What can be done about the homeless epidemic?
What can be done about the homeless epidemic?
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shoot them
Have a homogeneous society that WILLINGLY takes care of their own people if they work hard enough and pulls their own weight. Good luck with that though
Wow, a pile of things. Which gas chamber was this taken outside of?
End the nanny state, charities in all fields grow exponentially
kill all white people
kill the rich
It's simple, end capitalism.
build extermination camps
Don't worry OP I think J.K. Rowling has room.
forcibly remove them from the city such that they form their own lawless shanty towns where they can OD as much heroin as they want
Post known dealers' photographs up publicly and offer a bounty on their heads. Not quite Duterte's open season but we're not uncivilized.
Every homeless person will tell you they have a drug addiction somewhere in their downfall. Start there.
The biggest problem is that most homeless are mentally ill and that consequently are unable to focus well enough to work. I would propose that we round them all up and send them to rehabilitation camps, where state of the art medicine and therapy are used to help them improve their concentration.
Try to prove that the OP image is from a clean up of a homeless camp.
im sure drugs and homelessness has been eradicated in the Philippines now LMAO... retard
Hello Achmed. Enjoying our welfare system? See how well it works without the people who pay for it.
>That's right goyim, pay (((rent))) or die
Why blame the dealer? The addict made the decision to start doing heroin/crack/meth, no one forced them to use it. The dealer simply provides the means for them to buy it. If there is a market for a desired good, someone will supply it.
put them in work camps along with the illegal aliens to build wall.
Why do anything? Just keep sending them to LA like every other state does
Correct, but the point is to drive the risk of doing business up significantly, to the point where less and less people desire to be in that business.
It would most likely drive dealers to work with smaller and smaller circles of more trusted clients. Dealers would be more afraid to sell to those outside their circle, thereby reducing their chances for expansion.
The addiction could be treated as a health crisis instead of a legal one alongside this, but I just love the idea of hunting dealers.
Force them to fight to the death for our entertainment.
Make them fight to the death on live tv.
I hope u get raped by a pack of niggers
Involuntary commitment.
Fentanyl instead of narcan.
>the alternative to renting is being homeless
dumb nigger
Looks like they've been shooting themselves quite a bit already.
Colonial Freikorps. Mexico isn't sending their best, why should we?
FEMA death camps
Lower your minimum wage to $1/hour so that businesses can employ 20 x more people
Kick out all the non whites and don't allow boomers to own 5 ficking houses
>implying CEOs wouldn't keep the money and hire illegals for 50 cents and hour
I work in NYC for Parks, there are some parks that pick up that amount of needles yearly basis. We also track and gps the spots for a database given to cops. I don’t know if it’s public though because we work with NYPD on this
You cannot win in the flesh so one must
Destroy from the inside out
Proper medical care, that pic shows they're insulin dependent diabetics.
give them a gun a uniform an identity and they will reborn as usefull and proud menber of the nation
>yes fight for us goy!!1!
Change housing laws and let bored rich people donate tiny homes
Put em in jail, prisoners live better than they do. Same with nursing homes, just put them in jail too.
vagrant conscript regiments + bring back mental institutions
It is in California.
beardo hating us chad's who have served. sorry neckbeard
whats that bump shit mean anyway?
the cause is the cure
God damn all them heroin fields in Oklahoma am I right, goys?
This is an art exhibit in modern America.
A golden set of armor? What am I missing here, fag?
You fight for your own demise. You have no long term insight. Dumb animal.
I'm all for guns... but letting mentally ill people have access is probably not a good idea.
Fire all police for 1 year to afford 10 years of free housing for all
Problem solved.
More fentanyl spikes in the heroin supply
this but unironically. they are subhuman
We kill dem.
Disgusting and degenerate
When I was a kid we found a huge pile of junkie needles in a shack in the woods and thank fuck none of us got stuck with hep and AIDs covered needles
Bullets in the head or gas chambers are the ideal solution
Give people a legal option for assisted suicide and the problems of the world will fade away.
Sounds good to me, we need less pigs running free with zero fucking oversight imo
The alternative is paying property tax instead, either way you are being jewed
First by understanding what it's largely a symptom of. Mental health issues.
The hard part is getting 1st world societies to give a shit about the mental health of the individuals most at risk. Most homeless could become productive members of society if their mental health issues were addressed in a practical manner. Instead we live in nations that sweep them under bridges and overpasses.
If I were a magic wand waving benevolent dictator I'd immediately start screening- seriously, Middle-high school students for mental issues and start from there. Adults are largely a lost cause at this point so they should be addressed later - the place you tie the tourniquet is at adolescence - where most mental issues start to present themselves. From there we'd need to develop a culture of not vilifying mental health issues, especially if they can be managed. I'd rather give businesses tax credits for taking on the risk of hiring what would otherwise be "risky hires" than to shovel more money into Liberal hand-outs. Hopefully in a generation or 3 the tide of those with "mental issues" that aren't addressed earlier gets restricted at the earliest possible moment.
As for the adults - we would need to treat them as a "lost generation" too far gone to help, but to realize society failed them. This doesn't mean handouts - this means guaranteed basic security and level of income -as long as- they fulfill certain obligations in effort and employment. The hard part is that I wouldn't want to totally remove their liberties (the most effective way to set them on the right track). Incentivize good habits and wanting to get better. But incentivize it through an obligation of productivity (even if its only marginally profitable) - we aren't seeking to be competitive with over-seas slave labor - just something.
You aren't going to reprogram someone who's been living through 30+ years of hell - that's just not going to happen.
Slaughterbots are the correct answer: youtube.com
Decrease military spending.
I agree
Kick out all the Mexicans then give the homeless their jobs/homes. If the homeless don’t want that, then deport them too.
Bump cuz I have no fucking clue
Maximum wage, desu.
take control of heroin supply, lace it all with fentanyl... sit back.....profit!