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Literally who?
You’re going to ha e to do it
>Implying I care about this washed up "actor's" shitty opinions.
is he off his meds again?
>being this obsessed with Trump he is now wearing clothing with Trumps image
Donald really lives in his head rent free.
Colbert and Baldwin will be in a suicide pact before the end of next year.
isnt this that rapist cokehead dude?
nice photoshop, somali
Olbermann too.
>he's forced the """trump face""" for SNL so much that it became his regular expression
Poetic justice.
Trump is going to undo the kikes.
>holding a bag of poop
why would you psot this on a place where peopel are literally gagging on trumps fat cock ?
they deepthroat anything that comes out of his ass.
Imagine if you lost a family member in 9/11 and then saw this fat retard wearing that shirt.
I mean obviously no one actually died on 9/11, but just imagine.
If he isn't the biggest raging lefty douchebag out there I'd be amazed.
>Alec Baldwin
>Born April 3, 1958
>when you can still trick retards with a horrible photoshop
i read that as, "Unraper" lol
So silly you can't unrape people
>holding a bag of dogshit
Damn he looks like shit.
>Conflating the result of a democratic election with the worst terrorist attack in US history.
Liberals have no shame.
What's that thing in pic related?
I have to ask because 'Just for Men' is literally $7 US and even Reagan used it.
that looks shopped
that is most definitely shopped
the original image
now who's btfo
oh and lol at the homasexual footwear
>Living in his head rent free every day.
Honestly, it must be a horrible way to live
that guy got to bone kim bassinger no joke
True and hilarious!
lmao, if you posted this on facebook boomers would believe it
>photoshopping a picture onto his shirt
what is your point?
Faggot I hope you get v&
No u
Colbert probably secretly loves Trumps. He hasn't had to make a real joke in almost 2 years because all he has to do is say "DRUMPF" for 21 minutes and collect his pay check
Well, he IS in good shape for a man his age. You have to give him that.
you must be homasexual if that's what you came away with. i'll give you that.
Fucking this. Why would any man wear shoes like that outside his yard?
It's disgusting.
You'd better be doing a run to the shop for the paper and a pint of milk at best. Definitely not downtown.
>pleated front pants with a t-shirt and open-toes shoes
Absolutely disgusting.
Also faggot-tier dog.
I thought election day last year was on November 8 though.
why do i not have an emotional response to this image?
It's what liberals do to rationalize their own psychopathy.
Christ, it's even worse than the shop.
>this literal who was a nobody until he started impersonating Trump
God I can't imagine how embarrassing it must be to forever live in Trump's shadow lmao
I thought Charles Bronson dieded
He has tiny hands.
>9/11 & 11/9
Both were orchestrated by the Jews, who also run tinsel town and pay his bills.
What is your point?
Hard to hate him when he assaults the Jew paparazzi.
Almost certainly on test.
If it makes you feel better I started laughing because of the context it was posted in
He's a crazy Irishman from Long Island. What do you guys expect?
Liberals who pretend to be patriotic need to be gutted in public
Has to be a photoshop no way that wouldn't cause an uproar
>felt nothing
>remembered i have a daughter her age
>felt nothing
>tried to feel
>felt nothing
god i hate the jews
both results of allowing muslims into the country really makes me think
It is. You can tell by the pixels and that the text is *not* deformed with the shirt.
That shirt is fucked up. Trumps election isnt anywhere near as bad as 911. I shouldnt even have to say that. Hes going around mocking 911 by wearing that shirt. Disgusting
>Damn he looks like shit.
he looks fantastic for his age
is he in Canada yet?
Daily reminder 9/11 happened because of child Pornography.
Isn't that that sexual predator Baldwin something?
fake and gay
air horn
Jews did 9/11
Heterosexual rape is an act of dominance. It's how you show weaker men who the fucking boss is. Git gud, pleb.
the fuck
fucking alpha
>9/11 worst day in recent american history
>11/9 is opposite of 9/11
>11/9 confirmed to be the best day in recent american history
I'm fucking done with this thread.
What happened on 11/9?
I used to respect him.
Him calling up his daughter and calling her a pig was hilarious he's such a funny man.
Kys faggot
go back to plebbit
Shills are shitposting even in the wee hours now? We have such great non-faggot mods. There goes the only time of day that Sup Forums is readable
Mossad did 9/11.
lel fuck off
only one of those can be the worst. which means the inverse must be the best.
He dresses manly and has muscles yet still seems like a soft cunt.
This guy really needs to get over it. He is obviously a pedophile. I give it no longer than the end of this year before we find out about him. It'll be massive.
Kgb did 11/9.
I know because they spelled 9/11 wrong.
Nice photoshop. I love the lack of texture and shadows, really classy. Really brings out that 1998 ms paint feel
lol gay people. I totally understand why they toss you guys off buildings now. :)
>He dresses manly and has muscles yet still seems like a soft cunt.
Because he has vagina-tier opinions.
ROFL that fucking bag
same, am I fucked?
So to Mr. Virtue signal, learning Donald trump got elected was worse news to him than 50 gays butchered in a nightclub by a crazy Muslim. Damn he just really hate gays not be bothered by that