprtession
>defending the guy that rebooted our welfare addiction
whatever nigga, we got some based poppies
They are all kike cock gobblers.
>mistreated by jews
>did literally everything the jews wanted
yeah nah man he was a faggot cunt just like his father
He's a fucking liar who pledged to reduce the national debt by $2 trillion and establish a new fund for social security, but instead chose to DOUBLE the debt and do NOTHING to save social security/Medicare/etc. All so he could wage his pointless fucking neocon war in Iraq and destroy one of the world's most ancient Christian populations. Fuck that guy.
1. it wasn't his choice
2. id rather have a bunch of dead muslims than a star gate
The Jew media shilled for bush until the last couple years of his admin, so they can set up for a full on leftist president: Obama
and Trump is doing it all over again by like three times as bad.
Fuck I remember that.
I hate right-wing retards even more now.
You think the US government is capable of that?
It's not.
me too bro
me too
>Obama was the greatest president of all time.
He banned fewer guns as President than Romney did as Governor and gave us TRUMP so yea
He started a war on Israel's behalf, so no. He's a certified faggot.