... post em faggots
Tinder/Message Cringe Thread
Bump for interest
Also OP is a fag for not dumping. Don't start a thread if you have nothing
Sup Forums
This is tier shit.
Lmao dude i wonder if she got a date
>single mother
So did her husband suddenly die or what? She can't be very catholic if she had premarital sex. Fucking degenerates.
Hey guys I'm a Catholic but I had sex with a nog out of wedlock. Just want you to take care of it and want you to know I'm a Catholic
>he doesn't know about "reformed" church whores
>pregnant sex with a milf
not too shabby
for a pump n dump, sure
that child literally has no white features. this is white genocide
why don't you just MAN UP and marry her?
>"I stay in"
talks like a nigger
what a catch
What le % is this?
>duckface with her half-human baby
What a disgusting creature. Definitely a complete airhead of a woman.
She is a whore, but at least she isn't a race traitor.
le 22% face
This actually looks like one of the most accurate ones. Hipster roastie btfo
this joke will never get old to me. liberals never see it coming.
Hahaha this is fucking great
You are fucking retarded.
> you insulated me and my child
Please tell me that's somebody with a sense of humor and not a real tinder profile.
Are you autistic? In what way does this qualify as "trolling"? Are you 13?
holy shit
>complains about an image title on the political section of an anime message board
I guess you're really mature user I'm sorry
>not typical
Kill it with fire.
i'd have her on the condition she ditches the mini coon
I certainly wouldn't step-father a niglet or anyone else, but it's cruel to use them for one night and "ghost" them. they deserve basic courtesy, even if they ruined their life with a black baby daddy.
still attractive if not fat
you are quite possibly on the autism spectrum
the poor woman. i feel sorry for her..... no i dont actually.
My fucking sides
> it's cruel to use them for a one night and ghost them
No its not. Stop being a faggot.
It has "Goldenhar Syndrome"? That might be the least of his problems..
>but it's cruel to use them for one night and "ghost" them
no it isn't
they only want to use you as a beta fallback and source of income, see the game for what it is user
What kind of a nigger raised such a whore?
there's about a 5% chance that pic is real
>please believe me, i am not this ugly
I don't know
>you are quite possibly on the autism spectrum
yeah maybe
why is the average american so bad at english?
save and spread my meme
how would you feel if you got along with someone and they refused to answer?
not a milf, that's a dump
> being that he is black and all....
roasties often would claim to be part of a religious community but that's just to trick you into their web of sin
>It's just a joke chill
Smash that sweet demon pussy user
>implying catholic girls aren't complete whores by the age of 14
I grew up as a catholic, you can't lie to me
You move on with your life.
It's not like you would have gotten along in a relationship with a coal burner anyways. Your doing both of you a favor at that point by ghosting her.
She said catholic, that is different from a reformed church. Premarital sex is a sin in the catholic church
why don't you just MAN UP and charge your phone?
Look at the monkey in her pics and think about it
I'd like to date this chick for a bit and see if I could get her to put that kid up for adoption. I'd then dump her a month and tell her she's a mudshark.
I wish I could troll on tinder, but you have to be attractive to get matches.
Charging your phone is for the weak
Why are you not non-monogamous
non-corporeal Sup Forums? Are some kind of non-monogamous non-corporealophobes? You must secretly wanna fuck ghosts
This one isn't quite as bad but along the same lines
>16 miles away
You could have stopped this
she? I'm so damn confused if the OP pic is pre or post operation. Looks like preop so still a dick. Like srsly I think the point of this identity stuff is to confuse you until you're gay, intersex, pangender, etc.
why did you listen
How can they stop what they are? This is literally 99.9999% of people on Sup Forums. No exception!
holy shit kek