She said: "Be careful what you wish for!" in response to Trump taunting Clinton to run again in 2020.
For her to entertain that idea (publically), let alone allude to its certainty, proves this woman is a fucking idiot.
She said: "Be careful what you wish for!" in response to Trump taunting Clinton to run again in 2020.
For her to entertain that idea (publically), let alone allude to its certainty, proves this woman is a fucking idiot.
It's amazing that she would even be allowed to run again
The audacity of this bitch.
You'd think that this threat would at least unite the republican finally......
But no, they will just fuck it up again when fucking tumorbraim traitor McCain votes like a democrat from San Francisco........
He better jail That bitch before she runs against him. BecUse she would win now.
Clinton would even run from prison and the media would still be shilling for her
mfw the leaf is right.
I will teach them!
>screenshotting your own tweets and posting them here
Fuck off and stay on twitter, faggot.
deputy giganigga
This would be actually pretty Hillaryous.
Is she warning Trump that Hillary could completely rig the whole electoral system in her favor in 2020 or she seriously think she has a chance.
In the immortal words of soon-to-be senator Roy Moore-
Bring. It. On.
good luck
>mfw this post made me realize people actually main twitter
She could just pardon herself after she wins. Nogtouchinghead.png
>I will teach them!
best reality show of 2020
her health is so poor now. I'm sure in 3 years she will be bed ridden
"Hillary has decided words are hollow. She has acted upon her privilege by deciding to live in a prison to experience the oppression of women and minorities in correctional institutions. Her voice in the prison has already created major reforms in how prisons treat groups already marginalized by society. Hillary documents her ongoing experience in her upcoming book. And to boot she's campaigning via. hologram this weekend. This showcases her leadership and self-initiative to stay privy of changing technology in a changing world."
this but unironically
Don't worry, McCain's got another year or two at most.
There's also the chance he made the whole fucking cancer thing up. There is no proof and it gives him a shitload of protection socially and politically. He's so old that he basically has nothing to lose if people find out either. He's playing the role of the poor old cripple boy so that no one can attack him without looking bad.
this right here. Clearly Donna was trolling
Of course she is, she's a nigger
This is how you know she isn't going to jail. Why would Trump be talking about 2020?
I doubt she has another billion to waste.
This last election almost killed her with the peak being her 9/11 memorial collapse.
Which means if she runs against trump again.
She will probably die.
So yeah...??run again.
We already sent most of her voters home.
Aunt Jemima= Brazile