Remind me again why we let all these dumb ugly brown people in our countries
Because (((they))) told us it was very important.
really fucking boiling my teapot that the kikes were ever allowed to get power.
It's a strange thing. I think the Vietnam war existed to give rise to the counter-culture, which embraced third world immigration. It's almost like the '60s were designed to destroy the West.
It wasn't just the 1960s it was EVERYTHING from 1914-1970. A complete clusterfuck.
Yeah, but it really started spooling up post WW2
because jews and piece of shit traitor politicians brought them in
You on vacation, bro?
It's hard to live for more than 20 years and not be a raging anti semite.
It's an island off the coast of Newfoundland, not exactly a vacation spot.
A strong sense of empathy is both the greatest strength of the white man (it is what truly makes him superior to the lesser races) and can be used against him as his greatest weakness (Jews and Asians are generally smarter than the white man).
What can we do? We fix our misguided empathy for other races and fix our sights inward to our brothers and sisters.
And it wont change anything in the country they came from. More and more will be born and nothing will cjange for the good
>the moment Jews gained control of the American money supply
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Empathy is fucking trash.
Capitalism can demand all it wants. At the end of the day, the morality of the people will make the important decisions to prevent degenerate behavior and self harming activities like open borders.
I don't know, why did they let you into Canada?
Nice bait kike.
Unless it works both ways. It seldom does.
capitalism is degenerate
Cheap labor...
its honestly amazing and exhausting when you consider how this affects so many things
>schools have to dumb down their curriculums because they can't pass most high-level classes
>all the students get held back because of it
>colleges have to dumb down their hiring standards for minorities
>public trust is way down, can only leave your home/car unlocked in white areas
>fun holidays like halloween are declining because they steal and beg for all the candy
>public transportation tends to be dirty and gross
>a lot of them just stand around streets all day and look at you shiftly as you walk by
>now every business has to have diversity quotas, diversity events, and you get exposed to that shit every day
>always have to read a controversy every day about some racist thing or how there are incidents of systemic racism
>always complaints about media portrayals, entertainment
There's literally nothing good about it.
Because your women want us wh*Te cuck
>wh*Te troglodytes cant compete
That's a lie, and you know it. Capitalism is simply the progression from anarchy. It is an evolution of self preservation. Without it, this young womans ancestors would never have traded crops for textiles in order to create her dress.
Because low T. Stop drinking water and outlaw birth control that affects hormones, and white people will conquer the world again (give or take a couple of generations).
notice how capitalism has erased her culture and turned her into a carbon copy corporate pop singer
That tumblr doesn't even exist
Just because you post a picture with the words "Capitalism!" below it doesn't mean it's the fault of capitalism.
Capitalism is a means. It's a vehicle. You can choose to drive it to work, or through a crowd of people at Christmas. You decide. The degeneracy in this world is caused by people. Sometimes capitalism was the vehicle. There is nothing better than capitalism for bringing the world up to the standards of modern nations. If a woman chooses to dress like a pop star, that is a decision made by the culture she is surrounded in as well as how she was raised by her parents.
This lady didn't dress like a pop star because the sky was blue that day did she? You're associating the wrong factors to outcome.
My meme proves capitalism is degenerate. you need to take the red pill and stop living in denial.
Eh, I figured your original post was bait, but I couldn't help myself. You overplayed your hand this time.
you fell for the bait, maybe you are wrong about capitalism too. think about it.
Sure man.
Because most of my people are too lazy and stupid to love their own country.
And also (((they))) let us in.
I love my country.
Jim Morrison was the son of the Admiral who was responsible for the Gulf of Tomkin incidents.
Did a refugee rape the sense out of you Hans?
Not only are you tonedeaf to memes, ignorant to facts and logical connections, you're also probably a fucking burger.
God, you are like fleas on this earth.
Sorry your ancestors were too ignorant and useless to move to colonies. Enjoy your European Dream!!
>women are gullible
Yeah no shit
Diversity bullshit
I'm getting pretty close to the edge here man. Brown people are shitting up everything where I live due to their inferior genetics and wanting to retain their trash cultures.
Da JOOODS. Seriously though, it was becuae of the Jews.
dont go on a shooting spree in support of right wing politics
say with me c a p i t a l i s m
>our country
What part of the leaf do you own
Accept the pill lads
Society rises in Steele boots and falls in silk slippers. We have to put the fucking boots on.
Bcuz, kangz, equality, black cocks and cunts matter!
So canada.
i was telling /pol
Why cant mexicans move out from major overpopulated cities
and spread them to small towns?
or at least. Cali or tex can help move to your place or try to find areas that needs people.. or other states..
just saying.