How can we convert bugmen, numales, and soy boys to radical chadism...

How can we convert bugmen, numales, and soy boys to radical chadism? Is cheap mass produced chinese testosterone the only solution?

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the problem is poor people. look at the income level these soyboys come from. it's the only way they know how to fit in, to be submissive.

soyboys have been around for all of history - they're just so prolific due to social media

They have to want to do it themselves, lead by example and some might grow a pair. The rest will die off on their own.

Wrong, the epicenter of the problem is San Francisco and other high income urban areas

The irony is that exogenous testosterone is synthesized from soy

Post your face with timestamp op. 100% You are projecting.

Mandatory civil/military service.

Make them prove themselves or forever be disenfranchised.

more PJW of course

Why convert them? Betas are meant to die

Something like this would do.

Tribulus supplementation is probably good

Crossfit is doing a good job for a lot of men and some women that would otherwise be beta cardiobunnies.

It all starts with muscles and working out. Rage in the gym then you rage in life.

>working 60+ hours a week programming to keep this (((nation)))'s economy alive so you faggots don't have to cannibalize white babies
>get shit on for not having time to lift and stare at myself in the mirror all day
why don't you faggots start some kind of popular anti-jew movement that will free me from this hell?

The REAL red pill is that soy boys are objectively a good thing for society at large.

The people you call "chads" are more likely to abuse women, less likely to be faithful (practically a requirement for rearing successful children), and more likely to be low-IQ rural and suburban retards.

By creating a class of high-income soy boys, women will be safe, children will be happy, and society will be free.

Someone explain bugmen to me pls

Holy fuck. As a homofag I fully support. I'm getting so tired of having to move to towns with more single men than single women just to get a decent cock in my hole.

i always wondered if they were the people who died in infancy/childhood before the modern era


>The people you call "chads" are more likely to abuse women, less likely to be faithful (practically a requirement for rearing successful children), and more likely to be low-IQ rural and suburban retards.

No, those are not "chads". Those are niggers.

When we talk about "chad nationalism" we talk about patriotic hero with a big dick but also a big brain.

The kind of guy who is writing a book in his study with his own penmanship when the civil war broke up so he kiss farewell kiss his wife (and cum inside her one last time to ensure another heir, just to be sure) before going out to battle.

they wear Steve suits and shoot crowds

>Women will be safe.
Soyboys stand and watch as blacks break in, steal jewelry and gangrape.
>Children will be happy.
Dad spends most of the time playing video games or working. Gets confused everytime he says sorry bumping into someone or avoids eye contact. Breeds another generation of cucks.
>Society will be freer.

Chads are born not made. Self improvement is a good goal just don't be unrealistic about your shitty genetics.

High Testosterone men are MORE agreeable than Low Testosterone men, provided that they don't feel like they are getting screwed over or disrespected.
High-T men are better at spacial reasoning, working in (hierarchical) teams, STEM, and being productive overall.
Properly socialized high-T men make better fathers. They create a better intersexual dynamic in the home, build discipline in their children, and create a more stable home environment by imposing order and a hierarchy.
Soyboys are just easier to control because they act like women.


they were, technology, advanced health care and complacency is what keeps them around, Sup Forums will ignore this and point at soy

Average testosterone among men is probably the lowest it's ever been in history considering how much xenoestrogens/toxins we are exposed to right from the womb in modern civilization.
Your genes are just information. There is only so much it can do if the right building blocks are not there. Many betas today probably have some dormant Chad genes that never expressed due to the deplorable modern condition.