Western civilization appreciation thread. Reminder that if we fall, the world will collapse back into darkness

Western civilization appreciation thread. Reminder that if we fall, the world will collapse back into darkness.

Other urls found in this thread:


here's one from earlier




We conquered the seas...

Settled the unkown...



Expanded our reach to the stars...



Reminder that Trump is the herald of eternal darkness, it is already too late

ISRAEL'S SHEKEL YEAR I vs. Vespasian and Titus


DEVICTA IUDEA (Judea Conquered)



If the west falls wont asia just take over?

No, chinks are inhuman. The West will never, ever fall. The hardships just evolve our hivemind to become smarter, stronger, plan better and eventually overcome.

> Reminder that if we fall, the world will collapse back into darkness.
Lol, no it wouldn't.


Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple.

The Kingdom of God had passed from the Jews to the Gentiles.

In turn, the Roman Empire was destroyed, as prophesied in Daniel, by a stone "not cut out by human hands," which became a great mountain that filled the whole earth (i.e., the Catholic Church).

For the rest of the story on the Jews, read Romans 9-11.

For the rest of the story on the Catholic Church read:

What is left without us? Commies, Muslims, third world huts, Jews. Basically everything that is infecting the West.