Redpilling the gf

My gf does not believe in cultural marxism being pushed, thinks transgenderism and leftist policies are naturally occuring even though she doesnt approve of them. What do? How to red pill? Worth saving?

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Is she christian

Humanity has existed for 200,000 years without having widespread acceptance for this kind of degeneracy.

>BUT IT'S 2017!

Not an argument

Yea but not practicing. Then again neither am I but I'm still fairly red pilled I would think

B u m p

Arguing an objective morality without a source is futile, and the Bible is God's revelation including morality
My advice is to start there

This isn't about Gods morality. It is about approaching the topic of marxist ideology in our society. What is the best way to red pill? Or is there a threshold beyond which not to form relationships, if some people are too blue pilled.

Marxism is a moral issue, but I see you're looking for evidence of the agenda. My best resource is black pigeon speaks on YouTube

your a terrible person if you want validation from this place when it comes to your spous.
you dont deserve her no matter how ugly or stupid she is.

I don't listen to fags. You have a mental problem.

Also it's "you're" you faggot

girls listen to other girls. show her lauren southern, blonde in the belly of the beast, roaming millenial, and similar women

Read Chapter 4 of Pat Buchanan's Death of the West, Four Who Made a Revolution on page 73. It's the best explanation I've seen so far. The book is worth buying, but you can just google for 'death of the west pdf' to find it online.

>What do?
Make her suck your cock
>How to red pill?
Fuck her in the ass
Worth saving?
Not anymore. She is a whore.

Pat Buchanan I know it's you
Pat Buchanan pls go

I got my girlfriend to hate feminism and I told her the truth about affirmative action and cultural Marxism. She is getting there guys

Drop subtle redpills throughout the day. She'll eventually get it. Don't try and force it down her throat, just let her reach her own conclusions like we all did.

You plant the seeds and she'll see through the bullshit pretty damn fast.

t. married and fathering the child of an Obama voting Art School major who now wants to gas the kikes race war now more than I do.

What did you say about cultural marxism. How do you prove what it is and who pushes it and why

>girl I like thinks sjws are insane and makes fun of them
>doesn't care much about the race shit but loves hip hop music and mainstream culture, is indifferent to and probably disagrees with the "white privilege" and blm concepts
>she liked bernie
>the issue she's most passionate about is abortion and sexual health so somewhat feminist
>not sure what she thinks about transgenderism, she used to like this kid in high school that became a tranny and now she doesn't talk to him, she makes fun of gays and beta men for being pushovers and acting feminine
>thinks illegals should be treated better, supports daca shit
>loves conspiracy theories, is a stem major and pretty intelligent and open minded but not interested in politics much

Is she capable of being redpilled? She thinks Trump is sexist and all that but she doesn't call him a fascist or outright hate his supporters or anything.

What does "naturally occuring" mean in this context? Western elites push LGBT, open-borders, etc, much more than is comfortable for the average person, andif you say anything about it you can get fired and exposed. It that something she considers to be "naturally occuring"?

Fuck what they think, it's their beliefs and they can think of whatever stupid shit they want. Yesterday i fucked the shit out of a grill who is an outspoken feminist on her social media and with all the ask for permission before you talk to women bullshit. but guess what, when i met her in person, i basically had to grope her before she dropped the "oh you're just a friend who's over even though i explicitly said i wanted to fuck on text because my bf isn't taking care of me and is never around even though we've literally been together for three weeks" act and got around to getting it on, just being polite and waiting for her move didn't do shit. the sex was great though. But i don't care what she believes and neither should you in regards to your gf.

If you really want to redpill her, i guess the best option would be to either find some easily digestable content and watch it with her, or find some material that is backed by credible sources, even in the eyes of normies

She's dumb

go fuck yourself faggot blogposter.

beware the roastie

women are mentally unstable

women are not equal

fat is beautiful

beauty is a social construct

i don't need an excuse

Good question

Start at the basics OP - teach her the major logical fallacies and point out examples from both sides of the political spectrum. You need a decent foundation to properly redpill. Also have her watch youtube videos about Plato's allegory of the cave and read Issac Asimov's "relativity of wrong" (rather short paper).
These are just for prep. Once you've taught her enough about critical thinking use the Socratic method (asking questions leading her to the answer instead of just telling her the answer).

Some of my favorite touchstones for this. "Salami tactics" "Golden Mean fallacy" "Cui Bono" "Gish Gallop" and believe it or not the documentary or book "Manufacturing Consent" is really great too (even though pol hate Noam).
Some links to get you going.

Noam Chomsky (from Manufacturing Consent) on Concision

One of dozens Youtube videos of the Allegory of the Cave - the general concept is what's important to understand the overall lesson - it's often lost on people for some reason.

Issac Asimov's Relativity of Wrong

Another from Manufacturing consent - Free Speech

She should at least learn all of these and understand how they are used - at a bare minimum. There are many more and one should always study logic as it pertains to argument and debate and learn to spot them during discussion or while reading. Do note - just because a logical fallacy can be identified - does not mean the argument made using it is false r that the fallacy itself is misused - the biggest mistake people make with referencing logical fallacies is in the zealous belief that if one is made it nullifies the argument or that they themselves are completely poisonous. A good example of this is "Cui Bono" vs. "Ad Hominem" attacks.

Show the post modern corruption of the academia. How many professors who are openly communist or worse marxist should be enough evidence.

It's nice having a woman prepare a meal for you just before you get home... Helps me unwind and recharge.






Do it, man!



Kill her she is lost anyway.





Point out the hypocrisy and double talk in the media first. You don't even have to push a conservative agenda, just talk about how stupid and wrong the media is about everything.
The media is run and written by literal brainlets. So it's not hard.


Is she admitting that she's denying her natural desires (attention from the opposite sex) to practice a social construct (feminism)?

Everything you need in this thread. I saved it just in case I ever needed it. Some people have some really good answers in here


Watch the century of the self on YouTube together with her.






ruined her own health, then ruined her child's.
thinks it's (((genetic)))



You can also read the agenda2030 pdf and search for the term women and read all the stuff the countries that signed on to it are doing. Promoting alternative lifestyles and transgenderism is all about population reduction.

where's that infographic of when disney was sold to Jews, it went all SJW and subtly degenerate





If she thinks transgenderism can 'naturally' increase from 0.7% of the population to around 20% in a single generation without that indicating there must be a third (unnatural) factor she is anti-science or as we would commonly refer to it as: retarded.

Anyway, most girls can be redpilled. It depends on your relationship and how dominant you are. Plenty of women get redpilled by their man, some will even bluepill back after a breakup. Most women don't have strong convictions and so it depends on how tacticool you manage to change her mind. No full frontal attacks, no harsh fights. Just gradual exposion to little nuggets of truth.






mah man!

Anerican cheese with cup noodles I guess. Yep, whore material.





is this real?

this can't be real?

is this real?

no way this is real.

fuck off.
this is not real

Fuck you guys :(
She worked hard on that and it tasted fine.