OK Sup Forums enough sissy pissing over this well-established historical fact

We need to nail down once and for all how many millions of Jews were systematically murdered by German Nazis in the chaos of the 2nd World War

From my research I've gathered that it was around 6M, share your statistics to put the final nail in this debate

Other urls found in this thread:


Between 200,000-300,000 Jews died in the Concentration Camps.

>how many millions of Jews were systematically murdered by German Nazis

not enough.


we are having this conversation, so obviously not enough

this callous attitude will be the downfall of humanity

reset your proxy and start a new thread JIDF

If 6m were killed, we literally wouldn't have the Jew issue we have today

Refute this.

Germans were known for their pristine record keeping.
Here you go, schlomo

Nobody that isn't a boomer or a kike gives a shit.

There was a 300-image imgur album about it, with a bunch of info and pictures. I didn't bookmark it. Damn. Anyone have it?

Another 200K from typhus.

More Hungarians and Roma died than Jews.
The Allies starved the most in the post war Rhine Valley camps.
Russians murdered the most eventually like Katyn Forest.
Most innocent people killed were women and kids in the Allied bombings of Berlin Dresden and Hamburg.
No 6 million Jews died. 80K did defect to Russia, others went to Palestine and the US.

Fucktard, those people died from disease

Found it

Jew owned newspapers were conditioning the public to the '6 million' big lie before Hitler was even born.

Biggest load of shit on the net, thanks for sharing it. Moron

>systematically murdered

A few hundred thousand partisan Jews. More died from a lack of Zyklon B, typhus swept the camps and the Jews died of starvation. Hence the emaciated bodies in your picture.

>6 years
>6 million
there are 3153600 minutes in 6 years.

6million/3153600 = 1.9 would be killed per minute, 24/7, 365, nonstop for six years with no breaks and no time lost.

it didn't happen.

Shills working really hard tonight.

>From my research
Post your research faggot. I want to peer-review it.

Remember that the "systemic murder" started until 1941, according to (((them))) so fix the numbers user