in less than one year, the GOP will get the big 60. Mark my shitpost.
In less than one year, the GOP will get the big 60. Mark my shitpost
I hope you're right, but I'd be shocked.
I would be shocked if they didn't. Look at the senate races in 2018. A lot of the Dems up for running are going to get voted out. The Republicans up for re-election are mostly safe. The only real chance the Dems have of grabbing a senate seat is in Arizona for Jeff Flake's seat if the lady getting the nomination lacks the charisma to get elected. Michigan and West Virginia Dems are guaranteed to flip Republican.
The GOP is fucked for 2018, and rightfully so.
not going to happen if R turnout is shit
>Joe Manchin
not gonna happen. The Dems have more seats to defend than the GOP, but Manchin has been playing nice with Trump and will not lose. He's not stupid
I mean 49 red are safe, 11 a toss up and the dems have 17 that might have one maybe two upsets if "scandals" were to happen. like grabbing boobs perhaps?
>*Pulls up Jewgle Maps*
>Implying it matters
They won't get anything passed anyway, they never fucking do. They've been talking about it for eight years how great they'll be as a majority
Like I said, fingers crossed. I've been burned before. Not really my fight, but I feel like NA sort of follows along with the US.
idk guys, I think the GOP might be okay. It's just taking a little time but I think people still have hope in Trump and the Reps. To at least change what the last guys did.
Why is there no IL happening?!
everybody is slimey. That's why I didn't vote for a politician.
could PA and VA turn?
and how in the fuck is MT and ND not solid red?
PA here. We voted Trump and I could see us having a republican gov next term, but I'm not sold on any upsets happening in the senate seats.
Close election, Romney sucked balls, Obama coattails.
They vote for liberals because they don't have to live amongst minorities. Throw 100k Somalis in to Vermont and watch them turn red for the first time ever.
Arizona - Jeff Flake's replacement.
This is the only race I truly consider a tossup although I am 51% certain the Republican candidate will win.
Pretty much guaranteed to flip Republican unless the nominee is really bad like Sarah Palin Bad. The Dem running is about as popular as Hillary in Florida. Should be an easy Republican victory.
100% guaranteed to flip Republican. If I could find a place to bet on senate races I would be a year's worth of salary on the Republican winning that is how sure I am.His victory last election is guaranteed by many in the MSM a fluke. Calling him the luckiest politician in history to win an election.
A tossup although I think the Dems will keep this one. Still a solid chance of Republican pickup though.
Democrats will keep this one for sure. If this guy was in any other state he would be considered a Republican. He is anti-abortion and pro-gun Democrat. Has a history of voting for a lot of Republican causes as well.
Republicans will hold this one. The current senator is going to lose his nomination to the challenger though. The new guy will be a much stronger candidate against the weak Democrat opponent Rosen.
North Dakota:
Again a very easy flip for Republicans to take. Very unpopular Democrat senator facing a strong field of Republican competitors this time. The only reason she is a senator is weak candidates last time she faced off against.
Really should be an incredibly easy victory for Dems to hold onto. Unless the Republicans get a really strong candidate out of nowhere this will be an easy win for Dems.
Tossup. Really going to depend on who the Republicans put up. This one will likely be a Republican win though. I would say 56% chance of Republican victory.
Franken also brought up rape in a 1995 New York magazine article and detailed three-way sex with robots in a 2000 Playboy article, during which he also discussed a well-known 60 Minutes reporter.
“And, ‘I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley’s passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her,’” Franken said. “Or, ‘that’s why you never see Lesley until February.’ Or, ‘when she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’”
The Playboy article was titled “Porn-O-Rama!” and in it Franken discusses creating an Institute for Pornographic Studies where he performed sex acts with humans and robots.
“I found myself extremely attracted to the vulnerable side of this sexy scientist, and when I offered to comfort her, she accepted, kissing me full on the lips and inserting her tongue into my mouth and moving it around suggestively,” Franken wrote. “Then she reached down and started rubbing my crotch and within just five or ten minutes, my cock was again hard and ready for action.”
I would rather Jeff Flake get thrown out on his ass and have a democrat win than see him get re-elected
Why does it matter if """"republicans"""" win if they're anti-trump traitors with no scruples that are part of the insider swamp?
daily reminder there's no difference between either party
Good analysis, thanks for putting the effort in.
Thank God for Al Franken
If we exposed them to the right information, showed the how white minorities live, they'd come around.
I grew up in NYC/NJ and I fucking know how bad it can get.
Tester might have some problems in Montana
I 100% agree with you
There are plenty of minorities there. They treat them like humans, and they just don't have as many problems. The biggest drug and welfare problems up there are among the swampbacks, not the blacks.
By minorities do you mean weathered white women driving Subarus with their life partners?
you have to get working class whites out to vote. all those Patriots fans upset about the blm bullshit in the NFL should get off their asses and vote.
They won't, though.
Your best chance of a Republican future in the Northeast is New Hampshire and Maine.
Amen. The uniparty votes the same way whenever it really matters. When it was possible Obamacare (aka the "health insurance and big pharma government handout act") was actually in jeopardy, all of the republicans who voted symbolically to repeal and replace dozens of times lost their nerve. 15 years ago, all the supposed liberal stalwarts of the democrats voted for the Iraq war. Etc etc.
mass and cali, blue and getting bluer. kek.
I think so. Casey voted for Obamacare and shit and his only real accomplishment was coming from the ejaculate of his father.
>Hawaii moved right by ~10%
The biggest trend is that the southwest (AZ, TX, NM, CO) are getting bluer, and the midwest (WI, MN, OH, IA, MI) and ME are getting redder.
That gif is messed up. Supposed to include 2016
I am expecting nothing less.
The more important question is, will they be pro Trump or McCainian cuckservatives. Because slowly but surely they turn out to be a fifth column for the Democrats.
Whites interests are directly in conflict with non-whites interests. The white areas will naturally get redder as whites vote for their best interests.
The deportations have to happen, especially if we want to keep Texas and Arizona and possibly take back Nevada and New Mexico.
That's the best reply you could muster? Seriously - most of the problems up there are the same problems as the rest of America, just whites suffering, not blacks.
food for thought. >muh demographics is real, and the democrats are in this for the long haul
I suppose. I don't have any skin in the game user. Good luck with the assimilation!
it does, idiot.
so fucking rare
They'll need 63 because of the three cucks.
woah ultra ridiculously rare
whatcha doin there partner
Ironic no? Democrats was the party of white supremacy and now they are the very antithesis of it
see you in a diner in AZ
Wow, carbon county utah was consistently blue there for a little while which is weird since it is really rural and the community is pretty much all coal miners.
Senator Beto O'Rourke
They've always been the party of race baiting and voter fraud.
Come to Connecticut, pal.
See how liberals treat the poor, disabled and minorities when no one is watching.
Mental health budget slashed to the bone, services to the SEVERELY MENTALLY DISABLED SLASHED TO THE BONE, while lazy administrators,middle management wonks and lazy assholes get huge overtime to work at a mental institution that should have closed down in the '70s.
All the minorities get dumped in two cities, Bridgeport and New Haven while getting completely ignored by the rest of the state until election time.
Over 90% of the State Senate is Democrat and the poor are getting poorer every year.
If we want to survive the whole map for whites needs to be painted red.
>moore is losing
iirc Manchins name has turned to mud because of some corruption scandal with his brother.
Believe me this map is being kind to Republicans in 2018. I gave you North Dakota out of compassion.
nah man, california is done