Cartman redpills his girlfriend

Just when I though South Park became too liberal

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>Not smart enough to understand that they were making fun of extreme letists and right wingers.
'Fuck this liberal bullshit!"
>A character becomes a piece of shit person like Cartman


anyone got a link to the expulsion of jews for the Bavaria Foreign b 1919?

I understand there was a majority jewish communist revolution to create the soviet state of bavaria, but were people expelled for being just jew?

didn't he start feeding her KFC and told her it was fake chicken?

>That Taylor swift water bears
Redpilled media supporting swifty

lol if only the Jews knew.

maybe jews are putting it in cartoons so normies can think "lol antisemitism is such a joke that even south park uses it"

further making any criticisim of jews appear as jokes to the public

>that Cats Don't Dance reference

Not bad, not bad.

1) This isn't Sup Forums related
2) They are mocking her and people like us by calling us battered housewives for sticking with Trump; They will probably kill her off


Dont care for this cartoon anymore. Haven't watched it since I was like 15.

They actually mentioned the Roastie beef curtains meme, I'm impressed

Yeah Beyond KFC, Beyond Meat is an actual vegetarian substitute IRL. Funny joke.

so she went from a preachy vegan to a fat cunt

they made her out to be a fat annoying whore and that all couples look like eachother. they are so based. the witch hunt episode was very topical. based tweek and craig

That episode was pretty fucking funny desu

>insert nietzsche about women quote here
why, yes. of course she did.

So, like a year ago?

>The oldest person on Sup Forums

So you saw the episode then

>based tweek and craig
this desu

I dont find south park or family guy funny these days. I may be broken

literally saved south park

Cartman is the most popular character for a reason.

>and that all couples look like eachother.
this is true though
after dating a person for an extended period of time they begin to look and act like you, and vice versa
it's why so many liberal women turn into conservatives when they marry
notice single women are all liberals?

After discovering Murdoch Murdoch (which recycles Sup Forums memes and jokes), Chris-Chan and eventually Sup Forums, I can't even laugh at Family Guy skits.

did Chris-Chan get his wound fixed?

>chris chan more interesting/hilarious than family guy
you might be on to something

South Park uses Cartman as the bad guy fyi. Still liberal

>the bad guy
he's literally right almost every time though
he was even the good guy in the two new video games

He's almost always right even with being a psychopath, which is probably the point of the thing.

Sneaky Jews destroying everything, is right, but when you say it it makes you out to be the "bad guy".

remember that die hippy die episode? Cartman is always right, and ze jeeews must be punished.

Cartman is the reason so many kids grow up making jokes about the jews. He may be a fat little turd, but he has his one liners that millions of children will end up repeating

He’s not a turd. Fuck you

same with the Smug episode

can i get a quick rundown?

He's a giant turd, you mega douche

i still cant believe kyle tried to steal his bitch. ugh jews!

>die hippy die episode

That's a good analogue for immigrants coming in and ruining the area, with the leaders selling the area out for some shekels.

His brain is too damaged too fix

indeed. or that one where he fed that kid his own parents.

Kyle did Jew tricks to try and get Cartman's GF; Cartman tells said GF about said tricks and she sees clearly.

oh, oh, or rainforest schmainforest, one of my favorites.

>Just when I though South Park became too liberal
You're an idiot

she literally committed genocide by swallowing 20,000 sentient intelligent micro-animals who just wanted to watch football. fuck that bitch.

>list of areas that the jews have been departed from
>all christian lands
>all illiterate christian states who were brain washed by catholic church that jews killed jesus
>all countries that believed jews were a race

I see your list skipped 1790's-early 1800's France but it's still hilariously cute reading it.

>"brain washed"
You mean "objectively told the truth about"

>the last NFL fan detected
how does it feel to sit all alone in such a huge stadium, user?




oh man how did they get away with that

Retard, they're saying that Sup Forums are bad. That we just blame the jews for everything and believe nothing in our lives are actually our fault. The writer is literally a jew. Kyle is him as a kid.

when? I didn't catch that

She turns into a female cartman

Cartman is the bad guy in the Fractured Butthole game.
He is the main bad guy the whole game through.


When are you guys going to realize that the last two seasons are the writers being obsessed with us and calling us out for ruining everything?

Reminds me of the witch episode when everyone was buthurt about it somehow connecting to nazis or altright.
A much more accurate analogue would be they were making fun of dindus for dressing like diddus. The whole moral was "if you don't want to be confused with violent psychopaths, stop dressing like one"

That lists is missing a very recent entry. A few years back there was a story about them being kicked out from a village in South America because they were not being part of the community

>Cartman is the bad guy in the Fractured Butthole game.
Wrong, that was Mitch Conner

Cartman IS Mitch Connor

>This fucking user
Go away Kyle

It’s because they’re not funny

They were raping the local kids and got deported back to Israel, but the (((media))) claims it was because they weren't integrating/forcing thier beliefs on the locals (hint-hint)

I wonder why is southpark in Sup Forums.

Cartman IS Sup Forums

Best south park was either Here Comes the Neighboorhood (the richers) episode or Acceptance Speech (garrison tries to be so gay he will get fired, but ends getting an award for bravery) episode.

It was about Muslims you idiot

I loved their homage to the "if you don't want to get raped, stop dressing up like a whore" fiasco.

It was about celebrities being accused of sexual misconduct you dingus, that's why they brought in the President as a witch as well.

honestly I think it is this. preemptive move to make calling out the jew (ie.antisemitimism) inapporpriate, they can point to this cartoon and dismiss their valid criticisms

What about Craig and Tweek?

i couldnt believe kyle actually had jew gold in a small bag around his neck. behind the fake bag of jew gold around his neck to keep the real one safe ofcourse

What was.. the bible part 2 and 3